Drafting Objects
name: drafting.py
by: Gumyr
date: September 16th 2023
This python module contains objects using in building technical drawings as Sketches.
Copyright 2022 Gumyr
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date
from math import copysign, floor, gcd, log2, pi
from typing import cast, ClassVar, TypeAlias
from collections.abc import Iterable
from build123d.build_common import IN, MM
from build123d.build_enums import (
from build123d.build_line import BuildLine
from build123d.build_sketch import BuildSketch
from build123d.geometry import Axis, Location, Plane, Pos, Vector, VectorLike
from build123d.objects_curve import Line, TangentArc
from build123d.objects_sketch import BaseSketchObject, Polygon, Text
from build123d.operations_generic import fillet, mirror, sweep
from build123d.operations_sketch import make_face, trace
from build123d.topology import Compound, Curve, Edge, Sketch, Vertex, Wire
class ArrowHead(BaseSketchObject):
"""Sketch Object: ArrowHead
size (float): tip to tail length
head_type (HeadType, optional): arrow head shape. Defaults to HeadType.CURVED.
rotation (float, optional): rotation in degrees. Defaults to 0.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag]
def __init__(
size: float,
head_type: HeadType = HeadType.CURVED,
rotation: float = 0,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
with BuildSketch() as arrow_head:
if head_type == HeadType.CURVED:
with BuildLine():
side = TangentArc(
(0, 0), (-size, size / 3), tangent=(-size, size / 6)
Line(side @ 1, (-7 * size / 8, 0))
elif head_type == HeadType.STRAIGHT:
Polygon((-size, size / 3), (-size, -size / 3), (0, 0), align=None)
elif head_type == HeadType.FILLETED:
ArrowHead(size, head_type=HeadType.CURVED)
Axis.X, -2 * size, -size / 5
radius=size / 20,
super().__init__(arrow_head.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=None, mode=mode)
class Arrow(BaseSketchObject):
"""Sketch Object: Arrow with shaft
arrow_size (float): arrow head tip to tail length
shaft_path (Edge | Wire): line describing the shaft shape
shaft_width (float): line width of shaft
head_at_start (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
head_type (HeadType, optional): arrow head shape. Defaults to HeadType.CURVED.
mode (Mode, optional): _description_. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag]
def __init__(
arrow_size: float,
shaft_path: Edge | Wire,
shaft_width: float,
head_at_start: bool = True,
head_type: HeadType = HeadType.CURVED,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
angle = (
shaft_path.tangent_angle_at(0) + 180
if head_at_start
else shaft_path.tangent_angle_at(1)
# Create the arrow head
arrow_head = ArrowHead(
size=arrow_size, rotation=angle, head_type=head_type, mode=Mode.PRIVATE
).moved(Location(shaft_path.position_at(int(not head_at_start))))
# Trim the path so the tip of the arrow isn't lost
trim_amount = (arrow_size / 2) / shaft_path.length
if head_at_start:
shaft_path = shaft_path.trim(trim_amount, 1.0)
shaft_path = shaft_path.trim(0.0, 1.0 - trim_amount)
# Create a perpendicular line to sweep the tail path
shaft_pen = shaft_path.perpendicular_line(shaft_width, 0)
shaft = sweep(shaft_pen, shaft_path, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
arrow = cast(Compound, arrow_head.fuse(shaft)).clean()
super().__init__(arrow, rotation=0, align=None, mode=mode)
PointLike: TypeAlias = Vector | Vertex | tuple[float, float, float]
"""General type for points in 3D space"""
PathDescriptor: TypeAlias = Wire | Edge | list[PointLike]
"""General type for a path in 3D space"""
class Draft:
Documenting build123d designs with dimension and extension lines as well as callouts.
font_size (float): size of the text in dimension lines and callouts. Defaults to 5.0.
font (str): font to use for text. Defaults to "Arial".
font_style: text style. Defaults to FontStyle.REGULAR.
head_type (HeadType, optional): arrow head shape. Defaults to HeadType.CURVED.
arrow_length (float): arrow head length. Defaults to 3.0.
line_width (float): thickness of all lines. Defaults to 0.5.
pad_around_text (float): amount of padding around text. Defaults to 2.0.
unit (Unit): measurement unit. Defaults to Unit.MM.
number_display (NumberDisplay): numbers as decimal or fractions.
Default to NumberDisplay.DECIMAL.
display_units (bool): control the display of units with numbers. Defaults to True.
decimal_precision (int): number of decimal places when displaying numbers. Defaults to 2.
fractional_precision (int): maximum fraction denominator - must be a factor of 2.
Defaults to 64.
extension_gap (float): gap between the point and start of extension line in extension_line.
Defaults to 2.0.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# Class Attributes
unit_LUT: ClassVar[dict] = {True: "mm", False: '"'}
font_size: float = 5.0
font: str = "Arial"
font_style: FontStyle = FontStyle.REGULAR
head_type: HeadType = HeadType.CURVED
arrow_length: float = 3.0
line_width: float = 0.5
pad_around_text: float = 2.0
unit: Unit = Unit.MM
number_display: NumberDisplay = NumberDisplay.DECIMAL
display_units: bool = True
decimal_precision: int = 2
fractional_precision: int = 64
extension_gap: float = 2.0
def is_metric(self) -> bool:
"""Are metric units being used"""
return self.unit in [Unit.MM, Unit.CM, Unit.M, Unit.MC]
def __post_init__(self):
"""Validate inputs"""
if not log2(self.fractional_precision).is_integer():
raise ValueError(
f"fractional_precision values must be a factor of 2 not {self.fractional_precision}"
def _round_to_str(self, number: float) -> str:
"""Round a float but remove decimal if appropriate and convert to str"""
return (
f"{round(number, self.decimal_precision):.{self.decimal_precision}f}"
if self.decimal_precision > 0
else str(int(round(number, self.decimal_precision)))
def _number_with_units(
number: float,
tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None,
display_units: bool | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Convert a raw number to a unit of measurement string based on the class settings"""
def simplify_fraction(numerator: int, denominator: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Mathematically simplify a fraction given a numerator and denominator"""
greatest_common_denominator = gcd(numerator, denominator)
return (
int(numerator / greatest_common_denominator),
int(denominator / greatest_common_denominator),
if display_units is None:
if tolerance is None:
qualified_display_units = self.display_units
qualified_display_units = False
qualified_display_units = display_units
unit_str = Draft.unit_LUT[self.is_metric] if qualified_display_units else ""
if tolerance is None:
tolerance_str = ""
elif isinstance(tolerance, float):
tolerance_str = f" ±{self._number_with_units(tolerance)}"
tolerance_str = (
f" +{self._number_with_units(tolerance[0],display_units=False)}"
f" -{self._number_with_units(tolerance[1])}"
if self.is_metric or self.number_display == NumberDisplay.DECIMAL:
unit_lut = {True: MM, False: IN}
measurement = self._round_to_str(number / unit_lut[self.is_metric])
return_value = f"{measurement}{unit_str}{tolerance_str}"
whole_part = floor(number / IN)
(numerator, denominator) = simplify_fraction(
round((number / IN - whole_part) * self.fractional_precision),
if whole_part == 0:
return_value = f"{numerator}/{denominator}{unit_str}{tolerance_str}"
return_value = (
f"{whole_part} {numerator}/{denominator}{unit_str}{tolerance_str}"
return return_value
def _process_path(path: PathDescriptor) -> Edge | Wire:
"""Convert a PathDescriptor into a Edge/Wire"""
if isinstance(path, (Edge, Wire)):
processed_path = path
elif isinstance(path, Iterable):
pnts = [
Vector(p.to_tuple()) if isinstance(p, Vertex) else Vector(p)
for p in path
if len(pnts) == 2:
processed_path = Edge.make_line(*pnts)
processed_path = Wire.make_polygon(pnts, close=False)
raise ValueError("Unsupported patch descriptor")
# processed_path = Plane.XY.to_local_coords(processed_path)
return processed_path
def _label_to_str(
label: str | None,
line_wire: Wire,
label_angle: bool,
tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None,
) -> str:
"""Create the str to use as the label text"""
line_length = line_wire.length
if label is not None:
label_str = label
elif label_angle:
arc_edges = line_wire.edges().filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE)
if len(arc_edges) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"label_angle requested but the path is not part of a circle"
arc_edge = arc_edges[0]
arc_size = 360 * line_length / (2 * pi * arc_edge.radius)
label_str = f"{self._round_to_str(arc_size)}°"
label_str = self._number_with_units(line_length, tolerance)
return label_str
def _sketch_location(
path: Edge | Wire, u_value: float, flip: bool = False
) -> Location:
"""Given a path on Plane.XY, determine the Location for object placement"""
angle = path.tangent_angle_at(u_value) + int(flip) * 180
return Location(path.position_at(u_value), (0, 0, 1), angle)
class DimensionLine(BaseSketchObject):
"""Sketch Object: DimensionLine
Create a dimension line typically for internal measurements.
Typically used for (but not restricted to) inside dimensions, a dimension line often
as arrows on either side of a dimension or label.
There are three options depending on the size of the text and length
of the dimension line:
Type 1) The label and arrows fit within the length of the path
Type 2) The text fit within the path and the arrows go outside
Type 3) Neither the text nor the arrows fit within the path
path (PathDescriptor): a very general type of input used to describe the path the
dimension line will follow.
draft (Draft): instance of Draft dataclass
sketch (Sketch): the Sketch being created to check for possible overlaps. In builder
mode the active Sketch will be used if None is provided.
label (str, optional): a text string which will replace the length (or
arc length) that would otherwise be extracted from the provided path. Providing
a label is useful when illustrating a parameterized input where the name of an
argument is desired not an actual measurement. Defaults to None.
arrows (tuple[bool, bool], optional): a pair of boolean values controlling the placement
of the start and end arrows. Defaults to (True, True).
tolerance (float | tuple[float, float], optional): an optional tolerance
value to add to the extracted length value. If a single tolerance value is provided
it is shown as ± the provided value while a pair of values are shown as
separate + and - values. Defaults to None.
label_angle (bool, optional): a flag indicating that instead of an extracted length value,
the size of the circular arc extracted from the path should be displayed in degrees.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Only 2 points allowed for dimension lines
ValueError: No output - no arrows selected
def __init__(
path: PathDescriptor,
draft: Draft,
sketch: Sketch | None = None,
label: str | None = None,
arrows: tuple[bool, bool] = (True, True),
tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None,
label_angle: bool = False,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
context = BuildSketch._get_context(self)
if sketch is None and not (context is None or context.sketch is None):
sketch = context.sketch
# Create a wire modelling the path of the dimension lines from a variety of input types
if isinstance(path, Iterable) and len(path) > 2:
raise ValueError("Only two points are allowed for dimension lines")
path_obj = Draft._process_path(path) # Edge or Wire
path_length = path_obj.length
self.dimension = path_length #: length of the dimension
# Generate the label
label_str = draft._label_to_str(label, path_obj, label_angle, tolerance)
label_shape = Text(
label_length = label_shape.bounding_box().size.X
# Calculate the arrow shaft length for up to three types
if arrows.count(True) == 0:
raise ValueError("No output - no arrows selected")
if label_length + arrows.count(True) * draft.arrow_length < path_length:
shaft_length = (path_length - label_length) / 2 - draft.pad_around_text
shaft_pair = [
path_obj.trim(0.0, shaft_length / path_length),
path_obj.trim(1.0 - shaft_length / path_length, 1.0),
shaft_length = 2 * draft.arrow_length
shaft_pair = [
path_obj @ 0,
path_obj @ 0 - (path_obj % 0) * 2 * draft.arrow_length,
path_obj @ 1 + (path_obj % 1) * 2 * draft.arrow_length,
path_obj @ 1,
arrow_shapes = []
for i, shaft in enumerate(shaft_pair):
flip_head = (shaft.position_at(i) != path_obj.position_at(i)) == bool(i)
# Calculate the possible locations for the label
overage = shaft_length + draft.pad_around_text + label_length / 2
label_u_values = [0.5, -overage / path_length, 1 + overage / path_length]
d_lines = {}
for u_value in label_u_values:
select_arrow_shapes = [
for add_arrow, arrow_shape in zip(arrows, arrow_shapes)
if add_arrow
d_line = Sketch(select_arrow_shapes)
flip_label = path_obj.tangent_at(u_value).get_angle(Vector(1, 0, 0)) >= 180
loc = Draft._sketch_location(path_obj, u_value, flip_label)
placed_label = label_shape.located(loc)
self_intersection = cast(
Sketch | None, Sketch.intersect(d_line, placed_label)
if self_intersection is None:
self_intersection_area = 0.0
self_intersection_area = self_intersection.area
d_line += placed_label
bbox_size = d_line.bounding_box().size
# Minimize size while avoiding intersections
if sketch is None:
common_area = 0.0
line_intersection = cast(
Sketch | None, Sketch.intersect(d_line, sketch)
if line_intersection is None:
common_area = 0.0
common_area = line_intersection.area
common_area += self_intersection_area
score = (d_line.area - 10 * common_area) / bbox_size.X
d_lines[d_line] = score
# Sort by score to find the best option
sorted_d_lines = sorted(d_lines.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
super().__init__(obj=sorted_d_lines[-1][0], rotation=0, align=None, mode=mode)
class ExtensionLine(BaseSketchObject):
"""Sketch Object: Extension Line
Create a dimension line with two lines extending outward from the part to dimension.
Typically used for (but not restricted to) outside dimensions, with a pair of lines
extending from the edge of a part to a dimension line.
border (PathDescriptor): a very general type of input defining the object to
be dimensioned. Typically this value would be extracted from the part but is
not restricted to this use.
offset (float): a distance to displace the dimension line from the edge of the object
draft (Draft): instance of Draft dataclass
label (str, optional): a text string which will replace the length (or arc length)
that would otherwise be extracted from the provided path. Providing a label is
useful when illustrating a parameterized input where the name of an argument
is desired not an actual measurement. Defaults to None.
arrows (tuple[bool, bool], optional): a pair of boolean values controlling the placement
of the start and end arrows. Defaults to (True, True).
tolerance (float | tuple[float, float], optional): an optional tolerance
value to add to the extracted length value. If a single tolerance value is provided
it is shown as ± the provided value while a pair of values are shown as
separate + and - values. Defaults to None.
label_angle (bool, optional): a flag indicating that instead of an extracted length
value, the size of the circular arc extracted from the path should be displayed
in degrees. Defaults to False.
project_line (Vector, optional): Vector line which to project dimension against.
Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
def __init__(
border: PathDescriptor,
offset: float,
draft: Draft,
sketch: Sketch | None = None,
label: str | None = None,
arrows: tuple[bool, bool] = (True, True),
tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None,
label_angle: bool = False,
project_line: VectorLike | None = None,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
context = BuildSketch._get_context(self)
if sketch is None and not (context is None or context.sketch is None):
sketch = context.sketch
if project_line is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("project_line is currently unsupported")
# Create a wire modelling the path of the dimension lines from a variety of input types
object_to_measure = Draft._process_path(border)
side_lut = {1: Side.RIGHT, -1: Side.LEFT}
if offset == 0:
raise ValueError("A dimension line should be used if offset is 0")
dimension_path = object_to_measure.offset_2d(
distance=offset, side=side_lut[int(copysign(1, offset))], closed=False
dimension_label_str = (
if label is not None
else draft._label_to_str(label, object_to_measure, label_angle, tolerance)
extension_lines = [
object_to_measure.position_at(e), dimension_path.position_at(e)
for e in [0, 1]
# If the dimension path was created backwards, flip the extension lines
if abs(extension_lines[0].length - abs(offset)) > 1e-4:
extension_lines = [
object_to_measure.position_at(e), dimension_path.position_at(1 - e)
for e in [0, 1]
# Move the extension lines away from the object
extension_lines = [
Location(extension_line.tangent_at(0) * draft.extension_gap)
for extension_line in extension_lines
# Build the extension line sketch
e_lines = []
for extension_line in extension_lines:
line_pen = extension_line.perpendicular_line(draft.line_width, 0)
e_line_shape = sweep(line_pen, extension_line, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
d_line = DimensionLine(
self.dimension = d_line.dimension #: length of the dimension
e_line_sketch = Sketch(children=e_lines + d_line.faces())
super().__init__(obj=e_line_sketch, rotation=0, align=None, mode=mode)
class TechnicalDrawing(BaseSketchObject):
"""Sketch Object: TechnicalDrawing
The border of a technical drawing with external frame and text box.
designed_by (str, optional): Defaults to "build123d".
design_date (date, optional): Defaults to date.today().
page_size (PageSize, optional): Defaults to PageSize.A4.
title (str, optional): drawing title. Defaults to "Title".
sub_title (str, optional): drawing sub title. Defaults to "Sub Title".
drawing_number (str, optional): Defaults to "B3D-1".
sheet_number (int, optional): Defaults to None.
drawing_scale (float, optional): displays as 1:value. Defaults to 1.0.
nominal_text_size (float, optional): size of title text. Defaults to 10.0.
line_width (float, optional): Defaults to 0.5.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
page_sizes = {
PageSize.A0: (1189 * MM, 841 * MM),
PageSize.A1: (841 * MM, 594 * MM),
PageSize.A2: (594 * MM, 420 * MM),
PageSize.A3: (420 * MM, 297 * MM),
PageSize.A4: (297 * MM, 210 * MM),
PageSize.A5: (210 * MM, 148.5 * MM),
PageSize.A6: (148.5 * MM, 105 * MM),
PageSize.A7: (105 * MM, 74 * MM),
PageSize.A8: (74 * MM, 52 * MM),
PageSize.A9: (52 * MM, 37 * MM),
PageSize.A10: (37 * MM, 26 * MM),
PageSize.LETTER: (11 * IN, 8.5 * IN),
PageSize.LEGAL: (14 * IN, 8.5 * IN),
PageSize.LEDGER: (17 * IN, 11 * IN),
margin = 5 * MM
def __init__(
designed_by: str = "build123d",
design_date: date | None = None,
page_size: PageSize = PageSize.A4,
title: str = "Title",
sub_title: str = "Sub Title",
drawing_number: str = "B3D-1",
sheet_number: int | None = None,
drawing_scale: float = 1.0,
nominal_text_size: float = 10.0,
line_width: float = 0.5,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
if design_date is None:
design_date = date.today()
page_dim = TechnicalDrawing.page_sizes[page_size]
# Frame
frame_width = page_dim[0] - 2 * TechnicalDrawing.margin - 2 * nominal_text_size
frame_height = 2 * frame_width / 3
frame_wire = Wire.make_polygon(
(-frame_width / 2, frame_height / 2),
(frame_width / 2, frame_height / 2),
(frame_width / 2, -frame_height / 2),
(-frame_width / 2, -frame_height / 2),
frame = trace(frame_wire, line_width, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
# Ticks
tick_lines = []
for i in range(20):
if i in [0, 6, 10, 16]: # corners
u_value = i / 20
pos = frame_wire.position_at(u_value)
+ Vector(nominal_text_size, 0).rotate(
Axis.Z, frame_wire.tangent_angle_at(u_value) + 90
ticks = trace(tick_lines, line_width, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
# Numbers
grid_labels = Sketch()
y_centers = {0: -3 / 8, 1: -1 / 8, 2: 1 / 8, 3: 3 / 8}
for label in range(4):
for x_index in [-0.5, 0.5]:
grid_labels += Pos(
x_index * (frame_width + 1.5 * nominal_text_size),
y_centers[label] * frame_height,
) * Sketch(
Compound.make_text(str(label + 1), nominal_text_size).wrapped
# Letters
x_centers = {
0: -5 / 12,
1: -3 / 12,
2: -1 / 12,
3: 1 / 12,
4: 3 / 12,
5: 5 / 12,
for i, grid_label in enumerate(["F", "E", "D", "C", "B", "A"]):
for y_index in [-0.5, 0.5]:
grid_labels += Pos(
x_centers[i] * frame_width,
y_index * (frame_height + 1.5 * nominal_text_size),
) * Sketch(Compound.make_text(grid_label, nominal_text_size).wrapped)
# Text Box Frame
bf_pnt1 = frame_wire.edges().sort_by(Axis.Y)[0] @ 0.5
bf_pnt2 = frame_wire.edges().sort_by(Axis.X)[-1] @ 0.75
box_frame_curve = Wire.make_polygon(
[bf_pnt1, (bf_pnt1.X, bf_pnt2.Y), bf_pnt2], close=False
bf_pnt3 = box_frame_curve.edges().sort_by(Axis.X)[0] @ (1 / 3)
bf_pnt4 = box_frame_curve.edges().sort_by(Axis.X)[0] @ (2 / 3)
box_frame_curve = Curve() + [
Edge.make_line(bf_pnt3, (bf_pnt2.X, bf_pnt3.Y)),
box_frame_curve += Edge.make_line(bf_pnt4, (bf_pnt2.X, bf_pnt4.Y))
bf_pnt5 = box_frame_curve.edges().sort_by(Axis.Y)[-1] @ (1 / 3)
bf_pnt6 = box_frame_curve.edges().sort_by(Axis.Y)[-1] @ (2 / 3)
box_frame_curve += Edge.make_line(bf_pnt5, (bf_pnt5.X, bf_pnt1.Y))
start = Vector(bf_pnt6.X, bf_pnt1.Y)
box_frame_curve += Edge.make_line(
start, start + Vector(0, (bf_pnt2.Y - bf_pnt1.Y) / 3)
box_frame = trace(box_frame_curve, line_width, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
# Text
labels = Sketch()
t_base_line1 = Edge.make_line(bf_pnt1, (bf_pnt1.X, bf_pnt2.Y)).moved(
Location((nominal_text_size / 5, 0))
t_base_line2 = t_base_line1.moved(Location((frame_width / 6, 0)))
t_base_line3 = t_base_line1.moved(Location((2 * frame_width / 6, 0)))
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (11 / 12)) * Sketch(
"DESIGNED BY:", nominal_text_size / 3, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (9 / 12)) * Sketch(
designed_by, nominal_text_size / 2, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (7 / 12)) * Sketch(
"DATE:", nominal_text_size / 3, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (5 / 12)) * Sketch(
nominal_text_size / 2,
align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER),
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (3 / 12)) * Sketch(
"SCALE:", nominal_text_size / 3, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line1 @ (1 / 12)) * Sketch(
"1:" + str(drawing_scale),
nominal_text_size / 2,
align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER),
labels += Pos(t_base_line2 @ (10 / 12)) * Sketch(
title, nominal_text_size, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line2 @ (6 / 12)) * Sketch(
sub_title, nominal_text_size, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line2 @ (3 / 12)) * Sketch(
nominal_text_size / 3,
align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER),
labels += Pos(t_base_line2 @ (1 / 12)) * Sketch(
drawing_number, nominal_text_size / 2, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
labels += Pos(t_base_line3 @ (3 / 12)) * Sketch(
"SHEET:", nominal_text_size / 3, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER)
if sheet_number is not None:
labels += Pos(t_base_line3 @ (1 / 12)) * Sketch(
nominal_text_size / 2,
align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER),
technical_drawing = Compound(
children=[frame, ticks, grid_labels, box_frame, labels]
super().__init__(obj=technical_drawing, rotation=0, align=None, mode=mode)