Introductory Examples

The examples on this page can help you learn how to build objects with build123d, and are intended as a general overview of build123d.

They are organized from simple to complex, so working through them in order is the best way to absorb them.


Some important lines are omitted below to save space, so you will most likely need to add 1 & 2 to the provided code below for them to work:

  1. from build123d import *

  2. If you are using build123d builder mode or algebra mode,

    • in ocp_vscode simply use e.g. show(ex15) to the end of your design to view parts, sketches and curves. show_all() can be used to automatically show all objects with their variable names as labels.

    • in CQ-editor add e.g. show_object(ex15.part), show_object(ex15.sketch) or show_object(ex15.line) to the end of your design to view parts, sketches or lines.

  3. If you want to save your resulting object as an STL from builder mode, you can use e.g. export_stl(ex15.part, "file.stl").

  4. If you want to save your resulting object as an STL from algebra mode, you can use e.g. export_stl(ex15, "file.stl")

  5. build123d also supports exporting to multiple other file formats including STEP, see here for further information: Import/Export Formats

1. Simple Rectangular Plate

Just about the simplest possible example, a rectangular Box.

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex1:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex1 = Box(length, width, thickness)

2. Plate with Hole

A rectangular box, but with a hole added.

  • Builder mode

    In this case we are using Mode .SUBTRACT to cut the Cylinder from the Box.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    center_hole_dia = 22.0
    with BuildPart() as ex2:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        Cylinder(radius=center_hole_dia / 2, height=thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    In this case we are using the subtract operator - to cut the Cylinder from the Box.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    center_hole_dia = 22.0
    ex2 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    ex2 -= Cylinder(center_hole_dia / 2, height=thickness)

3. An extruded prismatic solid

Build a prismatic solid using extrusion.

  • Builder mode

    This time we can first create a 2D BuildSketch adding a Circle and a subtracted Rectangle` and then use BuildPart’s extrude() feature.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex3:
        with BuildSketch() as ex3_sk:
            Rectangle(length / 2, width / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        extrude(amount=2 * thickness)
  • Algebra mode

    This time we can first create a 2D Circle with a subtracted Rectangle` and then use the extrude() operation for parts.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    sk3 = Circle(width) - Rectangle(length / 2, width / 2)
    ex3 = extrude(sk3, amount=2 * thickness)

4. Building Profiles using lines and arcs

Sometimes you need to build complex profiles using lines and arcs. This example builds a prismatic solid from 2D operations. It is not necessary to create variables for the line segments, but it will be useful in a later example.

  • Builder mode

    BuildSketch operates on closed Faces, and the operation make_face() is used to convert the pending line segments from BuildLine into a closed Face.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex4:
        with BuildSketch() as ex4_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex4_ln:
                l1 = Line((0, 0), (length, 0))
                l2 = Line((length, 0), (length, width))
                l3 = ThreePointArc((length, width), (width, width * 1.5), (0.0, width))
                l4 = Line((0.0, width), (0, 0))
  • Algebra mode

    We start with an empty Curve and add lines to it (note that Curve() + [line1, line2, line3] is much more efficient than line1 + line2 + line3, see Performance considerations in algebra mode). The operation make_face() is used to convert the line segments into a Face.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    lines = Curve() + [
        Line((0, 0), (length, 0)),
        Line((length, 0), (length, width)),
        ThreePointArc((length, width), (width, width * 1.5), (0.0, width)),
        Line((0.0, width), (0, 0)),
    sk4 = make_face(lines)
    ex4 = extrude(sk4, thickness)

Note that to build a closed face it requires line segments that form a closed shape.

5. Moving the current working point

  • Builder mode

    Using Locations we can place one (or multiple) objects at one (or multiple) places.

    a, b, c, d = 90, 45, 15, 7.5
    with BuildPart() as ex5:
        with BuildSketch() as ex5_sk:
            with Locations((b, 0.0)):
                Rectangle(c, c, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
            with Locations((0, b)):
                Circle(d, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    Using the pattern Pos(x, y, z=0) * obj (with geometry.Pos) we can move an object to the provided position. Using Rot(x_angle, y_angle, z_angle) * obj (with geometry.Rot) would rotate the object.

    a, b, c, d = 90, 45, 15, 7.5
    sk5 = Circle(a) - Pos(b, 0.0) * Rectangle(c, c) - Pos(0.0, b) * Circle(d)
    ex5 = extrude(sk5, c)

6. Using Point Lists

Sometimes you need to create a number of features at various Locations.

  • Builder mode

    You can use a list of points to construct multiple objects at once.

    a, b, c = 80, 60, 10
    with BuildPart() as ex6:
        with BuildSketch() as ex6_sk:
            with Locations((b, 0), (0, b), (-b, 0), (0, -b)):
                Circle(c, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    You can use loops to iterate over these Locations or list comprehensions as in the example.

    The algebra operations are vectorized, which means obj - [obj1, obj2, obj3] is short for obj - obj1 - obj2 - ob3 (and more efficient, see Performance considerations in algebra mode).

    a, b, c = 80, 60, 10
    sk6 = [loc * Circle(c) for loc in Locations((b, 0), (0, b), (-b, 0), (0, -b))]
    ex6 = extrude(Circle(a) - sk6, c)

7. Polygons

  • Builder mode

    You can create RegularPolygon for each stack point if you would like.

    a, b, c = 60, 80, 5
    with BuildPart() as ex7:
        with BuildSketch() as ex7_sk:
            Rectangle(a, b)
            with Locations((0, 3 * c), (0, -3 * c)):
                RegularPolygon(radius=2 * c, side_count=6, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    You can apply locations to RegularPolygon instances for each location via loops or list comprehensions.

    a, b, c = 60, 80, 5
    polygons = [
        loc * RegularPolygon(radius=2 * c, side_count=6)
        for loc in Locations((0, 3 * c), (0, -3 * c))
    sk7 = Rectangle(a, b) - polygons
    ex7 = extrude(sk7, amount=c)

8. Polylines

Polyline allows creating a shape from a large number of chained points connected by lines. This example uses a polyline to create one half of an i-beam shape, which is mirror() ed to create the final profile.

  • Builder mode

    (L, H, W, t) = (100.0, 20.0, 20.0, 1.0)
    pts = [
        (0, H / 2.0),
        (W / 2.0, H / 2.0),
        (W / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)),
        (t / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)),
        (t / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)),
        (W / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)),
        (W / 2.0, H / -2.0),
        (0, H / -2.0),
    with BuildPart() as ex8:
        with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as ex8_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex8_ln:
                mirror(ex8_ln.line, about=Plane.YZ)
  • Algebra mode

    (L, H, W, t) = (100.0, 20.0, 20.0, 1.0)
    pts = [
        (0, H / 2.0),
        (W / 2.0, H / 2.0),
        (W / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)),
        (t / 2.0, (H / 2.0 - t)),
        (t / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)),
        (W / 2.0, (t - H / 2.0)),
        (W / 2.0, H / -2.0),
        (0, H / -2.0),
    ln = Polyline(pts)
    ln += mirror(ln, Plane.YZ)
    sk8 = make_face(Plane.YZ * ln)
    ex8 = extrude(sk8, -L).clean()

9. Selectors, Fillets, and Chamfers

This example introduces multiple useful and important concepts. Firstly chamfer() and fillet() can be used to “bevel” and “round” edges respectively. Secondly, these two methods require an edge or a list of edges to operate on. To select all edges, you could simply pass in ex9.edges().

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex9:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        chamfer(ex9.edges().group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], length=4)
        fillet(ex9.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), radius=5)
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex9 = Part() + Box(length, width, thickness)
    ex9 = chamfer(ex9.edges().group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], length=4)
    ex9 = fillet(ex9.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), radius=5)

Note that group_by() (Axis.Z) returns a list of lists of edges that is grouped by their z-position. In this case we want to use the [-1] group which, by convention, will be the highest z-dimension group.

10. Select Last and Hole

  • Builder mode

    Using Select .LAST you can select the most recently modified edges. It is used to perform a fillet() in this example. This example also makes use of Hole which automatically cuts through the entire part.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex10:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        Hole(radius=width / 4)
        fillet(ex10.edges(Select.LAST).group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], radius=2)
  • Algebra mode

    Using the pattern snapshot = obj.edges() before and last_edges = obj.edges() - snapshot after an operation allows to select the most recently modified edges (same for faces, vertices, …). It is used to perform a fillet() in this example. This example also makes use of Hole. Different to the context mode, you have to add the depth of the whole.

    ex10 = Part() + Box(length, width, thickness)
    snapshot = ex10.edges()
    ex10 -= Hole(radius=width / 4, depth=thickness)
    last_edges = ex10.edges() - snapshot
    ex10 = fillet(last_edges.group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], 2)

11. Use a face as a plane for BuildSketch and introduce GridLocations

  • Builder mode

    BuildSketch accepts a Plane or a Face, so in this case we locate the Sketch on the top of the part. Note that the face used as input to BuildSketch needs to be Planar or unpredictable behavior can result. Additionally GridLocations can be used to create a grid of points that are simultaneously used to place 4 pentagons.

    Lastly, extrude() can be used with a negative amount and Mode.SUBTRACT to cut these from the parent.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex11:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        chamfer(ex11.edges().group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], length=4)
        fillet(ex11.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), radius=5)
        Hole(radius=width / 4)
        fillet(ex11.edges(Select.LAST).sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1], radius=2)
        with BuildSketch(ex11.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]) as ex11_sk:
            with GridLocations(length / 2, width / 2, 2, 2):
                RegularPolygon(radius=5, side_count=5)
        extrude(amount=-thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    The pattern plane * obj can be used to locate an object on a plane. Furthermore, the pattern plane * location * obj first places the object on a plane and then moves it relative to plane according to location.

    GridLocations creates a grid of points that can be used in loops or list comprehensions as described earlier.

    Lastly, extrude() can be used with a negative amount and cut (-) from the parent.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex11 = Part() + Box(length, width, thickness)
    ex11 = chamfer(ex11.edges().group_by()[-1], 4)
    ex11 = fillet(ex11.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), 5)
    last = ex11.edges()
    ex11 -= Hole(radius=width / 4, depth=thickness)
    ex11 = fillet((ex11.edges() - last).sort_by().last, 2)
    plane = Plane(ex11.faces().sort_by().last)
    polygons = Sketch() + [
        plane * loc * RegularPolygon(radius=5, side_count=5)
        for loc in GridLocations(length / 2, width / 2, 2, 2)
    ex11 -= extrude(polygons, -thickness)

Note that the direction implied by positive or negative inputs to amount is relative to the normal direction of the face or plane. As a result of this, unexpected behavior can occur if the extrude direction and mode/operation (ADD / + or SUBTRACT / -) are not correctly set.

12. Defining an Edge with a Spline

This example defines a side using a spline curve through a collection of points. Useful when you have an edge that needs a complex profile.

  • Builder mode

    pts = [
        (55, 30),
        (50, 35),
        (40, 30),
        (30, 20),
        (20, 25),
        (10, 20),
        (0, 20),
    with BuildPart() as ex12:
        with BuildSketch() as ex12_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex12_ln:
                l1 = Spline(pts)
                l2 = Line((55, 30), (60, 0))
                l3 = Line((60, 0), (0, 0))
                l4 = Line((0, 0), (0, 20))
  • Algebra mode

    pts = [
        (55, 30),
        (50, 35),
        (40, 30),
        (30, 20),
        (20, 25),
        (10, 20),
        (0, 20),
    l1 = Spline(pts)
    l2 = Line(l1 @ 0, (60, 0))
    l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, (0, 0))
    l4 = Line(l3 @ 1, l1 @ 1)
    sk12 = make_face([l1, l2, l3, l4])
    ex12 = extrude(sk12, 10)

13. CounterBoreHoles, CounterSinkHoles and PolarLocations

Counter-sink and counter-bore holes are useful for creating recessed areas for fasteners.

  • Builder mode

    We use a face to establish a location for Locations.

    a, b = 40, 4
    with BuildPart() as ex13:
        Cylinder(radius=50, height=10)
        with Locations(ex13.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]):
            with PolarLocations(radius=a, count=4):
                CounterSinkHole(radius=b, counter_sink_radius=2 * b)
            with PolarLocations(radius=a, count=4, start_angle=45, angular_range=360):
                CounterBoreHole(radius=b, counter_bore_radius=2 * b, counter_bore_depth=b)
  • Algebra mode

    We use a face to establish a plane that is used later in the code for locating objects onto this plane.

    a, b = 40, 4
    ex13 = Cylinder(radius=50, height=10)
    plane = Plane(ex13.faces().sort_by().last)
    ex13 -= (
        * PolarLocations(radius=a, count=4)
        * CounterSinkHole(radius=b, counter_sink_radius=2 * b, depth=10)
    ex13 -= (
        * PolarLocations(radius=a, count=4, start_angle=45, angular_range=360)
        * CounterBoreHole(
            radius=b, counter_bore_radius=2 * b, depth=10, counter_bore_depth=b

PolarLocations creates a list of points that are radially distributed.

14. Position on a line with ‘@’, ‘%’ and introduce Sweep

build123d includes a feature for finding the position along a line segment. This is normalized between 0 and 1 and can be accessed using the position_at() (@) operator. Similarly the tangent_at() (%) operator returns the line direction at a given point.

These two features are very powerful for chaining line segments together without having to repeat dimensions again and again, which is error prone, time consuming, and more difficult to maintain. The pending faces must lie on the path, please see example 37 for a way to make this placement easier.

  • Builder mode

    The sweep() method takes any pending faces and sweeps them through the provided path (in this case the path is taken from the pending edges from ex14_ln). revolve() requires a single connected wire.

    a, b = 40, 20
    with BuildPart() as ex14:
        with BuildLine() as ex14_ln:
            l1 = JernArc(start=(0, 0), tangent=(0, 1), radius=a, arc_size=180)
            l2 = JernArc(start=l1 @ 1, tangent=l1 % 1, radius=a, arc_size=-90)
            l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, l2 @ 1 + (-a, a))
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as ex14_sk:
            Rectangle(b, b)
  • Algebra mode

    The sweep() method takes any faces and sweeps them through the provided path (in this case the path is taken from ex14_ln).

    a, b = 40, 20
    l1 = JernArc(start=(0, 0), tangent=(0, 1), radius=a, arc_size=180)
    l2 = JernArc(start=l1 @ 1, tangent=l1 % 1, radius=a, arc_size=-90)
    l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, l2 @ 1 + (-a, a))
    ex14_ln = l1 + l2 + l3
    sk14 = Plane.XZ * Rectangle(b, b)
    ex14 = sweep(sk14, path=ex14_ln)

It is also possible to use tuple or Vector addition (and other vector math operations) as seen in the l3 variable.

15. Mirroring Symmetric Geometry

Here mirror is used on the BuildLine to create a symmetric shape with fewer line segment commands. Additionally the ‘@’ operator is used to simplify the line segment commands.

(l4 @ 1).Y is used to extract the y-component of the l4 @ 1 vector.

  • Builder mode

    a, b, c = 80, 40, 20
    with BuildPart() as ex15:
        with BuildSketch() as ex15_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex15_ln:
                l1 = Line((0, 0), (a, 0))
                l2 = Line(l1 @ 1, l1 @ 1 + (0, b))
                l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, l2 @ 1 + (-c, 0))
                l4 = Line(l3 @ 1, l3 @ 1 + (0, -c))
                l5 = Line(l4 @ 1, (0, (l4 @ 1).Y))
                mirror(ex15_ln.line, about=Plane.YZ)
  • Algebra mode

    Combine lines via the pattern Curve() + [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5]

    a, b, c = 80, 40, 20
    l1 = Line((0, 0), (a, 0))
    l2 = Line(l1 @ 1, l1 @ 1 + (0, b))
    l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, l2 @ 1 + (-c, 0))
    l4 = Line(l3 @ 1, l3 @ 1 + (0, -c))
    l5 = Line(l4 @ 1, (0, (l4 @ 1).Y))
    ln = Curve() + [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5]
    ln += mirror(ln, Plane.YZ)
    sk15 = make_face(ln)
    ex15 = extrude(sk15, c)

16. Mirroring 3D Objects

Mirror can also be used with BuildPart (and BuildSketch) to mirror 3D objects. The Plane.offset() method shifts the plane in the normal direction (positive or negative).

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex16_single:
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as ex16_sk:
            Rectangle(length, width)
            fillet(ex16_sk.vertices(), radius=length / 10)
            with GridLocations(x_spacing=length / 4, y_spacing=0, x_count=3, y_count=1):
                Circle(length / 12, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
            Rectangle(length, width, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN), mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with BuildPart() as ex16:
        mirror(ex16_single.part, about=Plane.XY.offset(width))
        mirror(ex16_single.part, about=Plane.YX.offset(width))
        mirror(ex16_single.part, about=Plane.YZ.offset(width))
        mirror(ex16_single.part, about=Plane.YZ.offset(-width))
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    sk16 = Rectangle(length, width)
    sk16 = fillet(sk16.vertices(), length / 10)
    circles = [loc * Circle(length / 12) for loc in GridLocations(length / 4, 0, 3, 1)]
    sk16 = sk16 - circles - Rectangle(length, width, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN))
    ex16_single = extrude(Plane.XZ * sk16, length)
    planes = [
    objs = [mirror(ex16_single, plane) for plane in planes]
    ex16 = ex16_single + objs

17. Mirroring From Faces

Here we select the farthest face in the Y-direction and turn it into a Plane using the Plane() class.

  • Builder mode

    a, b = 30, 20
    with BuildPart() as ex17:
        with BuildSketch() as ex17_sk:
            RegularPolygon(radius=a, side_count=5)
        mirror(ex17.part, about=Plane(ex17.faces().group_by(Axis.Y)[0][0]))
  • Algebra mode

    a, b = 30, 20
    sk17 = RegularPolygon(radius=a, side_count=5)
    ex17 = extrude(sk17, amount=b)
    ex17 += mirror(ex17, Plane(ex17.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y).first))

18. Creating Workplanes on Faces

Here we start with an earlier example, select the top face, draw a rectangle and then use Extrude with a negative distance.

  • Builder mode

    We then use Mode.SUBTRACT to cut it out from the main body.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    a, b = 4, 5
    with BuildPart() as ex18:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        chamfer(ex18.edges().group_by(Axis.Z)[-1], length=a)
        fillet(ex18.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), radius=b)
        with BuildSketch(ex18.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]):
            Rectangle(2 * b, 2 * b)
        extrude(amount=-thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    We then use -= to cut it out from the main body.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    a, b = 4, 5
    ex18 = Part() + Box(length, width, thickness)
    ex18 = chamfer(ex18.edges().group_by()[-1], a)
    ex18 = fillet(ex18.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z), b)
    sk18 = Plane(ex18.faces().sort_by().first) * Rectangle(2 * b, 2 * b)
    ex18 -= extrude(sk18, -thickness)

19. Locating a workplane on a vertex

Here a face is selected and two different strategies are used to select vertices. Firstly vtx uses group_by() and Axis.X to select a particular vertex. The second strategy uses a custom defined Axis vtx2Axis that is pointing roughly in the direction of a vertex to select, and then sort_by() this custom Axis.

  • Builder mode

    Then the X and Y positions of these vertices are selected and passed to Locations as center points for two circles that cut through the main part. Note that if you passed the variable vtx directly to Locations then the part would be offset from the workplane by the vertex z-position.

    length, thickness = 80.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex19:
        with BuildSketch() as ex19_sk:
            RegularPolygon(radius=length / 2, side_count=7)
        topf = ex19.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
        vtx = topf.vertices().group_by(Axis.X)[-1][0]
        vtx2Axis = Axis((0, 0, 0), (-1, -0.5, 0))
        vtx2 = topf.vertices().sort_by(vtx2Axis)[-1]
        with BuildSketch(topf) as ex19_sk2:
            with Locations((vtx.X, vtx.Y), (vtx2.X, vtx2.Y)):
                Circle(radius=length / 8)
        extrude(amount=-thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    Then the X and Y positions of these vertices are selected and used to move two circles that cut through the main part. Note that if you passed the variable vtx directly to Pos then the part would be offset from the workplane by the vertex z-position.

    length, thickness = 80.0, 10.0
    ex19_sk = RegularPolygon(radius=length / 2, side_count=7)
    ex19 = extrude(ex19_sk, thickness)
    topf = ex19.faces().sort_by().last
    vtx = topf.vertices().group_by(Axis.X)[-1][0]
    vtx2Axis = Axis((0, 0, 0), (-1, -0.5, 0))
    vtx2 = topf.vertices().sort_by(vtx2Axis)[-1]
    ex19_sk2 = Circle(radius=length / 8)
    ex19_sk2 = Pos(vtx.X, vtx.Y) * ex19_sk2 + Pos(vtx2.X, vtx2.Y) * ex19_sk2
    ex19 -= extrude(ex19_sk2, thickness)

20. Offset Sketch Workplane

The plane variable is set to be coincident with the farthest face in the negative x-direction. The resulting Plane is offset from the original position.

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex20:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        plane = Plane(ex20.faces().group_by(Axis.X)[0][0])
        with BuildSketch(plane.offset(2 * thickness)):
            Circle(width / 3)
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex20 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    plane = Plane(ex20.faces().sort_by(Axis.X).first).offset(2 * thickness)
    sk20 = plane * Circle(width / 3)
    ex20 += extrude(sk20, width)

21. Create a Workplanes in the center of another shape

One cylinder is created, and then the origin and z_dir of that part are used to create a new Plane for positioning another cylinder perpendicular and halfway along the first.

  • Builder mode

    width, length = 10.0, 60.0
    with BuildPart() as ex21:
        with BuildSketch() as ex21_sk:
            Circle(width / 2)
        with BuildSketch(Plane(, z_dir=(-1, 0, 0))):
            Circle(width / 2)
  • Algebra mode

    width, length = 10.0, 60.0
    ex21 = extrude(Circle(width / 2), length)
    plane = Plane(, z_dir=(-1, 0, 0))
    ex21 += plane * extrude(Circle(width / 2), length)

22. Rotated Workplanes

It is also possible to create a rotated workplane, building upon some of the concepts in an earlier example.

  • Builder mode

    Use the rotated() method to rotate the workplane.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex22:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        pln = Plane(ex22.faces().group_by(Axis.Z)[0][0]).rotated((0, -50, 0))
        with BuildSketch(pln) as ex22_sk:
            with GridLocations(length / 4, width / 4, 2, 2):
                Circle(thickness / 4)
        extrude(amount=-100, both=True, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    Use the operator * to relocate the plane (post-multiplication!).

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex22 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    plane = Plane((ex22.faces().group_by(Axis.Z)[0])[0]) * Rot(0, 50, 0)
    holes = Sketch() + [
        plane * loc * Circle(thickness / 4)
        for loc in GridLocations(length / 4, width / 4, 2, 2)
    ex22 -= extrude(holes, -100, both=True)

GridLocations places 4 Circles on 4 points on this rotated workplane, and then the Circles are extruded in the “both” (positive and negative) normal direction.

23. Revolve

Here we build a sketch with a Polyline, Line, and a Circle. It is absolutely critical that the sketch is only on one side of the axis of rotation before Revolve is called. To that end, split is used with Plane.ZY to keep only one side of the Sketch.

It is highly recommended to view your sketch before you attempt to call revolve.

  • Builder mode

    pts = [
        (-25, 35),
        (-25, 0),
        (-20, 0),
        (-20, 5),
        (-15, 10),
        (-15, 35),
    with BuildPart() as ex23:
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as ex23_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex23_ln:
                l1 = Polyline(pts)
                l2 = Line(l1 @ 1, l1 @ 0)
            with Locations((0, 35)):
  • Algebra mode

    pts = [
        (-25, 35),
        (-25, 0),
        (-20, 0),
        (-20, 5),
        (-15, 10),
        (-15, 35),
    l1 = Polyline(pts)
    l2 = Line(l1 @ 1, l1 @ 0)
    sk23 = make_face([l1, l2])
    sk23 += Pos(0, 35) * Circle(25)
    sk23 = Plane.XZ * split(sk23, bisect_by=Plane.ZY)
    ex23 = revolve(sk23, Axis.Z)

24. Loft

Loft is a very powerful tool that can be used to join dissimilar shapes. In this case we make a conical-like shape from a circle and a rectangle that is offset vertically. In this case loft() automatically takes the pending faces that were added by the two BuildSketches. Loft can behave unexpectedly when the input faces are not parallel to each other.

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex24:
        Box(length, length, thickness)
        with BuildSketch(ex24.faces().group_by(Axis.Z)[0][0]) as ex24_sk:
            Circle(length / 3)
        with BuildSketch(ex24_sk.faces()[0].offset(length / 2)) as ex24_sk2:
            Rectangle(length / 6, width / 6)
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex24 = Box(length, length, thickness)
    plane = Plane(ex24.faces().sort_by().last)
    faces = Sketch() + [
        plane * Circle(length / 3),
        plane.offset(length / 2) * Rectangle(length / 6, width / 6),
    ex24 += loft(faces)

25. Offset Sketch

  • Builder mode

    BuildSketch faces can be transformed with a 2D offset().

    rad, offs = 50, 10
    with BuildPart() as ex25:
        with BuildSketch() as ex25_sk1:
            RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(15)) as ex25_sk2:
            RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(30)) as ex25_sk3:
            RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
            offset(amount=offs, kind=Kind.INTERSECTION)
  • Algebra mode

    Sketch faces can be transformed with a 2D offset().

    rad, offs = 50, 10
    sk25_1 = RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
    sk25_2 = Plane.XY.offset(15) * RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
    sk25_2 = offset(sk25_2, offs)
    sk25_3 = Plane.XY.offset(30) * RegularPolygon(radius=rad, side_count=5)
    sk25_3 = offset(sk25_3, offs, kind=Kind.INTERSECTION)
    sk25 = Sketch() + [sk25_1, sk25_2, sk25_3]
    ex25 = extrude(sk25, 1)

They can be offset inwards or outwards, and with different techniques for extending the corners (see Kind in the Offset docs).

26. Offset Part To Create Thin features

Parts can also be transformed using an offset, but in this case with a 3D offset(). Also commonly known as a shell, this allows creating thin walls using very few operations. This can also be offset inwards or outwards. Faces can be selected to be “deleted” using the openings parameter of offset().

Note that self intersecting edges and/or faces can break both 2D and 3D offsets.

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness, wall = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0, 2.0
    with BuildPart() as ex26:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        topf = ex26.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
        offset(amount=-wall, openings=topf)
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness, wall = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0, 2.0
    ex26 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    topf = ex26.faces().sort_by().last
    ex26 = offset(ex26, amount=-wall, openings=topf)

27. Splitting an Object

You can split an object using a plane, and retain either or both halves. In this case we select a face and offset half the width of the box.

  • Builder mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex27:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        with BuildSketch(ex27.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[0]) as ex27_sk:
            Circle(width / 4)
        extrude(amount=-thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        split(bisect_by=Plane(ex27.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y)[-1]).offset(-width / 2))
  • Algebra mode

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex27 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    sk27 = Plane(ex27.faces().sort_by().first) * Circle(width / 4)
    ex27 -= extrude(sk27, -thickness)
    ex27 = split(ex27, Plane(ex27.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y).last).offset(-width / 2))

28. Locating features based on Faces

  • Builder mode

    We create a triangular prism with Mode .PRIVATE and then later use the faces of this object to cut holes in a sphere.

    width, thickness = 80.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex28:
        with BuildSketch() as ex28_sk:
            RegularPolygon(radius=width / 4, side_count=3)
        ex28_ex = extrude(amount=thickness, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
        midfaces = ex28_ex.faces().group_by(Axis.Z)[1]
        Sphere(radius=width / 2)
        for face in midfaces:
            with Locations(face):
                Hole(thickness / 2)
  • Algebra mode

    We create a triangular prism and then later use the faces of this object to cut holes in a sphere.

    width, thickness = 80.0, 10.0
    sk28 = RegularPolygon(radius=width / 4, side_count=3)
    tmp28 = extrude(sk28, thickness)
    ex28 = Sphere(radius=width / 2)
    for p in [Plane(face) for face in tmp28.faces().group_by(Axis.Z)[1]]:
        ex28 -= p * Hole(thickness / 2, depth=width)

We are able to create multiple workplanes by looping over the list of faces.

29. The Classic OCC Bottle

build123d is based on the (OCC) modeling Kernel. Those who are familiar with OCC know about the famous ‘bottle’ example. We use a 3D Offset and the openings parameter to create the bottle opening.

  • Builder mode

    L, w, t, b, h, n = 60.0, 18.0, 9.0, 0.9, 90.0, 6.0
    with BuildPart() as ex29:
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(-b)) as ex29_ow_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex29_ow_ln:
                l1 = Line((0, 0), (0, w / 2))
                l2 = ThreePointArc(l1 @ 1, (L / 2.0, w / 2.0 + t), (L, w / 2.0))
                l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, ((l2 @ 1).X, 0, 0))
        extrude(amount=h + b)
        fillet(ex29.edges(), radius=w / 6)
        with BuildSketch(ex29.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]):
        necktopf = ex29.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
        offset(ex29.solids()[0], amount=-b, openings=necktopf)
  • Algebra mode

    L, w, t, b, h, n = 60.0, 18.0, 9.0, 0.9, 90.0, 8.0
    l1 = Line((0, 0), (0, w / 2))
    l2 = ThreePointArc(l1 @ 1, (L / 2.0, w / 2.0 + t), (L, w / 2.0))
    l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, ((l2 @ 1).X, 0, 0))
    ln29 = l1 + l2 + l3
    ln29 += mirror(ln29)
    sk29 = make_face(ln29)
    ex29 = extrude(sk29, -(h + b))
    ex29 = fillet(ex29.edges(), radius=w / 6)
    neck = Plane(ex29.faces().sort_by().last) * Circle(t)
    ex29 += extrude(neck, n)
    necktopf = ex29.faces().sort_by().last
    ex29 = offset(ex29, -b, openings=necktopf)

30. Bezier Curve

Here pts is used as an input to both Polyline and Bezier and wts to Bezier alone. These two together create a closed line that is made into a face and extruded.

  • Builder mode

    pts = [
        (0, 0),
        (20, 20),
        (40, 0),
        (0, -40),
        (-60, 0),
        (0, 100),
        (100, 0),
    wts = [
    with BuildPart() as ex30:
        with BuildSketch() as ex30_sk:
            with BuildLine() as ex30_ln:
                l0 = Polyline(pts)
                l1 = Bezier(pts, weights=wts)
  • Algebra mode

    pts = [
        (0, 0),
        (20, 20),
        (40, 0),
        (0, -40),
        (-60, 0),
        (0, 100),
        (100, 0),
    wts = [
    ex30_ln = Polyline(pts) + Bezier(pts, weights=wts)
    ex30_sk = make_face(ex30_ln)
    ex30 = extrude(ex30_sk, -10)

31. Nesting Locations

Locations contexts can be nested to create groups of shapes. Here 24 triangles, 6 squares, and 1 hexagon are created and then extruded. Notably PolarLocations rotates any “children” groups by default.

  • Builder mode

    a, b, c = 80.0, 5.0, 3.0
    with BuildPart() as ex31:
        with BuildSketch() as ex31_sk:
            with PolarLocations(a / 2, 6):
                with GridLocations(3 * b, 3 * b, 2, 2):
                    RegularPolygon(b, 3)
                RegularPolygon(b, 4)
            RegularPolygon(3 * b, 6, rotation=30)
  • Algebra mode

    a, b, c = 80.0, 5.0, 3.0
    ex31 = Rot(Z=30) * RegularPolygon(3 * b, 6)
    ex31 += PolarLocations(a / 2, 6) * (
        RegularPolygon(b, 4) + GridLocations(3 * b, 3 * b, 2, 2) * RegularPolygon(b, 3)
    ex31 = extrude(ex31, 3)

32. Python For-Loop

In this example, a standard python for-loop is used along with a list of faces extracted from a sketch to progressively modify the extrusion amount. There are 7 faces in the sketch, so this results in 7 separate calls to extrude().

  • Builder mode

    Mode .PRIVATE is used in BuildSketch to avoid adding these faces until the for-loop.

    a, b, c = 80.0, 10.0, 1.0
    with BuildPart() as ex32:
        with BuildSketch(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as ex32_sk:
            RegularPolygon(2 * b, 6, rotation=30)
            with PolarLocations(a / 2, 6):
                RegularPolygon(b, 4)
        for idx, obj in enumerate(ex32_sk.sketch.faces()):
            extrude(amount=c + 3 * idx)
  • Algebra mode

    a, b, c = 80.0, 10.0, 1.0
    ex32_sk = RegularPolygon(2 * b, 6, rotation=30)
    ex32_sk += PolarLocations(a / 2, 6) * RegularPolygon(b, 4)
    ex32 = Part() + [extrude(obj, c + 3 * idx) for idx, obj in enumerate(ex32_sk.faces())]

33. Python Function and For-Loop

Building on the previous example, a standard python function is used to return a sketch as a function of several inputs to progressively modify the size of each square.

  • Builder mode

    The function returns a BuildSketch.

    a, b, c = 80.0, 5.0, 1.0
    def square(rad, loc):
        with BuildSketch() as sk:
            with Locations(loc):
                RegularPolygon(rad, 4)
        return sk.sketch
    with BuildPart() as ex33:
        with BuildSketch(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as ex33_sk:
            locs = PolarLocations(a / 2, 6)
            for i, j in enumerate(locs):
                add(square(b + 2 * i, j))
        for idx, obj in enumerate(ex33_sk.sketch.faces()):
            extrude(amount=c + 2 * idx)
  • Algebra mode

    The function returns a Sketch object.

    a, b, c = 80.0, 5.0, 1.0
    def square(rad, loc):
        return loc * RegularPolygon(rad, 4)
    ex33 = Part() + [
        extrude(square(b + 2 * i, loc), c + 2 * i)
        for i, loc in enumerate(PolarLocations(a / 2, 6))

34. Embossed and Debossed Text

  • Builder mode

    The text “Hello” is placed on top of a rectangle and embossed (raised) by placing a BuildSketch on the top face (topf). Note that Align is used to control the text placement. We re-use the topf variable to select the same face and deboss (indented) the text “World”. Note that if we simply ran BuildSketch(ex34.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]) for both ex34_sk1 & 2 it would incorrectly locate the 2nd “World” text on the top of the “Hello” text.

    length, width, thickness, fontsz, fontht = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0, 25.0, 4.0
    with BuildPart() as ex34:
        Box(length, width, thickness)
        topf = ex34.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
        with BuildSketch(topf) as ex34_sk:
            Text("Hello", font_size=fontsz, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        with BuildSketch(topf) as ex34_sk2:
            Text("World", font_size=fontsz, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MAX))
        extrude(amount=-fontht, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    The text “Hello” is placed on top of a rectangle and embossed (raised) by placing a sketch on the top face (topf). Note that Align is used to control the text placement. We re-use the topf variable to select the same face and deboss (indented) the text “World”.

    length, width, thickness, fontsz, fontht = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0, 25.0, 4.0
    ex34 = Box(length, width, thickness)
    plane = Plane(ex34.faces().sort_by().last)
    ex34_sk = plane * Text("Hello", font_size=fontsz, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
    ex34 += extrude(ex34_sk, amount=fontht)
    ex34_sk2 = plane * Text("World", font_size=fontsz, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MAX))
    ex34 -= extrude(ex34_sk2, amount=-fontht)

35. Slots

  • Builder mode

    Here we create a SlotCenterToCenter and then use a BuildLine and RadiusArc to create an arc for two instances of SlotArc.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    with BuildPart() as ex35:
        Box(length, length, thickness)
        topf = ex35.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
        with BuildSketch(topf) as ex35_sk:
            SlotCenterToCenter(width / 2, 10)
            with BuildLine(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as ex35_ln:
                RadiusArc((-width / 2, 0), (0, width / 2), radius=width / 2)
            SlotArc(arc=ex35_ln.edges()[0], height=thickness, rotation=0)
            with BuildLine(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as ex35_ln2:
                RadiusArc((0, -width / 2), (width / 2, 0), radius=-width / 2)
            SlotArc(arc=ex35_ln2.edges()[0], height=thickness, rotation=0)
        extrude(amount=-thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
  • Algebra mode

    Here we create a SlotCenterToCenter and then use a RadiusArc to create an arc for two instances of SlotArc.

    length, width, thickness = 80.0, 60.0, 10.0
    ex35 = Box(length, length, thickness)
    plane = Plane(ex35.faces().sort_by().last)
    ex35_sk = SlotCenterToCenter(width / 2, 10)
    ex35_ln = RadiusArc((-width / 2, 0), (0, width / 2), radius=width / 2)
    ex35_sk += SlotArc(arc=ex35_ln.edges()[0], height=thickness)
    ex35_ln2 = RadiusArc((0, -width / 2), (width / 2, 0), radius=-width / 2)
    ex35_sk += SlotArc(arc=ex35_ln2.edges()[0], height=thickness)
    ex35 -= extrude(plane * ex35_sk, -thickness)

36. Extrude Until

Sometimes you will want to extrude until a given face that could be non planar or where you might not know easily the distance you have to extrude to. In such cases you can use extrude() Until with Until.NEXT or Until.LAST.

  • Builder mode

    rad, rev = 6, 50
    with BuildPart() as ex36:
        with BuildSketch() as ex36_sk:
            with Locations((0, rev)):
        revolve(axis=Axis.X, revolution_arc=180)
        with BuildSketch() as ex36_sk2:
            Rectangle(rad, rev)
  • Algebra mode

    rad, rev = 6, 50
    ex36_sk = Pos(0, rev) * Circle(rad)
    ex36 = revolve(axis=Axis.X, profiles=ex36_sk, revolution_arc=180)
    ex36_sk2 = Rectangle(rad, rev)
    ex36 += extrude(ex36_sk2, until=Until.NEXT, target=ex36)