Source code for objects_sketch

Sketch Objects

by:   Gumyr
date: March 22nd 2023

    This python module contains objects (classes) that create 2D Sketches.


    Copyright 2022 Gumyr

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


from __future__ import annotations

import trianglesolver

from math import cos, degrees, pi, radians, sin, tan
from typing import cast

from import Iterable

from build123d.build_common import LocationList, flatten_sequence, validate_inputs
from build123d.build_enums import Align, FontStyle, Mode
from build123d.build_sketch import BuildSketch
from build123d.geometry import (
from build123d.topology import (

[docs] class BaseSketchObject(Sketch): """BaseSketchObject Base class for all BuildSketch objects Args: face (Face): face to create rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to None. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, obj: Compound | Face, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = None, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): if align is not None: align = tuplify(align, 2) obj.move(Location(obj.bounding_box().to_align_offset(align))) context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self, log=False) if context is None: new_faces = obj.moved(Rotation(0, 0, rotation)).faces() else: self.rotation = rotation self.mode = mode obj = obj.moved(Rotation(0, 0, rotation)) new_faces = ShapeList( face.moved(location) for face in obj.faces() for location in LocationList._get_context().local_locations ) if isinstance(context, BuildSketch): context._add_to_context(*new_faces, mode=mode) super().__init__(Compound(new_faces).wrapped)
[docs] class Circle(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Circle Add circle(s) to the sketch. Args: radius (float): circle size align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, radius: float, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.radius = radius self.align = tuplify(align, 2) face = Face(Wire.make_circle(radius)) super().__init__(face, 0, self.align, mode)
[docs] class Ellipse(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Ellipse Add ellipse(s) to sketch. Args: x_radius (float): horizontal radius y_radius (float): vertical radius rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, x_radius: float, y_radius: float, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.x_radius = x_radius self.y_radius = y_radius self.align = tuplify(align, 2) face = Face(Wire.make_ellipse(x_radius, y_radius)) super().__init__(face, rotation, self.align, mode)
[docs] class Polygon(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Polygon Add polygon(s) defined by given sequence of points to sketch. Note that the order of the points define the normal of the Face that is created in Algebra mode, where counter clockwise order creates Faces with their normal being up while a clockwise order will have a normal that is down. In Builder mode, all Faces added to the sketch are up. Args: pts (Union[VectorLike, Iterable[VectorLike]]): sequence of points defining the vertices of the polygon rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, *pts: VectorLike | Iterable[VectorLike], rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) flattened_pts = flatten_sequence(*pts) self.pts = flattened_pts self.align = tuplify(align, 2) poly_pts = [Vector(p) for p in pts] face = Face(Wire.make_polygon(poly_pts)) super().__init__(face, rotation, self.align, mode)
[docs] class Rectangle(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Rectangle Add rectangle(s) to sketch. Args: width (float): horizontal size height (float): vertical size rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, width: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.width = width self.rectangle_height = height self.align = tuplify(align, 2) face = Face.make_rect(width, height) super().__init__(face, rotation, self.align, mode)
[docs] class RectangleRounded(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: RectangleRounded Add rectangle(s) with filleted corners to sketch. Args: width (float): horizontal size height (float): vertical size radius (float): fillet radius rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, width: float, height: float, radius: float, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) if width <= 2 * radius or height <= 2 * radius: raise ValueError("width and height must be > 2*radius") self.width = width self.rectangle_height = height self.radius = radius self.align = tuplify(align, 2) face = Face.make_rect(width, height) face = face.fillet_2d(radius, face.vertices()) super().__init__(face, rotation, align, mode)
[docs] class RegularPolygon(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Regular Polygon Add regular polygon(s) to sketch. Args: radius (float): distance from origin to vertices (major), or optionally from the origin to side (minor) with major_radius = False side_count (int): number of polygon sides major_radius (bool): If True the radius is the major radius, else the radius is the minor radius (also known as inscribed radius). Defaults to True. rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, radius: float, side_count: int, major_radius: bool = True, rotation: float = 0, align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) if side_count < 3: raise ValueError( f"RegularPolygon must have at least three sides, not {side_count}" ) if major_radius: rad = radius else: rad = radius / cos(pi / side_count) self.radius: float = rad #: radius of the circumscribed circle or major radius self.apothem: float = rad * cos( pi / side_count ) #: radius of the inscribed circle or minor radius self.side_count = side_count self.align = align pts = ShapeList( [ Vector( rad * cos(i * 2 * pi / side_count + radians(rotation)), rad * sin(i * 2 * pi / side_count + radians(rotation)), ) for i in range(side_count + 1) ] ) pts_sorted = [pts.sort_by(Axis.X), pts.sort_by(Axis.Y)] # pylint doesn't recognize that a ShapeList of Vector is valid # pylint: disable=no-member mins = [pts_sorted[0][0].X, pts_sorted[1][0].Y] maxs = [pts_sorted[0][-1].X, pts_sorted[1][-1].Y] align_offset = to_align_offset(mins, maxs, align, center=(0, 0)) pts_ao = [point + align_offset for point in pts] face = Face(Wire.make_polygon(pts_ao)) super().__init__(face, rotation=0, align=None, mode=mode)
[docs] class SlotArc(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Arc Slot Add slot(s) following an arc to sketch. Args: arc (Union[Edge, Wire]): center line of slot height (float): diameter of end circles rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, arc: Edge | Wire, height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.arc = arc self.slot_height = height arc = arc if isinstance(arc, Wire) else Wire([arc]) face = Face(arc.offset_2d(height / 2)).rotate(Axis.Z, rotation) super().__init__(face, rotation, None, mode)
[docs] class SlotCenterPoint(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Center Point Slot Add a slot(s) defined by the center of the slot and the center of one of the circular arcs at the end. The other end will be generated to create a symmetric slot. Args: center (VectorLike): slot center point point (VectorLike): slot center of arc point height (float): diameter of end circles rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, center: VectorLike, point: VectorLike, height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) center_v = Vector(center) point_v = Vector(point) self.slot_center = center_v self.point = point_v self.slot_height = height half_line = point_v - center_v if half_line.length * 2 <= height: raise ValueError( f"Slots must have width > height. " "Got: {height=} width={half_line.length * 2} (computed)" ) face = Face( Wire.combine( [ Edge.make_line(point_v, center_v), Edge.make_line(center_v, center_v - half_line), ] )[0].offset_2d(height / 2) ) super().__init__(face, rotation, None, mode)
[docs] class SlotCenterToCenter(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Center to Center points Slot Add slot(s) defined by the distance between the center of the two end arcs. Args: center_separation (float): distance between two arc centers height (float): diameter of end circles rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, center_separation: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): if center_separation <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Requires center_separation > 0. Got: {center_separation=}" ) context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.center_separation = center_separation self.slot_height = height face = Face( Wire( [ Edge.make_line(Vector(-center_separation / 2, 0, 0), Vector()), Edge.make_line(Vector(), Vector(+center_separation / 2, 0, 0)), ] ).offset_2d(height / 2) ) super().__init__(face, rotation, None, mode)
[docs] class SlotOverall(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Center to Center points Slot Add slot(s) defined by the overall with of the slot. Args: width (float): overall width of the slot height (float): diameter of end circles rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, width: float, height: float, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): if width <= height: raise ValueError( f"Slot requires that width > height. Got: {width=}, {height=}" ) context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.width = width self.slot_height = height if width != height: face = Face( Wire( [ Edge.make_line(Vector(-width / 2 + height / 2, 0, 0), Vector()), Edge.make_line(Vector(), Vector(+width / 2 - height / 2, 0, 0)), ] ).offset_2d(height / 2) ) else: face = cast(Face, Circle(width / 2, mode=mode).face()) super().__init__(face, rotation, align, mode)
[docs] class Text(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Text Add text(s) to the sketch. Args: txt (str): text to be rendered font_size (float): size of the font in model units font (str, optional): font name. Defaults to "Arial". font_path (str, optional): system path to font library. Defaults to None. font_style (Font_Style, optional): style. Defaults to Font_Style.REGULAR. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). path (Union[Edge, Wire], optional): path for text to follow. Defaults to None. position_on_path (float, optional): the relative location on path to position the text, values must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.0. rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, txt: str, font_size: float, font: str = "Arial", font_path: str | None = None, font_style: FontStyle = FontStyle.REGULAR, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), path: Edge | Wire | None = None, position_on_path: float = 0.0, rotation: float = 0.0, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) self.txt = txt self.font_size = font_size self.font = font self.font_path = font_path self.font_style = font_style self.align = align self.text_path = path self.position_on_path = position_on_path self.rotation = rotation self.mode = mode text_string = Compound.make_text( txt=txt, font_size=font_size, font=font, font_path=font_path, font_style=font_style, align=align, position_on_path=position_on_path, text_path=path, ) super().__init__(text_string, rotation, None, mode)
[docs] class Trapezoid(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Trapezoid Add trapezoid(s) to the sketch. Args: width (float): horizontal width height (float): vertical height left_side_angle (float): bottom left interior angle right_side_angle (float, optional): bottom right interior angle. If not provided, the trapezoid will be symmetric. Defaults to None. rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER). mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. Raises: ValueError: Give angles result in an invalid trapezoid """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, width: float, height: float, left_side_angle: float, right_side_angle: float | None = None, rotation: float = 0, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER), mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) right_side_angle = left_side_angle if not right_side_angle else right_side_angle self.width = width self.trapezoid_height = height self.left_side_angle = left_side_angle self.right_side_angle = right_side_angle self.align = tuplify(align, 2) # Calculate the reduction of the top on both sides reduction_left = ( 0 if left_side_angle == 90 else height / tan(radians(left_side_angle)) ) reduction_right = ( 0 if right_side_angle == 90 else height / tan(radians(right_side_angle)) ) top_width_left = width / 2 top_width_right = width / 2 bot_width_left = width / 2 bot_width_right = width / 2 if reduction_left > 0: top_width_left -= reduction_left else: bot_width_left += reduction_left if reduction_right > 0: top_width_right -= reduction_right else: bot_width_right += reduction_right if (bot_width_left + bot_width_right) < 0: raise ValueError("Trapezoid bottom invalid - change angles") if (top_width_left + top_width_right) < 0: raise ValueError("Trapezoid top invalid - change angles") pts = [] pts.append(Vector(-bot_width_left, -height / 2)) pts.append(Vector(bot_width_right, -height / 2)) pts.append(Vector(top_width_right, height / 2)) pts.append(Vector(-top_width_left, height / 2)) pts.append(pts[0]) face = Face(Wire.make_polygon(pts)) super().__init__(face, rotation, self.align, mode)
[docs] class Triangle(BaseSketchObject): """Sketch Object: Triangle Add any triangle to the sketch by specifying the length of any side and any two other side lengths or interior angles. Note that the interior angles are opposite the side with the same designation (i.e. side 'a' is opposite angle 'A'). Args: a (float, optional): side 'a' length. Defaults to None. b (float, optional): side 'b' length. Defaults to None. c (float, optional): side 'c' length. Defaults to None. A (float, optional): interior angle 'A' in degrees. Defaults to None. B (float, optional): interior angle 'B' in degrees. Defaults to None. C (float, optional): interior angle 'C' in degrees. Defaults to None. rotation (float, optional): angles to rotate objects. Defaults to 0. align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align]], optional): align min, center, or max of object. Defaults to None. mode (Mode, optional): combination mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD. Raises: ValueError: One length and two other values were not provided """ _applies_to = [BuildSketch._tag] def __init__( self, *, a: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, c: float | None = None, A: float | None = None, B: float | None = None, C: float | None = None, align: Align | tuple[Align, Align] | None = None, rotation: float = 0, mode: Mode = Mode.ADD, ): context: BuildSketch | None = BuildSketch._get_context(self) validate_inputs(context, self) if [v is None for v in [a, b, c]].count(True) == 3 or [ v is None for v in [a, b, c, A, B, C] ].count(True) != 3: raise ValueError("One length and two other values must be provided") A, B, C = (radians(angle) if angle is not None else None for angle in [A, B, C]) ar, br, cr, Ar, Br, Cr = trianglesolver.solve(a, b, c, A, B, C) self.a = ar #: length of side 'a' self.b = br #: length of side 'b' self.c = cr #: length of side 'c' self.A = degrees(Ar) #: interior angle 'A' in degrees self.B = degrees(Br) #: interior angle 'B' in degrees self.C = degrees(Cr) #: interior angle 'C' in degrees triangle = Face( Wire.make_polygon( [Vector(0, 0), Vector(ar, 0), Vector(cr, 0).rotate(Axis.Z, self.B)] ) ) center_of_geometry = ( sum((Vector(v) for v in triangle.vertices()), Vector(0, 0, 0)) / 3 ) triangle.move(Location(-center_of_geometry)) alignment = None if align is None else tuplify(align, 2) super().__init__(obj=triangle, rotation=rotation, align=alignment, mode=mode) self.edge_a = self.edges().filter_by(lambda e: abs(e.length - ar) < TOLERANCE)[ 0 ] #: edge 'a' self.edge_b = self.edges().filter_by( lambda e: abs(e.length - br) < TOLERANCE and e not in [self.edge_a] )[ 0 ] #: edge 'b' self.edge_c = self.edges().filter_by( lambda e: e not in [self.edge_a, self.edge_b] )[ 0 ] #: edge 'c' self.vertex_A = topo_explore_common_vertex( self.edge_b, self.edge_c ) #: vertex 'A' self.vertex_B = topo_explore_common_vertex( self.edge_a, self.edge_c ) #: vertex 'B' self.vertex_C = topo_explore_common_vertex( self.edge_a, self.edge_b ) #: vertex 'C'