Objects are Python classes that take parameters as inputs and create 1D, 2D or 3D Shapes.
For example, a Torus
is defined by a major and minor radii. In
Builder mode, objects are positioned with Locations
while in Algebra mode, objects
are positioned with the *
operator and shown in these examples:
with BuildPart() as disk:
with BuildSketch():
with Locations((b, 0.0)):
Rectangle(c, c, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
with Locations((0, b)):
Circle(d, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
sketch = Circle(a) - Pos(b, 0.0) * Rectangle(c, c) - Pos(0.0, b) * Circle(d)
disk = extrude(sketch, c)
The following sections describe the 1D, 2D and 3D objects:
2D/Sketch and 3D/Part objects can be aligned relative to themselves, either centered, or justified right or left of each Axis. The following diagram shows how this alignment works in 2D:
For example:
with BuildSketch():
Circle(1, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN))
creates a circle who’s minimal X and Y values are on the X and Y axis and is located in the top right corner.
The Align
enum has values: MIN
and MAX
In 3D the align
parameter also contains a Z align value but otherwise works in the same way.
Note that the align
will also accept a single Align
value which will be used on all axes -
as shown here:
with BuildSketch():
Circle(1, align=Align.MIN)
With the Builder API the mode
parameter controls how objects are combined with lines, sketches, or parts
under construction. The Mode
enum has values:
: fuse this object to the object under constructionSUBTRACT
: cut this object from the object under constructionINTERSECT
: intersect this object with the object under constructionREPLACE
: replace the object under construction with this objectPRIVATE
: don’t interact with the object under construction at all
The Algebra API doesn’t use the mode
parameter - users combine objects with operators.
1D Objects
The following objects all can be used in BuildLine contexts. Note that
1D objects are not affected by Locations
in Builder mode.
- class BaseLineObject(curve: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
BaseLineObject specialized for Wire.
- class Bezier(*cntl_pnts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], weights: list[float] | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Bezier Curve
Create a rational (with weights) or non-rational bezier curve. The first and last control points represent the start and end of the curve respectively. If weights are provided, there must be one provided for each control point.
- Parameters:
cntl_pnts (sequence[VectorLike]) – points defining the curve
weights (list[float], optional) – control point weights list. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class CenterArc(center: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], radius: float, start_angle: float, arc_size: float, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Center Arc
Add center arc to the line.
- Parameters:
center (VectorLike) – center point of arc
radius (float) – arc radius
start_angle (float) – arc staring angle
arc_size (float) – arc size
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class DoubleTangentArc(pnt: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], tangent: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], other: ~build123d.topology.composite.Curve | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire, keep: ~build123d.build_enums.Keep = <Keep.TOP>, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Double Tangent Arc
Create an arc defined by a point/tangent pair and another line which the other end is tangent to.
Contains a solver.
- Parameters:
pnt (VectorLike) – starting point of tangent arc
tangent (VectorLike) – tangent at starting point of tangent arc
keep (Keep, optional) – selector for which arc to keep when two arcs are possible. The arc generated with TOP or BOTTOM depends on the geometry and isn’t necessarily easy to predict. Defaults to Keep.TOP.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
RunTimeError – no double tangent arcs found
- class EllipticalCenterArc(center: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], x_radius: float, y_radius: float, start_angle: float = 0.0, end_angle: float = 90.0, rotation: float = 0.0, angular_direction: ~build123d.build_enums.AngularDirection = <AngularDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE>, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Elliptical Center Arc
Makes an arc of an ellipse from a center point.
- Parameters:
center (VectorLike) – ellipse center
x_radius (float) – x radius of the ellipse (along the x-axis of plane)
y_radius (float) – y radius of the ellipse (along the y-axis of plane)
start_angle (float, optional) – Defaults to 0.0.
end_angle (float, optional) – Defaults to 90.0.
rotation (float, optional) – amount to rotate arc. Defaults to 0.0.
angular_direction (AngularDirection, optional) – arc direction. Defaults to AngularDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE.
plane (Plane, optional) – base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class FilletPolyline(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], radius: float, close: bool = False, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: FilletPolyline
Add a sequence of straight lines defined by successive points that are filleted to a given radius.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of two or more points
radius (float) – radius of filleted corners
close (bool, optional) – close by generating an extra Edge. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Two or more points not provided
ValueError – radius must be positive
- class Helix(pitch: float, height: float, radius: float, center: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0), direction: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 1), cone_angle: float = 0, lefthand: bool = False, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Helix
Add a helix to the line.
- Parameters:
pitch (float) – distance between successive loops
height (float) – helix size
radius (float) – helix radius
center (VectorLike, optional) – center point. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
direction (VectorLike, optional) – direction of central axis. Defaults to (0, 0, 1).
cone_angle (float, optional) – conical angle. Defaults to 0.
lefthand (bool, optional) – left handed helix. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class IntersectingLine(start: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], direction: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], other: ~build123d.topology.composite.Curve | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Intersecting Line Object: Line
Add a straight line that intersects another line at a given parameter and angle.
- class JernArc(start: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], tangent: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], radius: float, arc_size: float, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Circular tangent arc with given radius and arc_size
- Parameters:
start (VectorLike) – start point
tangent (VectorLike) – tangent at start point
radius (float) – arc radius
arc_size (float) – arc size in degrees (negative to change direction)
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Variables:
- class Line(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Line
Add a straight line defined by two end points.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of two points
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Two point not provided
- class PolarLine(start: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], length: float, angle: float | None = None, direction: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | None = None, length_mode: ~build123d.build_enums.LengthMode = <LengthMode.DIAGONAL>, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Polar Line
Add line defined by a start point, length and angle.
- Parameters:
start (VectorLike) – start point
length (float) – line length
angle (float) – angle from the local “X” axis.
length_mode (LengthMode, optional) – length value specifies a diagonal, horizontal or vertical value. Defaults to LengthMode.DIAGONAL
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Either angle or direction must be provided
- class Polyline(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], close: bool = False, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Polyline
Add a sequence of straight lines defined by successive point pairs.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of two or more points
close (bool, optional) – close by generating an extra Edge. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Two or more points not provided
- class RadiusArc(start_point: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], end_point: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], radius: float, short_sagitta: bool = True, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Radius Arc
Add an arc defined by two end points and a radius
- Parameters:
start_point (VectorLike) – start
end_point (VectorLike) – end
radius (float) – radius
short_sagitta (bool) – If True selects the short sagitta, else the long sagitta crossing the center. Defaults to True.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Insufficient radius to connect end points
- class SagittaArc(start_point: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], end_point: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], sagitta: float, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Sagitta Arc
Add an arc defined by two points and the height of the arc (sagitta).
- Parameters:
start_point (VectorLike) – start
end_point (VectorLike) – end
sagitta (float) – arc height
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Spline(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], tangents: ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]] | None = None, tangent_scalars: ~collections.abc.Iterable[float] | None = None, periodic: bool = False, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Spline
Add a spline through the provided points optionally constrained by tangents.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of two or more points
tangents (Iterable[VectorLike], optional) – tangents at end points. Defaults to None.
tangent_scalars (Iterable[float], optional) – change shape by amplifying tangent. Defaults to None.
periodic (bool, optional) – make the spline periodic. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class TangentArc(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], tangent: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], tangent_from_first: bool = True, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Tangent Arc
Add an arc defined by two points and a tangent.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of two points
tangent (VectorLike) – tangent to constrain arc
tangent_from_first (bool, optional) – apply tangent to first point. Note, applying tangent to end point will flip the orientation of the arc. Defaults to True.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Two points are required
- class ThreePointArc(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Line Object: Three Point Arc
Add an arc generated by three points.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of three points
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Three points must be provided
2D Objects
- class BaseSketchObject(obj: ~build123d.topology.composite.Compound | ~build123d.topology.two_d.Face, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Base class for all BuildSketch objects
- class Arrow(arrow_size: float, shaft_path: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire, shaft_width: float, head_at_start: bool = True, head_type: ~build123d.build_enums.HeadType = <HeadType.CURVED>, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Arrow with shaft
- Parameters:
arrow_size (float) – arrow head tip to tail length
shaft_width (float) – line width of shaft
head_at_start (bool, optional) – Defaults to True.
head_type (HeadType, optional) – arrow head shape. Defaults to HeadType.CURVED.
mode (Mode, optional) – _description_. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class ArrowHead(size: float, head_type: ~build123d.build_enums.HeadType = <HeadType.CURVED>, rotation: float = 0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: ArrowHead
- Parameters:
size (float) – tip to tail length
head_type (HeadType, optional) – arrow head shape. Defaults to HeadType.CURVED.
rotation (float, optional) – rotation in degrees. Defaults to 0.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Circle(radius: float, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Circle
Add circle(s) to the sketch.
- class DimensionLine(path: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | list[~build123d.geometry.Vector | ~build123d.topology.zero_d.Vertex | tuple[float, float, float]], draft: ~drafting.Draft, sketch: ~build123d.topology.composite.Sketch | None = None, label: str | None = None, arrows: tuple[bool, bool] = (True, True), tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, label_angle: bool = False, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: DimensionLine
Create a dimension line typically for internal measurements. Typically used for (but not restricted to) inside dimensions, a dimension line often as arrows on either side of a dimension or label.
There are three options depending on the size of the text and length of the dimension line: Type 1) The label and arrows fit within the length of the path Type 2) The text fit within the path and the arrows go outside Type 3) Neither the text nor the arrows fit within the path
- Parameters:
path (PathDescriptor) – a very general type of input used to describe the path the dimension line will follow.
draft (Draft) – instance of Draft dataclass
sketch (Sketch) – the Sketch being created to check for possible overlaps. In builder mode the active Sketch will be used if None is provided.
label (str, optional) – a text string which will replace the length (or arc length) that would otherwise be extracted from the provided path. Providing a label is useful when illustrating a parameterized input where the name of an argument is desired not an actual measurement. Defaults to None.
arrows (tuple[bool, bool], optional) – a pair of boolean values controlling the placement of the start and end arrows. Defaults to (True, True).
tolerance (float | tuple[float, float], optional) – an optional tolerance value to add to the extracted length value. If a single tolerance value is provided it is shown as ± the provided value while a pair of values are shown as separate + and - values. Defaults to None.
label_angle (bool, optional) – a flag indicating that instead of an extracted length value, the size of the circular arc extracted from the path should be displayed in degrees.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Only 2 points allowed for dimension lines
ValueError – No output - no arrows selected
- dimension
length of the dimension
- class Ellipse(x_radius: float, y_radius: float, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Ellipse
Add ellipse(s) to sketch.
- Parameters:
x_radius (float) – horizontal radius
y_radius (float) – vertical radius
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class ExtensionLine(border: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | list[~build123d.geometry.Vector | ~build123d.topology.zero_d.Vertex | tuple[float, float, float]], offset: float, draft: ~drafting.Draft, sketch: ~build123d.topology.composite.Sketch | None = None, label: str | None = None, arrows: tuple[bool, bool] = (True, True), tolerance: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, label_angle: bool = False, project_line: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Extension Line
Create a dimension line with two lines extending outward from the part to dimension. Typically used for (but not restricted to) outside dimensions, with a pair of lines extending from the edge of a part to a dimension line.
- Parameters:
border (PathDescriptor) – a very general type of input defining the object to be dimensioned. Typically this value would be extracted from the part but is not restricted to this use.
offset (float) – a distance to displace the dimension line from the edge of the object
draft (Draft) – instance of Draft dataclass
label (str, optional) – a text string which will replace the length (or arc length) that would otherwise be extracted from the provided path. Providing a label is useful when illustrating a parameterized input where the name of an argument is desired not an actual measurement. Defaults to None.
arrows (tuple[bool, bool], optional) – a pair of boolean values controlling the placement of the start and end arrows. Defaults to (True, True).
tolerance (float | tuple[float, float], optional) – an optional tolerance value to add to the extracted length value. If a single tolerance value is provided it is shown as ± the provided value while a pair of values are shown as separate + and - values. Defaults to None.
label_angle (bool, optional) – a flag indicating that instead of an extracted length value, the size of the circular arc extracted from the path should be displayed in degrees. Defaults to False.
project_line (Vector, optional) – Vector line which to project dimension against. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- dimension
length of the dimension
- class Polygon(*pts: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float] | ~collections.abc.Iterable[~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float]], rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Polygon
Add polygon(s) defined by given sequence of points to sketch.
Note that the order of the points define the normal of the Face that is created in Algebra mode, where counter clockwise order creates Faces with their normal being up while a clockwise order will have a normal that is down. In Builder mode, all Faces added to the sketch are up.
- Parameters:
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]) – sequence of points defining the vertices of the polygon
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Rectangle(width: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Rectangle
Add rectangle(s) to sketch.
- Parameters:
width (float) – horizontal size
height (float) – vertical size
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class RectangleRounded(width: float, height: float, radius: float, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: RectangleRounded
Add rectangle(s) with filleted corners to sketch.
- Parameters:
width (float) – horizontal size
height (float) – vertical size
radius (float) – fillet radius
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class RegularPolygon(radius: float, side_count: int, major_radius: bool = True, rotation: float = 0, align: tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Regular Polygon
Add regular polygon(s) to sketch.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – distance from origin to vertices (major), or optionally from the origin to side (minor) with major_radius = False
side_count (int) – number of polygon sides
major_radius (bool) – If True the radius is the major radius, else the radius is the minor radius (also known as inscribed radius). Defaults to True.
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- apothem: float
radius of the inscribed circle or minor radius
- radius: float
radius of the circumscribed circle or major radius
- class SlotArc(arc: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire, height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Arc Slot
Add slot(s) following an arc to sketch.
- class SlotCenterPoint(center: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], point: ~build123d.geometry.Vector | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float] | ~collections.abc.Sequence[float], height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Center Point Slot
Add a slot(s) defined by the center of the slot and the center of one of the circular arcs at the end. The other end will be generated to create a symmetric slot.
- Parameters:
center (VectorLike) – slot center point
point (VectorLike) – slot center of arc point
height (float) – diameter of end circles
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class SlotCenterToCenter(center_separation: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Center to Center points Slot
Add slot(s) defined by the distance between the center of the two end arcs.
- Parameters:
center_separation (float) – distance between two arc centers
height (float) – diameter of end circles
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class SlotOverall(width: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Center to Center points Slot
Add slot(s) defined by the overall with of the slot.
- Parameters:
width (float) – overall width of the slot
height (float) – diameter of end circles
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class TechnicalDrawing(designed_by: str = 'build123d', design_date: ~datetime.date | None = None, page_size: ~build123d.build_enums.PageSize = <PageSize.A4>, title: str = 'Title', sub_title: str = 'Sub Title', drawing_number: str = 'B3D-1', sheet_number: int | None = None, drawing_scale: float = 1.0, nominal_text_size: float = 10.0, line_width: float = 0.5, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: TechnicalDrawing
The border of a technical drawing with external frame and text box.
- Parameters:
designed_by (str, optional) – Defaults to “build123d”.
design_date (date, optional) – Defaults to date.today().
page_size (PageSize, optional) – Defaults to PageSize.A4.
title (str, optional) – drawing title. Defaults to “Title”.
sub_title (str, optional) – drawing sub title. Defaults to “Sub Title”.
drawing_number (str, optional) – Defaults to “B3D-1”.
sheet_number (int, optional) – Defaults to None.
drawing_scale (float, optional) – displays as 1:value. Defaults to 1.0.
nominal_text_size (float, optional) – size of title text. Defaults to 10.0.
line_width (float, optional) – Defaults to 0.5.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- margin = 5
- page_sizes = {<PageSize.A0>: (1189, 841), <PageSize.A10>: (37, 26), <PageSize.A1>: (841, 594), <PageSize.A2>: (594, 420), <PageSize.A3>: (420, 297), <PageSize.A4>: (297, 210), <PageSize.A5>: (210, 148.5), <PageSize.A6>: (148.5, 105), <PageSize.A7>: (105, 74), <PageSize.A8>: (74, 52), <PageSize.A9>: (52, 37), <PageSize.LEDGER>: (431.79999999999995, 279.4), <PageSize.LEGAL>: (355.59999999999997, 215.89999999999998), <PageSize.LETTER>: (279.4, 215.89999999999998)}
- class Text(txt: str, font_size: float, font: str = 'Arial', font_path: str | None = None, font_style: ~build123d.build_enums.FontStyle = <FontStyle.REGULAR>, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), path: ~build123d.topology.one_d.Edge | ~build123d.topology.one_d.Wire | None = None, position_on_path: float = 0.0, rotation: float = 0.0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Text
Add text(s) to the sketch.
- Parameters:
txt (str) – text to be rendered
font_size (float) – size of the font in model units
font (str, optional) – font name. Defaults to “Arial”.
font_path (str, optional) – system path to font library. Defaults to None.
font_style (Font_Style, optional) – style. Defaults to Font_Style.REGULAR.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
path (Union[Edge, Wire], optional) – path for text to follow. Defaults to None.
position_on_path (float, optional) – the relative location on path to position the text, values must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.0.
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Trapezoid(width: float, height: float, left_side_angle: float, right_side_angle: float | None = None, rotation: float = 0, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Trapezoid
Add trapezoid(s) to the sketch.
- Parameters:
width (float) – horizontal width
height (float) – vertical height
left_side_angle (float) – bottom left interior angle
right_side_angle (float, optional) – bottom right interior angle. If not provided, the trapezoid will be symmetric. Defaults to None.
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – Give angles result in an invalid trapezoid
- class Triangle(*, a: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, c: float | None = None, A: float | None = None, B: float | None = None, C: float | None = None, align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = None, rotation: float = 0, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Sketch Object: Triangle
Add any triangle to the sketch by specifying the length of any side and any two other side lengths or interior angles. Note that the interior angles are opposite the side with the same designation (i.e. side ‘a’ is opposite angle ‘A’).
- Parameters:
a (float, optional) – side ‘a’ length. Defaults to None.
b (float, optional) – side ‘b’ length. Defaults to None.
c (float, optional) – side ‘c’ length. Defaults to None.
A (float, optional) – interior angle ‘A’ in degrees. Defaults to None.
B (float, optional) – interior angle ‘B’ in degrees. Defaults to None.
C (float, optional) – interior angle ‘C’ in degrees. Defaults to None.
rotation (float, optional) – angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0.
align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- Raises:
ValueError – One length and two other values were not provided
- A
interior angle ‘A’ in degrees
- B
interior angle ‘B’ in degrees
- C
interior angle ‘C’ in degrees
- a
length of side ‘a’
- b
length of side ‘b’
- c
length of side ‘c’
- edge_a
edge ‘a’
- edge_b
edge ‘b’
- edge_c
edge ‘c’
- vertex_A
vertex ‘A’
- vertex_B
vertex ‘B’
- vertex_C
vertex ‘C’
3D Objects
- class BasePartObject(part: ~build123d.topology.composite.Part | ~build123d.topology.three_d.Solid, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Base class for all BuildPart objects & operations
- Parameters:
solid (Solid) – object to create
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Box(length: float, width: float, height: float, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Box
Create a box(es) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
length (float) – box size
width (float) – box size
height (float) – box size
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Cone(bottom_radius: float, top_radius: float, height: float, arc_size: float = 360, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Cone
Create a cone(s) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
bottom_radius (float) – cone size
top_radius (float) – top size, could be zero
height (float) – cone size
arc_size (float, optional) – angular size of cone. Defaults to 360.
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class CounterBoreHole(radius: float, counter_bore_radius: float, counter_bore_depth: float, depth: float | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.SUBTRACT>)[source]
Part Operation: Counter Bore Hole
Create a counter bore hole in part.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – hole size
counter_bore_radius (float) – counter bore size
counter_bore_depth (float) – counter bore depth
depth (float, optional) – hole depth - None implies through part. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.SUBTRACT.
- class CounterSinkHole(radius: float, counter_sink_radius: float, depth: float | None = None, counter_sink_angle: float = 82, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.SUBTRACT>)[source]
Part Operation: Counter Sink Hole
Create a counter sink hole in part.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – hole size
counter_sink_radius (float) – counter sink size
depth (float, optional) – hole depth - None implies through part. Defaults to None.
counter_sink_angle (float, optional) – cone angle. Defaults to 82.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.SUBTRACT.
- class Cylinder(radius: float, height: float, arc_size: float = 360, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Cylinder
Create a cylinder(s) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – cylinder size
height (float) – cylinder size
arc_size (float, optional) – angular size of cone. Defaults to 360.
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Hole(radius: float, depth: float | None = None, mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.SUBTRACT>)[source]
Part Operation: Hole
Create a hole in part.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – hole size
depth (float, optional) – hole depth - None implies through part. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional) – combination mode. Defaults to Mode.SUBTRACT.
- class Sphere(radius: float, arc_size1: float = -90, arc_size2: float = 90, arc_size3: float = 360, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Sphere
Create a sphere(s) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
radius (float) – sphere size
arc_size1 (float, optional) – angular size of sphere. Defaults to -90.
arc_size2 (float, optional) – angular size of sphere. Defaults to 90.
arc_size3 (float, optional) – angular size of sphere. Defaults to 360.
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Torus(major_radius: float, minor_radius: float, minor_start_angle: float = 0, minor_end_angle: float = 360, major_angle: float = 360, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Torus
Create a torus(es) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
major_radius (float) – torus size
minor_radius (float) – torus size
major_arc_size (float, optional) – angular size of torus. Defaults to 0.
minor_arc_size (float, optional) – angular size or torus. Defaults to 360.
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
- class Wedge(xsize: float, ysize: float, zsize: float, xmin: float, zmin: float, xmax: float, zmax: float, rotation: ~build123d.geometry.Rotation | tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), align: ~build123d.build_enums.Align | tuple[~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align, ~build123d.build_enums.Align] = (<Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>, <Align.CENTER>), mode: ~build123d.build_enums.Mode = <Mode.ADD>)[source]
Part Object: Wedge
Create a wedge(s) and combine with part.
- Parameters:
xsize (float) – distance along the X axis
ysize (float) – distance along the Y axis
zsize (float) – distance along the Z axis
xmin (float) – minimum X location
zmin (float) – minimum Z location
xmax (float) – maximum X location
zmax (float) – maximum Z location
rotation (RotationLike, optional) – angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
align (Align | tuple[Align, Align, Align] | None, optional) – align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER).
mode (Mode, optional) – combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
Custom Objects
All of the objects presented above were created using one of three base object classes:
, BaseSketchObject
, and
. Users can use these base object classes to
easily create custom objects that have all the functionality of the core objects.
Here is an example of a custom sketch object specially created as part of the design of
this playing card storage box (see the playing_cards.py example
class Club(BaseSketchObject):
def __init__(
height: float,
rotation: float = 0,
align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
with BuildSketch() as club:
with BuildLine():
l0 = Line((0, -188), (76, -188))
b0 = Bezier(l0 @ 1, (61, -185), (33, -173), (17, -81))
b1 = Bezier(b0 @ 1, (49, -128), (146, -145), (167, -67))
b2 = Bezier(b1 @ 1, (187, 9), (94, 52), (32, 18))
b3 = Bezier(b2 @ 1, (92, 57), (113, 188), (0, 188))
scale(by=height / club.sketch.bounding_box().size.Y)
super().__init__(obj=club.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)
Here the new custom object class is called Club
and it’s a sub-class of
. The __init__
method contains all
of the parameters used to instantiate the custom object, specially a height
, align
, and mode
- your objects may contain a sub or super set of
these parameters but should always contain a mode
parameter such that it
can be combined with a builder’s object.
Next is the creation of the object itself, in this case a sketch of the club suit.
The final line calls the __init__
method of the super class - i.e.
with its parameters.
That’s it, now the Club
object can be used anywhere a Circle
would be used - with either the Algebra or Builder API.