Source code for exporters3d

build123d 3D Exporters

by:   Gumyr
date: March 6th, 2024

    Exporters for 3D models such as STEP.


    Copyright 2024 Gumyr

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


# pylint has trouble with the OCP imports
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error

from io import BytesIO
import warnings
from os import PathLike, fsdecode, fspath
from typing import Union

import OCP.TopAbs as ta
from anytree import PreOrderIter
from OCP.APIHeaderSection import APIHeaderSection_MakeHeader
from OCP.BRepMesh import BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh
from OCP.BRepTools import BRepTools
from OCP.IFSelect import IFSelect_ReturnStatus
from OCP.IGESControl import IGESControl_Controller
from OCP.Interface import Interface_Static
from OCP.Message import Message, Message_Gravity, Message_ProgressRange
from OCP.RWGltf import RWGltf_CafWriter
from OCP.STEPCAFControl import STEPCAFControl_Controller, STEPCAFControl_Writer
from OCP.STEPControl import STEPControl_Controller, STEPControl_StepModelType
from OCP.StlAPI import StlAPI_Writer
from OCP.TCollection import TCollection_AsciiString, TCollection_ExtendedString, TCollection_HAsciiString
from OCP.TColStd import TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString
from OCP.TDataStd import TDataStd_Name
from OCP.TDF import TDF_Label
from OCP.TDocStd import TDocStd_Document
from OCP.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer
from OCP.XCAFApp import XCAFApp_Application
from OCP.XCAFDoc import XCAFDoc_ColorType, XCAFDoc_DocumentTool
from OCP.XSControl import XSControl_WorkSession

from build123d.build_common import UNITS_PER_METER
from build123d.build_enums import PrecisionMode, Unit
from build123d.geometry import Location
from build123d.topology import Compound, Curve, Part, Shape, Sketch

def _create_xde(to_export: Shape, unit: Unit = Unit.MM) -> TDocStd_Document:

    An OpenCASCADE Technology (OCCT) XDE (eXtended Data Exchange) document is a
    sophisticated framework designed for comprehensive CAD data management,
    facilitating not just the geometric modeling of shapes but also the handling
    of associated metadata, such as material properties, color, layering, and
    annotations. This integrated environment supports the organization and
    manipulation of complex assemblies and parts, enabling users to navigate,
    edit, and query both the structure and attributes of CAD models. XDE's
    architecture is particularly beneficial for applications requiring detailed
    interoperability between different CAD systems, offering robust tools for
    data exchange, visualization, and modification while preserving the integrity
    and attributes of the CAD data across various stages of product development.

        to_export (Shape): object or assembly
        unit (Unit, optional): shape units. Defaults to Unit.MM.

        TDocStd_Document: XDE document
    # Create the XCAF document
    doc = TDocStd_Document(TCollection_ExtendedString("XmlOcaf"))

    # Initialize the XCAF application
    application = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication_s()

    # Create and initialize a new document
    application.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-XCAF"), doc)

    XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.SetLengthUnit_s(doc, 1 / UNITS_PER_METER[unit])

    # Get the tools for handling shapes & colors section of the XCAF document.
    shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.ShapeTool_s(doc.Main())
    color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.ColorTool_s(doc.Main())
    # shape_tool.SetAutoNaming_s(True)

    # Add all the shapes in the b3d object either as a single object or assembly
    is_assembly = isinstance(to_export, Compound) and len(to_export.children) > 0
    _root_label = shape_tool.AddShape(to_export.wrapped, is_assembly)

    # Add names and color info
    node: Shape
    for node in PreOrderIter(to_export):
        if not node.label and node.color is None:
            continue  # skip if there is nothing to set

        node_label: TDF_Label = shape_tool.FindShape(node.wrapped, findInstance=False)

        # For Part, Sketch and Curve objects color needs to be applied to the wrapped
        # object not just the Compound wrapper
        sub_node_labels = []
        if isinstance(node, Compound) and not node.children:
            sub_nodes = []
            if isinstance(node, Part):
                explorer = TopExp_Explorer(node.wrapped, ta.TopAbs_SOLID)
            elif isinstance(node, Sketch):
                explorer = TopExp_Explorer(node.wrapped, ta.TopAbs_FACE)
            elif isinstance(node, Curve):
                explorer = TopExp_Explorer(node.wrapped, ta.TopAbs_EDGE)
                warnings.warn("Unknown Compound type, color not set", stacklevel=2)
                explorer = TopExp_Explorer()  # don't know what to look for

            while explorer.More():

            sub_node_labels = [
                shape_tool.FindShape(sub_node, findInstance=False)
                for sub_node in sub_nodes
        if node.label and not node_label.IsNull():
            TDataStd_Name.Set_s(node_label, TCollection_ExtendedString(node.label))

        if node.color is not None:
            for label in [node_label] + sub_node_labels:
                if label.IsNull():
                    continue  # Only valid labels can be set
                    label, node.color.wrapped, XCAFDoc_ColorType.XCAFDoc_ColorSurf


    # print(f"Is document valid: {XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.IsXCAFDocument_s(doc)}")

    return doc

[docs] def export_brep( to_export: Shape, file_path: PathLike | str | bytes | BytesIO, ) -> bool: """Export this shape to a BREP file Args: to_export (Shape): object or assembly file_path: Union[PathLike, str, bytes, BytesIO]: brep file path or memory buffer Returns: bool: write status """ if not isinstance(file_path, BytesIO): file_path = fsdecode(file_path) return_value = BRepTools.Write_s(to_export.wrapped, file_path) return True if return_value is None else return_value
[docs] def export_gltf( to_export: Shape, file_path: PathLike | str | bytes, unit: Unit = Unit.MM, binary: bool = False, linear_deflection: float = 0.001, angular_deflection: float = 0.1, ) -> bool: """export_gltf The glTF (GL Transmission Format) specification primarily focuses on the efficient transmission and loading of 3D models as a compact, binary format that is directly renderable by graphics APIs like WebGL, OpenGL, and Vulkan. It's designed to store detailed 3D model data, including meshes (vertices, normals, textures, etc.), animations, materials, and scene hierarchy, among other aspects. Args: to_export (Shape): object or assembly file_path (Union[PathLike, str, bytes]): glTF file path unit (Unit, optional): shape units. Defaults to Unit.MM. binary (bool, optional): output format. Defaults to False. linear_deflection (float, optional): A linear deflection setting which limits the distance between a curve and its tessellation. Setting this value too low will result in large meshes that can consume computing resources. Setting the value too high can result in meshes with a level of detail that is too low. The default is a good starting point for a range of cases. Defaults to 1e-3. angular_deflection (float, optional): Angular deflection setting which limits the angle between subsequent segments in a polyline. Defaults to 0.1. Raises: RuntimeError: Failed to write glTF file Returns: bool: write status """ # Map from OCCT's right-handed +Z up coordinate system to glTF's right-handed +Y # up coordinate system # if to_export.location is None: raise ValueError("Shape must have a location to export to glTF") original_location = to_export.location to_export.location *= Location((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), -90) # Tessellate the object(s) node: Shape for node in PreOrderIter(to_export): if node.wrapped is not None: node.mesh(linear_deflection, angular_deflection) # Create the XCAF document doc: TDocStd_Document = _create_xde(to_export, unit) # Write the glTF file writer = RWGltf_CafWriter( theFile=TCollection_AsciiString(fsdecode(file_path)), theIsBinary=binary ) writer.SetParallel(True) index_map = TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString() progress = Message_ProgressRange() messenger = Message.DefaultMessenger_s() for printer in messenger.Printers(): printer.SetTraceLevel(Message_Gravity(Message_Gravity.Message_Fail)) status = writer.Perform(doc, index_map, progress) # Reset tessellation BRepTools.Clean_s(to_export.wrapped) # Reset original orientation to_export.location = original_location # if not status: # raise RuntimeError("Failed to write glTF file") return status
[docs] def export_step( to_export: Shape, file_path: PathLike | str | bytes, unit: Unit = Unit.MM, write_pcurves: bool = True, precision_mode: PrecisionMode = PrecisionMode.AVERAGE, ) -> bool: """export_step Export a build123d Shape or assembly with color and label attributes. Note that if the color of a node in an assembly isn't set, it will be assigned the color of its nearest ancestor. Args: to_export (Shape): object or assembly file_path (Union[PathLike, str, bytes]): step file path unit (Unit, optional): shape units. Defaults to Unit.MM. write_pcurves (bool, optional): write parametric curves to the STEP file. Defaults to True. precision_mode (PrecisionMode, optional): geometric data precision. Defaults to PrecisionMode.AVERAGE. Raises: RuntimeError: Unknown Compound type Returns: bool: success """ # Create the XCAF document doc = _create_xde(to_export, unit) # Disable writing OCCT info to console messenger = Message.DefaultMessenger_s() for printer in messenger.Printers(): printer.SetTraceLevel(Message_Gravity(Message_Gravity.Message_Fail)) session = XSControl_WorkSession() writer = STEPCAFControl_Writer(session, False) writer.SetColorMode(True) writer.SetLayerMode(True) writer.SetNameMode(True) header = APIHeaderSection_MakeHeader(writer.Writer().Model()) if to_export.label: header.SetName(TCollection_HAsciiString(to_export.label)) # consider using e.g. the non *Value versions instead # header.SetAuthorValue(1, TCollection_HAsciiString("Volker")); # header.SetOrganizationValue(1, TCollection_HAsciiString("myCompanyName")); header.SetOriginatingSystem(TCollection_HAsciiString("build123d")) # header.SetDescriptionValue(1, TCollection_HAsciiString("myApplication Model")); STEPCAFControl_Controller.Init_s() STEPControl_Controller.Init_s() IGESControl_Controller.Init_s() Interface_Static.SetIVal_s("write.surfacecurve.mode", int(write_pcurves)) Interface_Static.SetIVal_s("write.precision.mode", precision_mode.value) writer.Transfer(doc, STEPControl_StepModelType.STEPControl_AsIs) status = writer.Write(fspath(file_path)) == IFSelect_ReturnStatus.IFSelect_RetDone if not status: raise RuntimeError("Failed to write STEP file") return status
[docs] def export_stl( to_export: Shape, file_path: PathLike | str | bytes, tolerance: float = 1e-3, angular_tolerance: float = 0.1, ascii_format: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Export STL Exports a shape to a specified STL file. Args: to_export (Shape): object or assembly file_path (str): The path and file name to write the STL output to. tolerance (float, optional): A linear deflection setting which limits the distance between a curve and its tessellation. Setting this value too low will result in large meshes that can consume computing resources. Setting the value too high can result in meshes with a level of detail that is too low. The default is a good starting point for a range of cases. Defaults to 1e-3. angular_tolerance (float, optional): Angular deflection setting which limits the angle between subsequent segments in a polyline. Defaults to 0.1. ascii_format (bool, optional): Export the file as ASCII (True) or binary (False) STL format. Defaults to False (binary). Returns: bool: Success """ mesh = BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh( to_export.wrapped, tolerance, True, angular_tolerance, True ) mesh.Perform() writer = StlAPI_Writer() writer.ASCIIMode = ascii_format file_path = str(file_path) return writer.Write(to_export.wrapped, file_path)