Curve Objects
name: objects_curve.py
by: Gumyr
date: March 22nd 2023
This python module contains objects (classes) that create 1D Curves.
Copyright 2023 Gumyr
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import copy as copy_module
from math import copysign, cos, radians, sin, sqrt
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from typing import Union
from collections.abc import Iterable
from build123d.build_common import WorkplaneList, flatten_sequence, validate_inputs
from build123d.build_enums import AngularDirection, GeomType, Keep, LengthMode, Mode
from build123d.build_line import BuildLine
from build123d.geometry import Axis, Plane, Vector, VectorLike, TOLERANCE
from build123d.topology import Edge, Face, Wire, Curve
def _add_curve_to_context(curve, mode: Mode):
"""Helper function to add a curve to the context.
curve (Union[Wire, Edge]): curve to add to the context (either a Wire or an Edge).
mode (Mode): combination mode.
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(log=False)
if context is not None and isinstance(context, BuildLine):
if isinstance(curve, Wire):
context._add_to_context(*curve.edges(), mode=mode)
elif isinstance(curve, Edge):
context._add_to_context(curve, mode=mode)
class BaseLineObject(Wire):
"""BaseLineObject specialized for Wire.
curve (Wire): wire to create.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(self, curve: Wire, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD):
# Use the helper function to handle adding the curve to the context
_add_curve_to_context(curve, mode)
class BaseEdgeObject(Edge):
"""BaseEdgeObject specialized for Edge.
curve (Edge): edge to create.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(self, curve: Edge, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD):
# Use the helper function to handle adding the curve to the context
_add_curve_to_context(curve, mode)
class Bezier(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Bezier Curve
Create a rational (with weights) or non-rational bezier curve. The first and last
control points represent the start and end of the curve respectively. If weights
are provided, there must be one provided for each control point.
cntl_pnts (sequence[VectorLike]): points defining the curve
weights (list[float], optional): control point weights list. Defaults to None.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
*cntl_pnts: VectorLike,
weights: list[float] | None = None,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
cntl_pnt_list = flatten_sequence(*cntl_pnts)
polls = WorkplaneList.localize(*cntl_pnt_list)
curve = Edge.make_bezier(*polls, weights=weights)
super().__init__(curve, mode=mode)
class CenterArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Center Arc
Add center arc to the line.
center (VectorLike): center point of arc
radius (float): arc radius
start_angle (float): arc staring angle
arc_size (float): arc size
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
center: VectorLike,
radius: float,
start_angle: float,
arc_size: float,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
center_point = WorkplaneList.localize(center)
if context is None:
circle_workplane = Plane.XY
circle_workplane = copy_module.copy(
circle_workplane.origin = center_point
arc_direction = (
if arc_size > 0
else AngularDirection.CLOCKWISE
arc_size = (arc_size + 360.0) % 360.0
end_angle = start_angle + arc_size
start_angle = end_angle if arc_size == 360.0 else start_angle
arc = Edge.make_circle(
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)
class DoubleTangentArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Double Tangent Arc
Create an arc defined by a point/tangent pair and another line which the other end
is tangent to.
Contains a solver.
pnt (VectorLike): starting point of tangent arc
tangent (VectorLike): tangent at starting point of tangent arc
other (Union[Curve, Edge, Wire]): reference line
keep (Keep, optional): selector for which arc to keep when two arcs are
possible. The arc generated with TOP or BOTTOM depends on the geometry
and isn't necessarily easy to predict. Defaults to Keep.TOP.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
RunTimeError: no double tangent arcs found
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
pnt: VectorLike,
tangent: VectorLike,
other: Curve | Edge | Wire,
keep: Keep = Keep.TOP,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
arc_pt = WorkplaneList.localize(pnt)
arc_tangent = WorkplaneList.localize(tangent).normalized()
if WorkplaneList._get_context() is not None:
workplane = WorkplaneList._get_context().workplanes[0]
workplane = Edge.make_line(arc_pt, arc_pt + arc_tangent).common_plane(
if workplane is None:
raise ValueError("DoubleTangentArc only works on a single plane")
workplane = -workplane # Flip to help with TOP/BOTTOM
rotation_axis = Axis((0, 0, 0), workplane.z_dir)
# Protect against massive circles that are effectively straight lines
max_size = 10 * other.bounding_box().add(arc_pt).diagonal
# Function to be minimized - note radius is a numpy array
def func(radius, perpendicular_bisector):
center = arc_pt + perpendicular_bisector * radius[0]
separation = other.distance_to(center)
return abs(separation - radius)
# Minimize the function using bounds and the tolerance value
arc_centers = []
for angle in [90, -90]:
perpendicular_bisector = arc_tangent.rotate(rotation_axis, angle)
result = minimize(
bounds=[(0.0, max_size)],
arc_radius = result.x[0]
arc_center = arc_pt + perpendicular_bisector * arc_radius
# Check for matching tangents
circle = Edge.make_circle(
arc_radius, Plane(arc_center, z_dir=rotation_axis.direction)
dist, p1, p2 = other.distance_to_with_closest_points(circle)
if dist > TOLERANCE: # If they aren't touching
other_axis = Axis(p1, other.tangent_at(p1))
circle_axis = Axis(p2, circle.tangent_at(p2))
if other_axis.is_parallel(circle_axis, 0.05):
if len(arc_centers) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No double tangent arcs found")
# If there are multiple solutions, select the desired one
if keep == Keep.TOP:
arc_centers = arc_centers[0:1]
elif keep == Keep.BOTTOM:
arc_centers = arc_centers[-1:]
with BuildLine() as double:
for center in arc_centers:
_, p1, _ = other.distance_to_with_closest_points(center)
TangentArc(arc_pt, p1, tangent=arc_tangent)
super().__init__(double.wire(), mode=mode)
class EllipticalStartArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Elliptical Start Arc
Makes an arc of an ellipse from the start point.
start (VectorLike): initial point of arc
end (VectorLike): final point of arc
x_radius (float): semi-major radius
y_radius (float): semi-minor radius
rotation (float, optional): the angle from the x-axis of the plane to the x-axis
of the ellipse. Defaults to 0.0.
large_arc (bool, optional): True if the arc spans greater than 180 degrees.
Defaults to True.
sweep_flag (bool, optional): False if the line joining center to arc sweeps through
decreasing angles, or True if it sweeps through increasing angles. Defaults to True.
plane (Plane, optional): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start: VectorLike,
end: VectorLike,
x_radius: float,
y_radius: float,
rotation: float = 0.0,
large_arc: bool = False,
sweep_flag: bool = True,
plane: Plane = Plane.XY,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
# Debugging incomplete
raise RuntimeError("Implementation incomplete")
# context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
# context.validate_inputs(self)
# # Calculate the ellipse parameters based on the SVG implementation here:
# # https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
# self.start_pnt = Vector(start)
# self.end_pnt = Vector(end)
# # Eq. 5.1
# self.mid_prime: Vector = ((self.start_pnt - self.end_pnt) * 0.5).rotate(
# Axis.Z, -rotation
# )
# # Eq. 5.2
# self.center_scalar = (-1 if large_arc == sweep_flag else 1) * sqrt(
# (
# x_radius**2 * y_radius**2
# - x_radius**2 * (self.mid_prime.Y**2)
# - y_radius**2 * (self.mid_prime.X**2)
# )
# / (
# x_radius**2 * (self.mid_prime.Y**2)
# + y_radius**2 * (self.mid_prime.X**2)
# )
# )
# self.center_prime = (
# Vector(
# x_radius * self.mid_prime.Y / y_radius,
# -y_radius * self.mid_prime.X / x_radius,
# )
# * self.center_scalar
# )
# # Eq. 5.3
# self.center_pnt: Vector = self.center_prime.rotate(Axis.Z, rotation) + (
# ((self.start_pnt + self.end_pnt) * 0.5)
# )
# plane.set_origin2d(self.center_pnt.X, self.center_pnt.Y)
# plane = plane.rotated((0, 0, rotation))
# self.start_angle = (
# plane.x_dir.get_signed_angle(self.start_pnt - self.center_pnt, plane.z_dir)
# + 360
# ) % 360
# self.end_angle = (
# plane.x_dir.get_signed_angle(self.end_pnt - self.center_pnt, plane.z_dir)
# + 360
# ) % 360
# self.angular_direction = (
# AngularDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
# if self.start_angle > self.end_angle
# else AngularDirection.CLOCKWISE
# )
# curve = Edge.make_ellipse(
# x_radius=x_radius,
# y_radius=y_radius,
# plane=plane,
# start_angle=self.start_angle,
# end_angle=self.end_angle,
# angular_direction=self.angular_direction,
# )
# context._add_to_context(curve, mode=mode)
# super().__init__(curve.wrapped)
# context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
class EllipticalCenterArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Elliptical Center Arc
Makes an arc of an ellipse from a center point.
center (VectorLike): ellipse center
x_radius (float): x radius of the ellipse (along the x-axis of plane)
y_radius (float): y radius of the ellipse (along the y-axis of plane)
start_angle (float, optional): Defaults to 0.0.
end_angle (float, optional): Defaults to 90.0.
rotation (float, optional): amount to rotate arc. Defaults to 0.0.
angular_direction (AngularDirection, optional): arc direction.
Defaults to AngularDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE.
plane (Plane, optional): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
center: VectorLike,
x_radius: float,
y_radius: float,
start_angle: float = 0.0,
end_angle: float = 90.0,
rotation: float = 0.0,
angular_direction: AngularDirection = AngularDirection.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
center_pnt = WorkplaneList.localize(center)
if context is None:
ellipse_workplane = Plane.XY
ellipse_workplane = copy_module.copy(
ellipse_workplane.origin = center_pnt
curve = Edge.make_ellipse(
Axis(ellipse_workplane.origin, ellipse_workplane.z_dir.to_dir()), rotation
super().__init__(curve, mode=mode)
class Helix(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Helix
Add a helix to the line.
pitch (float): distance between successive loops
height (float): helix size
radius (float): helix radius
center (VectorLike, optional): center point. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
direction (VectorLike, optional): direction of central axis. Defaults to (0, 0, 1).
cone_angle (float, optional): conical angle. Defaults to 0.
lefthand (bool, optional): left handed helix. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
pitch: float,
height: float,
radius: float,
center: VectorLike = (0, 0, 0),
direction: VectorLike = (0, 0, 1),
cone_angle: float = 0,
lefthand: bool = False,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
center_pnt = WorkplaneList.localize(center)
helix = Edge.make_helix(
pitch, height, radius, center_pnt, direction, cone_angle, lefthand
super().__init__(helix, mode=mode)
class FilletPolyline(BaseLineObject):
"""Line Object: FilletPolyline
Add a sequence of straight lines defined by successive points that
are filleted to a given radius.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of two or more points
radius (float): radius of filleted corners
close (bool, optional): close by generating an extra Edge. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Two or more points not provided
ValueError: radius must be positive
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
*pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike],
radius: float,
close: bool = False,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
if len(points) < 2:
raise ValueError("FilletPolyline requires two or more pts")
if radius <= 0:
raise ValueError("radius must be positive")
lines_pts = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
# Create the polyline
new_edges = [
Edge.make_line(lines_pts[i], lines_pts[i + 1])
for i in range(len(lines_pts) - 1)
if close and (new_edges[0] @ 0 - new_edges[-1] @ 1).length > 1e-5:
new_edges.append(Edge.make_line(new_edges[-1] @ 1, new_edges[0] @ 0))
wire_of_lines = Wire(new_edges)
# Create a list of vertices from wire_of_lines in the same order as
# the original points so the resulting fillet edges are ordered
ordered_vertices = []
for pnts in lines_pts:
distance = {
v: (Vector(pnts) - Vector(*v)).length for v in wire_of_lines.vertices()
ordered_vertices.append(sorted(distance.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0])
# Fillet the corners
# Create a map of vertices to edges containing that vertex
vertex_to_edges = {
v: [e for e in wire_of_lines.edges() if v in e.vertices()]
for v in ordered_vertices
# For each corner vertex create a new fillet Edge
fillets = []
for vertex, edges in vertex_to_edges.items():
if len(edges) != 2:
other_vertices = {ve for e in edges for ve in e.vertices() if ve != vertex}
third_edge = Edge.make_line(*[v.to_tuple() for v in other_vertices])
fillet_face = Face(Wire(edges + [third_edge])).fillet_2d(radius, [vertex])
# Create the Edges that join the fillets
if close:
interior_edges = [
Edge.make_line(fillets[i - 1] @ 1, fillets[i] @ 0)
for i in range(len(fillets))
end_edges = []
interior_edges = [
Edge.make_line(fillets[i] @ 1, f @ 0) for i, f in enumerate(fillets[1:])
end_edges = [
Edge.make_line(wire_of_lines @ 0, fillets[0] @ 0),
Edge.make_line(fillets[-1] @ 1, wire_of_lines @ 1),
new_wire = Wire(end_edges + interior_edges + fillets)
super().__init__(new_wire, mode=mode)
class JernArc(BaseEdgeObject):
Circular tangent arc with given radius and arc_size
start (VectorLike): start point
tangent (VectorLike): tangent at start point
radius (float): arc radius
arc_size (float): arc size in degrees (negative to change direction)
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
start (Vector): start point
end_of_arc (Vector): end point of arc
center_point (Vector): center of arc
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start: VectorLike,
tangent: VectorLike,
radius: float,
arc_size: float,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
start = WorkplaneList.localize(start)
self.start = start
if context is None:
jern_workplane = Plane.XY
jern_workplane = copy_module.copy(
jern_workplane.origin = start
start_tangent = Vector(tangent).transform(
jern_workplane.reverse_transform, is_direction=True
arc_direction = copysign(1.0, arc_size)
self.center_point = start + start_tangent.rotate(
Axis(start, jern_workplane.z_dir), arc_direction * 90
) * abs(radius)
self.end_of_arc = self.center_point + (start - self.center_point).rotate(
Axis(start, jern_workplane.z_dir), arc_size
if abs(arc_size) >= 360:
circle_plane = copy_module.copy(jern_workplane)
circle_plane.origin = self.center_point
circle_plane.x_dir = self.start - circle_plane.origin
arc = Edge.make_circle(radius, circle_plane)
arc = Edge.make_tangent_arc(start, start_tangent, self.end_of_arc)
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)
class Line(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Line
Add a straight line defined by two end points.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of two points
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Two point not provided
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(self, *pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike], mode: Mode = Mode.ADD):
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
if len(points) != 2:
raise ValueError("Line requires two pts")
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
points_localized = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
lines_pts = [Vector(p) for p in points_localized]
new_edge = Edge.make_line(lines_pts[0], lines_pts[1])
super().__init__(new_edge, mode=mode)
class IntersectingLine(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Intersecting Line Object: Line
Add a straight line that intersects another line at a given parameter and angle.
start (VectorLike): start point
direction (VectorLike): direction to make line
other (Edge): stop at the intersection of other
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start: VectorLike,
direction: VectorLike,
other: Curve | Edge | Wire,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
start = WorkplaneList.localize(start)
direction = WorkplaneList.localize(direction).normalized()
axis = Axis(start, direction)
intersection_pnts = [
i for edge in other.edges() for i in edge.find_intersection_points(axis)
if not intersection_pnts:
raise ValueError("No intersections found")
distances = [(start - p).length for p in intersection_pnts]
length = min(distances)
new_edge = Edge.make_line(start, start + direction * length)
super().__init__(new_edge, mode=mode)
class PolarLine(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Polar Line
Add line defined by a start point, length and angle.
start (VectorLike): start point
length (float): line length
angle (float): angle from the local "X" axis.
length_mode (LengthMode, optional): length value specifies a diagonal, horizontal
or vertical value. Defaults to LengthMode.DIAGONAL
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Either angle or direction must be provided
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start: VectorLike,
length: float,
angle: float | None = None,
direction: VectorLike | None = None,
length_mode: LengthMode = LengthMode.DIAGONAL,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
start = WorkplaneList.localize(start)
if context is None:
polar_workplane = Plane.XY
polar_workplane = copy_module.copy(
if direction is not None:
direction_localized = WorkplaneList.localize(direction)
angle = Vector(1, 0, 0).get_angle(direction_localized)
elif angle is not None:
direction_localized = polar_workplane.x_dir.rotate(
Axis((0, 0, 0), polar_workplane.z_dir),
raise ValueError("Either angle or direction must be provided")
if length_mode == LengthMode.DIAGONAL:
length_vector = direction_localized * length
elif length_mode == LengthMode.HORIZONTAL:
length_vector = direction_localized * (length / cos(radians(angle)))
elif length_mode == LengthMode.VERTICAL:
length_vector = direction_localized * (length / sin(radians(angle)))
new_edge = Edge.make_line(start, start + length_vector)
super().__init__(new_edge, mode=mode)
class Polyline(BaseLineObject):
"""Line Object: Polyline
Add a sequence of straight lines defined by successive point pairs.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of two or more points
close (bool, optional): close by generating an extra Edge. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Two or more points not provided
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
*pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike],
close: bool = False,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
if len(points) < 2:
raise ValueError("Polyline requires two or more pts")
lines_pts = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
new_edges = [
Edge.make_line(lines_pts[i], lines_pts[i + 1])
for i in range(len(lines_pts) - 1)
if close and (new_edges[0] @ 0 - new_edges[-1] @ 1).length > 1e-5:
new_edges.append(Edge.make_line(new_edges[-1] @ 1, new_edges[0] @ 0))
super().__init__(Wire.combine(new_edges)[0], mode=mode)
class RadiusArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Radius Arc
Add an arc defined by two end points and a radius
start_point (VectorLike): start
end_point (VectorLike): end
radius (float): radius
short_sagitta (bool): If True selects the short sagitta, else the
long sagitta crossing the center. Defaults to True.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Insufficient radius to connect end points
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start_point: VectorLike,
end_point: VectorLike,
radius: float,
short_sagitta: bool = True,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
start, end = WorkplaneList.localize(start_point, end_point)
# Calculate the sagitta from the radius
length = end.sub(start).length / 2.0
if short_sagitta:
sagitta = abs(radius) - sqrt(radius**2 - length**2)
sagitta = -abs(radius) - sqrt(radius**2 - length**2)
except ValueError as exception:
raise ValueError(
"Arc radius is not large enough to reach the end point."
) from exception
# Return a sagitta arc
if radius > 0:
arc = SagittaArc(start, end, sagitta, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
arc = SagittaArc(start, end, -sagitta, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)
class SagittaArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Sagitta Arc
Add an arc defined by two points and the height of the arc (sagitta).
start_point (VectorLike): start
end_point (VectorLike): end
sagitta (float): arc height
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
start_point: VectorLike,
end_point: VectorLike,
sagitta: float,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
start, end = WorkplaneList.localize(start_point, end_point)
mid_point = (end + start) * 0.5
if context is None:
sagitta_workplane = Plane.XY
sagitta_workplane = copy_module.copy(
sagitta_vector: Vector = (end - start).normalized() * abs(sagitta)
sagitta_vector = sagitta_vector.rotate(
Axis(sagitta_workplane.origin, sagitta_workplane.z_dir),
90 if sagitta > 0 else -90,
sag_point = mid_point + sagitta_vector
arc = ThreePointArc(start, sag_point, end, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)
class Spline(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Spline
Add a spline through the provided points optionally constrained by tangents.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of two or more points
tangents (Iterable[VectorLike], optional): tangents at end points. Defaults to None.
tangent_scalars (Iterable[float], optional): change shape by amplifying tangent.
Defaults to None.
periodic (bool, optional): make the spline periodic. Defaults to False.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
*pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike],
tangents: Iterable[VectorLike] | None = None,
tangent_scalars: Iterable[float] | None = None,
periodic: bool = False,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
spline_pts = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
if tangents:
spline_tangents = [
WorkplaneList.localize(tangent).normalized() for tangent in tangents
spline_tangents = None
if tangents is not None and tangent_scalars is None:
scalars = [1.0] * len(list(tangents))
scalars = list(tangent_scalars) if tangent_scalars is not None else []
spline = Edge.make_spline(
[p if isinstance(p, Vector) else Vector(*p) for p in spline_pts],
t * s if isinstance(t, Vector) else Vector(*t) * s
for t, s in zip(spline_tangents, scalars)
if spline_tangents
else None
scale=tangent_scalars is None,
super().__init__(spline, mode=mode)
class TangentArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Tangent Arc
Add an arc defined by two points and a tangent.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of two points
tangent (VectorLike): tangent to constrain arc
tangent_from_first (bool, optional): apply tangent to first point. Note, applying
tangent to end point will flip the orientation of the arc. Defaults to True.
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Two points are required
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(
*pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike],
tangent: VectorLike,
tangent_from_first: bool = True,
mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
if len(points) != 2:
raise ValueError("tangent_arc requires two points")
arc_pts = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
arc_tangent = WorkplaneList.localize(tangent).normalized()
point_indices = (0, -1) if tangent_from_first else (-1, 0)
arc = Edge.make_tangent_arc(
arc_pts[point_indices[0]], arc_tangent, arc_pts[point_indices[1]]
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)
class ThreePointArc(BaseEdgeObject):
"""Line Object: Three Point Arc
Add an arc generated by three points.
pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of three points
mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.
ValueError: Three points must be provided
_applies_to = [BuildLine._tag]
def __init__(self, *pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike], mode: Mode = Mode.ADD):
context: BuildLine | None = BuildLine._get_context(self)
validate_inputs(context, self)
points = flatten_sequence(*pts)
if len(points) != 3:
raise ValueError("ThreePointArc requires three points")
points_localized = WorkplaneList.localize(*points)
arc = Edge.make_three_point_arc(*points_localized)
super().__init__(arc, mode=mode)