The build123d Examples


In the GitHub repository you will find an examples folder.

Most of the examples show the builder and algebra modes.

Benchy 🔨
Circuit Board With Holes 🔨 ✏️
Canadian Flag Blowing in The Wind
Canadian Flag Blowing in The Wind 🔨 ✏️
Circuit Board With Holes
Clock Face 🔨 ✏️
Clock Face
Handle 🔨 ✏️
Heat Exchanger 🔨 ✏️
Heat Exchanger
Key Cap 🔨 ✏️
Key Cap
(former) build123d Logo 🔨 ✏️
Former build123d Logo
Maker Coin 🔨
Maker Coin
Multi-Sketch Loft 🔨 ✏️
Multi-Sketch Loft
Peg Board J Hook 🔨 ✏️
Peg Board Hook
Platonic Solids ✏️
Platonic Solids
Playing Cards 🔨
Playing Cards
Stud Wall ✏️
Stud Wall
Tea Cup 🔨 ✏️
Tea Cup
Vase 🔨 ✏️



The Benchy examples shows how to import a STL model as a Solid object with the class Mesher and modify it by replacing chimney with a BREP version.

_images/example_benchy_02.png _images/example_benchy_03.png
🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)
# Import the benchy as a Solid model
importer = Mesher()
benchy_stl ="low_poly_benchy.stl")[0]

with BuildPart() as benchy:

    # Determine the plane that defines the top of the roof
    vertices = benchy.vertices()
    roof_vertices = vertices.filter_by_position(Axis.Z, 38, 42)
    roof_plane_vertices = [
        roof_vertices.group_by(Axis.Y, tol_digits=2)[-1].sort_by(Axis.X)[0],
        roof_vertices.group_by(Axis.Y, tol_digits=2)[0].sort_by(Axis.X)[0],
    roof_plane = Plane(
        Face(Wire.make_polygon([v.to_tuple() for v in roof_plane_vertices]))
    # Remove the faceted smoke stack
    split(bisect_by=roof_plane, keep=Keep.BOTTOM)

    # Determine the position and size of the smoke stack
    smoke_stack_vertices = vertices.group_by(Axis.Z, tol_digits=0)[-1]
    smoke_stack_center = sum(
        [Vector(v.X, v.Y, v.Z) for v in smoke_stack_vertices], Vector()
    ) * (1 / len(smoke_stack_vertices))
    smoke_stack_radius = max(
            (Vector(*v.to_tuple()) - smoke_stack_center).length
            for v in smoke_stack_vertices

    # Create the new smoke stack
    with BuildSketch(Plane(smoke_stack_center)):
        Circle(smoke_stack_radius - 2 * MM, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=-3 * MM)
    with BuildSketch(Plane(smoke_stack_center)):
        Circle(smoke_stack_radius - 0.5 * MM)
        Circle(smoke_stack_radius - 2 * MM, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=roof_plane_vertices[1].Z - smoke_stack_center.Z)


Canadian Flag Blowing in The Wind


A Canadian Flag blowing in the wind created by projecting planar faces onto a non-planar face (the_wind).

This example also demonstrates building complex lines that snap to existing features.

More Images
_images/example_canadian_flag_02.png _images/example_canadian_flag_03.png
🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

def surface(amplitude, u, v):
    """Calculate the surface displacement of the flag at a given position"""
    return v * amplitude / 20 * cos(3.5 * pi * u) + amplitude / 10 * v * sin(
        1.1 * pi * v

# Note that the surface to project on must be a little larger than the faces
# being projected onto it to create valid projected faces
the_wind = Face.make_surface_from_array_of_points(
                width * (v * 1.1 / 40 - 0.05),
                height * (u * 1.2 / 40 - 0.1),
                height * surface(wave_amplitude, u / 40, v / 40) / 2,
            for u in range(41)
        for v in range(41)
with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(10)) as west_field_builder:
    Rectangle(width / 4, height, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN))
west_field_planar = west_field_builder.sketch.faces()[0]
east_field_planar = west_field_planar.mirror(Plane.YZ.offset(width / 2))

with BuildSketch(Plane((width / 2, 0, 10))) as center_field_builder:
    Rectangle(width / 2, height, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
    with BuildSketch(
        Plane((width / 2, 0, 10)), mode=Mode.SUBTRACT
    ) as maple_leaf_builder:
        with BuildLine() as outline:
            l1 = Polyline((0.0000, 0.0771), (0.0187, 0.0771), (0.0094, 0.2569))
            l2 = Polyline((0.0325, 0.2773), (0.2115, 0.2458), (0.1873, 0.3125))
            RadiusArc(l1 @ 1, l2 @ 0, 0.0271)
            l3 = Polyline((0.1915, 0.3277), (0.3875, 0.4865), (0.3433, 0.5071))
            TangentArc(l2 @ 1, l3 @ 0, tangent=l2 % 1)
            l4 = Polyline((0.3362, 0.5235), (0.375, 0.6427), (0.2621, 0.6188))
            SagittaArc(l3 @ 1, l4 @ 0, 0.003)
            l5 = Polyline((0.2469, 0.6267), (0.225, 0.6781), (0.1369, 0.5835))
                l4 @ 1, (l4 @ 1 + l5 @ 0) * 0.5 + Vector(-0.002, -0.002), l5 @ 0
            l6 = Polyline((0.1138, 0.5954), (0.1562, 0.8146), (0.0881, 0.7752))
                l5 @ 1,
                l6 @ 0,
                tangents=(l5 % 1, l6 % 0),
                tangent_scalars=(2, 2),
            l7 = Line((0.0692, 0.7808), (0.0000, 0.9167))
            TangentArc(l6 @ 1, l7 @ 0, tangent=l6 % 1)
            mirror(outline.edges(), Plane.YZ)
maple_leaf_planar = maple_leaf_builder.sketch.faces()[0]
center_field_planar = center_field_builder.sketch.faces()[0]

west_field = west_field_planar.project_to_shape(the_wind, (0, 0, -1))[0]
west_field.color = Color("red")
east_field = east_field_planar.project_to_shape(the_wind, (0, 0, -1))[0]
east_field.color = Color("red")
center_field = center_field_planar.project_to_shape(the_wind, (0, 0, -1))[0]
center_field.color = Color("white")
maple_leaf = maple_leaf_planar.project_to_shape(the_wind, (0, 0, -1))[0]
maple_leaf.color = Color("red")

canadian_flag = Compound(children=[west_field, east_field, center_field, maple_leaf])
show(Rot(90, 0, 0) * canadian_flag)
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)
def surface(amplitude, u, v):
    """Calculate the surface displacement of the flag at a given position"""
    return v * amplitude / 20 * cos(3.5 * pi * u) + amplitude / 10 * v * sin(
        1.1 * pi * v

# Note that the surface to project on must be a little larger than the faces
# being projected onto it to create valid projected faces
the_wind = Face.make_surface_from_array_of_points(
                width * (v * 1.1 / 40 - 0.05),
                height * (u * 1.2 / 40 - 0.1),
                height * surface(wave_amplitude, u / 40, v / 40) / 2,
            for u in range(41)
        for v in range(41)

field_planar = Plane.XY.offset(10) * Rectangle(width / 4, height, align=Align.MIN)
west_field_planar = field_planar.faces()[0]
east_field_planar = mirror(west_field_planar, Plane.YZ.offset(width / 2))

l1 = Polyline((0.0000, 0.0771), (0.0187, 0.0771), (0.0094, 0.2569))
l2 = Polyline((0.0325, 0.2773), (0.2115, 0.2458), (0.1873, 0.3125))
r1 = RadiusArc(l1 @ 1, l2 @ 0, 0.0271)
l3 = Polyline((0.1915, 0.3277), (0.3875, 0.4865), (0.3433, 0.5071))
r2 = TangentArc(l2 @ 1, l3 @ 0, tangent=l2 % 1)
l4 = Polyline((0.3362, 0.5235), (0.375, 0.6427), (0.2621, 0.6188))
r3 = SagittaArc(l3 @ 1, l4 @ 0, 0.003)
l5 = Polyline((0.2469, 0.6267), (0.225, 0.6781), (0.1369, 0.5835))
r4 = ThreePointArc(l4 @ 1, (l4 @ 1 + l5 @ 0) * 0.5 + Vector(-0.002, -0.002), l5 @ 0)
l6 = Polyline((0.1138, 0.5954), (0.1562, 0.8146), (0.0881, 0.7752))
s = Spline(
    l5 @ 1,
    l6 @ 0,
    tangents=(l5 % 1, l6 % 0),
    tangent_scalars=(2, 2),
l7 = Line((0.0692, 0.7808), (0.0000, 0.9167))
r5 = TangentArc(l6 @ 1, l7 @ 0, tangent=l6 % 1)

outline = l1 + [l2, r1, l3, r2, l4, r3, l5, r4, l6, s, l7, r5]
outline += mirror(outline, Plane.YZ)

maple_leaf_planar = make_face(outline)

center_field_planar = (
    Rectangle(1, 1, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN)) - maple_leaf_planar

def scale_move(obj):
    return Plane((width / 2, 0, 10)) * scale(obj, height)

def project(obj):
    return obj.faces()[0].project_to_shape(the_wind, (0, 0, -1))[0]

maple_leaf_planar = scale_move(maple_leaf_planar)
center_field_planar = scale_move(center_field_planar)

west_field = project(west_field_planar)
west_field.color = Color("red")
east_field = project(east_field_planar)
east_field.color = Color("red")
center_field = project(center_field_planar)
center_field.color = Color("white")
maple_leaf = project(maple_leaf_planar)
maple_leaf.color = Color("red")

canadian_flag = Compound(children=[west_field, east_field, center_field, maple_leaf])
show(Rot(90, 0, 0) * canadian_flag)

Circuit Board With Holes


This example demonstrates placing holes around a part.

  • Builder mode uses Locations context to place the positions.

  • Algebra mode uses product and range to calculate the positions.

More Images
🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)
with BuildPart() as pcb:
    with BuildSketch():
        Rectangle(pcb_length, pcb_width)

        for i in range(65 // 5):
            x = i * 5 - 30
            with Locations((x, -15), (x, -10), (x, 10), (x, 15)):
                Circle(1, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        for i in range(30 // 5 - 1):
            y = i * 5 - 10
            with Locations((30, y), (35, y)):
                Circle(1, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        with GridLocations(60, 20, 2, 2):
            Circle(2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)
x_coords = product(range(65 // 5), (-15, -10, 10, 15))
y_coords = product((30, 35), range(30 // 5 - 1))

pcb = Rectangle(pcb_length, pcb_width)
pcb -= [Pos(i * 5 - 30, y) * Circle(1) for i, y in x_coords]
pcb -= [Pos(x, i * 5 - 10) * Circle(1) for x, i in y_coords]
pcb -= [loc * Circle(2) for loc in GridLocations(60, 20, 2, 2)]

pcb = extrude(pcb, pcb_height)


Clock Face

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

clock_radius = 10
with BuildSketch() as minute_indicator:
    with BuildLine() as outline:
        l1 = CenterArc((0, 0), clock_radius * 0.975, 0.75, 4.5)
        l2 = CenterArc((0, 0), clock_radius * 0.925, 0.75, 4.5)
        Line(l1 @ 0, l2 @ 0)
        Line(l1 @ 1, l2 @ 1)
    fillet(minute_indicator.vertices(), radius=clock_radius * 0.01)

with BuildSketch() as clock_face:
    with PolarLocations(0, 60):
        add(minute_indicator.sketch, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with PolarLocations(clock_radius * 0.875, 12):
        SlotOverall(clock_radius * 0.05, clock_radius * 0.025, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    for hour in range(1, 13):
        with PolarLocations(clock_radius * 0.75, 1, -hour * 30 + 90, 360, rotate=False):
                font_size=clock_radius * 0.175,

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

clock_radius = 10

l1 = CenterArc((0, 0), clock_radius * 0.975, 0.75, 4.5)
l2 = CenterArc((0, 0), clock_radius * 0.925, 0.75, 4.5)
l3 = Line(l1 @ 0, l2 @ 0)
l4 = Line(l1 @ 1, l2 @ 1)
minute_indicator = make_face([l1, l3, l2, l4])
minute_indicator = fillet(minute_indicator.vertices(), radius=clock_radius * 0.01)

clock_face = Circle(clock_radius)
clock_face -= PolarLocations(0, 60) * minute_indicator
clock_face -= PolarLocations(clock_radius * 0.875, 12) * SlotOverall(
    clock_radius * 0.05, clock_radius * 0.025

clock_face -= [
    * Text(
        str(hour + 1),
        font_size=clock_radius * 0.175,
    for hour, loc in enumerate(
        PolarLocations(clock_radius * 0.75, 12, 60, -360, rotate=False)


The Python code utilizes the build123d library to create a 3D model of a clock face. It defines a minute indicator with arcs and lines, applying fillets, and then integrates it into the clock face sketch. The clock face includes a circular outline, hour labels, and slots at specified positions. The resulting 3D model represents a detailed and visually appealing clock design.

PolarLocations are used to position features on the clock face.


🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show_object

segment_count = 6

with BuildPart() as handle:
    # Create a path for the sweep along the handle - added to pending_edges
    with BuildLine() as handle_center_line:
            (-10, 0, 0),
            (0, 0, 5),
            (10, 0, 0),
            tangents=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)),
            tangent_scalars=(1.5, 1.5),

    # Create the cross sections - added to pending_faces
    for i in range(segment_count + 1):
        with BuildSketch(handle_center_line.line ^ (i / segment_count)) as section:
            if i % segment_count == 0:
                Rectangle(1.25, 3)
                fillet(section.vertices(), radius=0.2)
    # Record the sections for display
    sections = handle.pending_faces

    # Create the handle by sweeping along the path

assert abs(handle.part.volume - 94.77361455046953) < 1e-3

show_object(handle_center_line.line, name="handle_center_line")
for i, section in enumerate(sections):
    show_object(section, name="section" + str(i))
show_object(handle.part, name="handle", options=dict(alpha=0.6))
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show_object

segment_count = 6

# Create a path for the sweep along the handle - added to pending_edges
handle_center_line = Spline(
    (-10, 0, 0),
    (0, 0, 5),
    (10, 0, 0),
    tangents=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)),
    tangent_scalars=(1.5, 1.5),

# Create the cross sections - added to pending_faces
sections = Sketch()
for i in range(segment_count + 1):
    location = handle_center_line ^ (i / segment_count)
    if i % segment_count == 0:
        circle = location * Circle(1)
        circle = location * Rectangle(1.25, 3)
        circle = fillet(circle.vertices(), radius=0.2)
    sections += circle

# Create the handle by sweeping along the path
handle = sweep(sections, path=handle_center_line, multisection=True)

show_object(handle_center_line, name="handle_path")
for i, circle in enumerate(sections):
    show_object(circle, name="section" + str(i))
show_object(handle, name="handle", options=dict(alpha=0.6))

This example demonstrates multisection sweep creating a drawer handle.

Heat Exchanger

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

exchanger_diameter = 10 * CM
exchanger_length = 30 * CM
plate_thickness = 5 * MM
# 149 tubes
tube_diameter = 5 * MM
tube_spacing = 2 * MM
tube_wall_thickness = 0.5 * MM
tube_extension = 3 * MM
bundle_diameter = exchanger_diameter - 2 * tube_diameter
fillet_radius = tube_spacing / 3
assert tube_extension > fillet_radius

# Build the heat exchanger
with BuildPart() as heat_exchanger:
    # Generate list of tube locations
    tube_locations = [
        for l in HexLocations(
            radius=(tube_diameter + tube_spacing) / 2,
            x_count=exchanger_diameter // tube_diameter,
            y_count=exchanger_diameter // tube_diameter,
        if l.position.length < bundle_diameter / 2
    tube_count = len(tube_locations)
    with BuildSketch() as tube_plan:
        with Locations(*tube_locations):
            Circle(radius=tube_diameter / 2)
            Circle(radius=tube_diameter / 2 - tube_wall_thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=exchanger_length / 2)
    with BuildSketch(
            origin=(0, 0, exchanger_length / 2 - tube_extension - plate_thickness),
            z_dir=(0, 0, 1),
    ) as plate_plan:
        Circle(radius=exchanger_diameter / 2)
        with Locations(*tube_locations):
            Circle(radius=tube_diameter / 2 - tube_wall_thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    half_volume_before_fillet = heat_exchanger.part.volume
    # Simulate welded tubes by adding a fillet to the outside radius of the tubes
        .sort_by(Axis.Z, reverse=True)[2 * tube_count : 3 * tube_count],
    half_volume_after_fillet = heat_exchanger.part.volume

fillet_volume = 2 * (half_volume_after_fillet - half_volume_before_fillet)
assert abs(fillet_volume - 469.88331045553787) < 1e-3

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

exchanger_diameter = 10 * CM
exchanger_length = 30 * CM
plate_thickness = 5 * MM
# 149 tubes
tube_diameter = 5 * MM
tube_spacing = 2 * MM
tube_wall_thickness = 0.5 * MM
tube_extension = 3 * MM
bundle_diameter = exchanger_diameter - 2 * tube_diameter
fillet_radius = tube_spacing / 3
assert tube_extension > fillet_radius

# Build the heat exchanger
tube_locations = [
    for l in HexLocations(
        radius=(tube_diameter + tube_spacing) / 2,
        x_count=exchanger_diameter // tube_diameter,
        y_count=exchanger_diameter // tube_diameter,
    if l.position.length < bundle_diameter / 2

ring = Circle(tube_diameter / 2) - Circle(tube_diameter / 2 - tube_wall_thickness)
tube_plan = Sketch() + tube_locations * ring

heat_exchanger = extrude(tube_plan, exchanger_length / 2)

plate_plane = Plane(
    origin=(0, 0, exchanger_length / 2 - tube_extension - plate_thickness),
    z_dir=(0, 0, 1),
plate = Circle(radius=exchanger_diameter / 2) - tube_locations * Circle(
    radius=tube_diameter / 2 - tube_wall_thickness

heat_exchanger += extrude(plate_plane * plate, plate_thickness)
edges = (
half_volume_before_fillet = heat_exchanger.volume
heat_exchanger = fillet(edges, radius=fillet_radius)
half_volume_after_fillet = heat_exchanger.volume
heat_exchanger += mirror(heat_exchanger, Plane.XY)

fillet_volume = 2 * (half_volume_after_fillet - half_volume_before_fillet)
assert abs(fillet_volume - 469.88331045553787) < 1e-3


This example creates a model of a parametric heat exchanger core. The positions of the tubes are defined with HexLocations and further limited to fit within the circular end caps. The ends of the tubes are filleted to the end plates to simulate welding.

Key Cap

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

with BuildPart() as key_cap:
    # Start with the plan of the key cap and extrude it
    with BuildSketch() as plan:
        Rectangle(18 * MM, 18 * MM)
    extrude(amount=10 * MM, taper=15)
    # Create a dished top
    with Locations((0, -3 * MM, 47 * MM)):
        Sphere(40 * MM, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT, rotation=(90, 0, 0))
    # Fillet all the edges except the bottom
        key_cap.edges().filter_by_position(Axis.Z, 0, 30 * MM, inclusive=(False, True)),
        radius=1 * MM,
    # Hollow out the key by subtracting a scaled version
    scale(by=(0.925, 0.925, 0.85), mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

    # Add supporting ribs while leaving room for switch activation
    with BuildSketch(Plane(origin=(0, 0, 4 * MM))):
        Rectangle(15 * MM, 0.5 * MM)
        Rectangle(0.5 * MM, 15 * MM)
        Circle(radius=5.5 * MM / 2)
    # Extrude the mount and ribs to the key cap underside
    # Find the face on the bottom of the ribs to build onto
    rib_bottom = key_cap.faces().filter_by_position(Axis.Z, 4 * MM, 4 * MM)[0]
    # Add the switch socket
    with BuildSketch(rib_bottom) as cruciform:
        Circle(radius=5.5 * MM / 2)
        Rectangle(4.1 * MM, 1.17 * MM, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        Rectangle(1.17 * MM, 4.1 * MM, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=3.5 * MM, mode=Mode.ADD)

assert abs(key_cap.part.volume - 644.8900473617498) < 1e-3

show(key_cap, alphas=[0.3])
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

# Taper Extrude and Extrude to "next" while creating a Cherry MX key cap
# See:

plan = Rectangle(18 * MM, 18 * MM)
key_cap = extrude(plan, amount=10 * MM, taper=15)

# Create a dished top
key_cap -= Location((0, -3 * MM, 47 * MM), (90, 0, 0)) * Sphere(40 * MM)

# Fillet all the edges except the bottom
key_cap = fillet(
    key_cap.edges().filter_by_position(Axis.Z, 0, 30 * MM, inclusive=(False, True)),
    radius=1 * MM,

# Hollow out the key by subtracting a scaled version
key_cap -= scale(key_cap, (0.925, 0.925, 0.85))

# Add supporting ribs while leaving room for switch activation
ribs = Rectangle(17.5 * MM, 0.5 * MM)
ribs += Rectangle(0.5 * MM, 17.5 * MM)
ribs += Circle(radius=5.51 * MM / 2)

# Extrude the mount and ribs to the key cap underside
key_cap += extrude(Pos(0, 0, 4 * MM) * ribs, until=Until.NEXT, target=key_cap)

# Find the face on the bottom of the ribs to build onto
rib_bottom = key_cap.faces().filter_by_position(Axis.Z, 4 * MM, 4 * MM)[0]

# Add the switch socket
socket = Circle(radius=5.5 * MM / 2)
socket -= Rectangle(4.1 * MM, 1.17 * MM)
socket -= Rectangle(1.17 * MM, 4.1 * MM)
key_cap += extrude(Plane(rib_bottom) * socket, amount=3.5 * MM)

show(key_cap, alphas=[0.3])

This example demonstrates the design of a Cherry MX key cap by using extrude with a taper and extrude until next.

Maker Coin


This example creates the maker coin as defined by Angus on the Maker’s Muse YouTube channel. There are two key features:

  1. the use of DoubleTangentArc to create a smooth transition from the central dish to the outside arc, and

  2. embossing the text into the top of the coin not just as a simple extrude but from a projection which results in text with even depth.

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)
# Coin Parameters
diameter, thickness = 50 * MM, 10 * MM

with BuildPart() as maker_coin:
    # On XZ plane draw the profile of half the coin
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as profile:
        with BuildLine() as outline:
            l1 = Polyline((0, thickness * 0.6), (0, 0), ((diameter - thickness) / 2, 0))
            l2 = JernArc(
                start=l1 @ 1, tangent=l1 % 1, radius=thickness / 2, arc_size=300
            )  # extend the arc beyond the intersection but not closed
            l3 = DoubleTangentArc(l1 @ 0, tangent=(1, 0), other=l2)
        make_face()  # make it a 2D shape
    revolve()  # revolve 360°

    # Pattern the detents around the coin
    with BuildSketch() as detents:
        with PolarLocations(radius=(diameter + 5) / 2, count=8):
            Circle(thickness * 1.4 / 2)
    extrude(amount=thickness, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)  # cut away the detents

    fillet(maker_coin.edges(Select.NEW), 2)  # fillet the cut edges

    # Add an embossed label
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(thickness)) as label:  # above coin
        Text("OS", font_size=15)
    project()  # label on top of coin
    extrude(amount=-thickness / 5, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)  # emboss label


Multi-Sketch Loft


This example demonstrates lofting a set of sketches, selecting the top and bottom by type, and shelling.

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from math import pi, sin
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

with BuildPart() as art:
    slice_count = 10
    for i in range(slice_count + 1):
        with BuildSketch(Plane(origin=(0, 0, i * 3), z_dir=(0, 0, 1))) as slice:
            Circle(10 * sin(i * pi / slice_count) + 5)
    top_bottom = art.faces().filter_by(GeomType.PLANE)
    offset(openings=top_bottom, amount=0.5)

assert abs(art.part.volume - 1306.3405290344635) < 1e-3

show(art, names=["art"])
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from math import pi, sin
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

slice_count = 10

art = Sketch()
for i in range(slice_count + 1):
    plane = Plane(origin=(0, 0, i * 3), z_dir=(0, 0, 1))
    art += plane * Circle(10 * sin(i * pi / slice_count) + 5)

art = loft(art)
top_bottom = art.faces().filter_by(GeomType.PLANE)
art = offset(art, openings=top_bottom, amount=0.5)

show(art, names=["art"])

Peg Board Hook


This script creates a a J-shaped pegboard hook. These hooks are commonly used for organizing tools in garages, workshops, or other spaces where tools and equipment need to be stored neatly and accessibly. The hook is created by defining a complex path and then sweeping it to define the hook. The sides of the hook are flattened to aid 3D printing.

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

pegd = 6.35 + 0.1  # mm ~0.25inch
c2c = 25.4  # mm 1.0inch
arcd = 7.2
both = 10
topx = 6
midx = 8
maind = 0.82 * pegd
midd = 1.0 * pegd
hookd = 23
hookx = 10
splitz = maind / 2 - 0.1
topangs = 70

with BuildPart() as mainp:
    with BuildLine(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as sprof:
        l1 = Line((-both, 0), (c2c - arcd / 2 - 0.5, 0))
        l2 = JernArc(start=l1 @ 1, tangent=l1 % 1, radius=arcd / 2, arc_size=topangs)
        l3 = PolarLine(
            start=l2 @ 1,
            direction=l2 % 1,
        l4 = JernArc(start=l3 @ 1, tangent=l3 % 1, radius=arcd / 2, arc_size=-topangs)
        l5 = PolarLine(
            start=l4 @ 1,
            direction=l4 % 1,
        l6 = JernArc(
            start=l1 @ 0, tangent=(l1 % 0).reverse(), radius=hookd / 2, arc_size=170
        l7 = PolarLine(
            start=l6 @ 1,
            direction=l6 % 1,
    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ):
        Circle(radius=maind / 2)
    with BuildLine(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as stub:
        l7 = Line((0, 0), (0, midx + maind / 2))
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ):
        Circle(radius=midd / 2)
    # splits help keep the object 3d printable by reducing overhang
    split(bisect_by=Plane(origin=(0, 0, -splitz)))
    split(bisect_by=Plane(origin=(0, 0, splitz)), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

pegd = 6.35 + 0.1  # mm ~0.25inch
c2c = 25.4  # mm 1.0inch
arcd = 7.2
both = 10
topx = 6
midx = 8
maind = 0.82 * pegd
midd = 1.0 * pegd
hookd = 23
hookx = 10
splitz = maind / 2 - 0.1
topangs = 70

l1 = Line((-both, 0), (c2c - arcd / 2 - 0.5, 0))
l2 = JernArc(start=l1 @ 1, tangent=l1 % 1, radius=arcd / 2, arc_size=topangs)
l3 = PolarLine(
    start=l2 @ 1,
    direction=l2 % 1,
l4 = JernArc(start=l3 @ 1, tangent=l3 % 1, radius=arcd / 2, arc_size=-topangs)
l5 = PolarLine(
    start=l4 @ 1,
    direction=l4 % 1,
l6 = JernArc(start=l1 @ 0, tangent=(l1 % 0).reverse(), radius=hookd / 2, arc_size=170)
l7 = PolarLine(
    start=l6 @ 1,
    direction=l6 % 1,
sprof = Curve() + (l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7)
wire = Wire(sprof.edges())  #  TODO sprof.wires() fails
mainp = sweep(Plane.YZ * Circle(radius=maind / 2), path=wire)

stub = Line((0, 0), (0, midx + maind / 2))
mainp += sweep(Plane.XZ * Circle(radius=midd / 2), path=stub)

# splits help keep the object 3d printable by reducing overhang
mainp = split(mainp, Plane(origin=(0, 0, -splitz)))
mainp = split(mainp, Plane(origin=(0, 0, splitz)), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)


Platonic Solids


This example creates a custom Part object PlatonicSolid.

Platonic solids are five three-dimensional shapes that are highly symmetrical, known since antiquity and named after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. These solids are unique because their faces are congruent regular polygons, with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. The five Platonic solids are the tetrahedron (4 triangular faces), cube (6 square faces), octahedron (8 triangular faces), dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces), and icosahedron (20 triangular faces). Each solid represents a unique way in which identical polygons can be arranged in three dimensions to form a convex polyhedron, embodying ideals of symmetry and balance.

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)
from build123d import *
from math import sqrt
from typing import Union, Literal
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

from ocp_vscode import show

PHI = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2  # The Golden Ratio

class PlatonicSolid(BasePartObject):
    """Part Object: Platonic Solid

    Create one of the five convex Platonic solids.

        face_count (Literal[4,6,8,12,20]): number of faces
        diameter (float): double distance to vertices, i.e. maximum size
        rotation (RotationLike, optional): angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
        align (Union[None, Align, tuple[Align, Align, Align]], optional): align min, center,
            or max of object. Defaults to None.
        mode (Mode, optional): combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.

    tetrahedron_vertices = [(1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, 1)]

    cube_vertices = [(i, j, k) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1] for k in [-1, 1]]

    octahedron_vertices = (
        [(i, 0, 0) for i in [-1, 1]]
        + [(0, i, 0) for i in [-1, 1]]
        + [(0, 0, i) for i in [-1, 1]]

    dodecahedron_vertices = (
        [(i, j, k) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1] for k in [-1, 1]]
        + [(0, i / PHI, j * PHI) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]
        + [(i / PHI, j * PHI, 0) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]
        + [(i * PHI, 0, j / PHI) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]

    icosahedron_vertices = (
        [(0, i, j * PHI) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]
        + [(i, j * PHI, 0) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]
        + [(i * PHI, 0, j) for i in [-1, 1] for j in [-1, 1]]

    vertices_lookup = {
        4: tetrahedron_vertices,
        6: cube_vertices,
        8: octahedron_vertices,
        12: dodecahedron_vertices,
        20: icosahedron_vertices,
    _applies_to = [BuildPart._tag]

    def __init__(
        face_count: Literal[4, 6, 8, 12, 20],
        diameter: float = 1.0,
        rotation: RotationLike = (0, 0, 0),
        align: Union[None, Align, tuple[Align, Align, Align]] = None,
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
            platonic_vertices = PlatonicSolid.vertices_lookup[face_count]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"face_count must be one of 4, 6, 8, 12, or 20 not {face_count}"

        # Create a convex hull from the vertices
        hull = ConvexHull(platonic_vertices).simplices.tolist()

        # Create faces from the vertex indices
        platonic_faces = []
        for face_vertex_indices in hull:
            corner_vertices = [platonic_vertices[i] for i in face_vertex_indices]

        # Create the solid from the Faces
        platonic_solid = Solid.make_solid(Shell.make_shell(platonic_faces)).clean()

        # By definition, all vertices are the same distance from the origin so
        # scale proportionally to this distance
        platonic_solid = platonic_solid.scale(
            (diameter / 2) / Vector(platonic_solid.vertices()[0]).length

        super().__init__(part=platonic_solid, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

solids = [
    Rot(0, 0, 72 * i) * Pos(1, 0, 0) * PlatonicSolid(faces)
    for i, faces in enumerate([4, 6, 8, 12, 20])

Playing Cards


This example creates a customs Sketch objects: Club, Spade, Heart, Diamond, and PlayingCard in addition to a two part playing card box which has suit cutouts in the lid. The four suits are created with Bézier curves that were imported as code from an SVG file and modified to the code found here.

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from typing import Literal
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show_object

# [Club]
class Club(BaseSketchObject):
    def __init__(
        height: float,
        rotation: float = 0,
        align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        with BuildSketch() as club:
            with BuildLine():
                l0 = Line((0, -188), (76, -188))
                b0 = Bezier(l0 @ 1, (61, -185), (33, -173), (17, -81))
                b1 = Bezier(b0 @ 1, (49, -128), (146, -145), (167, -67))
                b2 = Bezier(b1 @ 1, (187, 9), (94, 52), (32, 18))
                b3 = Bezier(b2 @ 1, (92, 57), (113, 188), (0, 188))
            scale(by=height / club.sketch.bounding_box().size.Y)
        super().__init__(obj=club.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

# [Club]

class Spade(BaseSketchObject):
    def __init__(
        height: float,
        rotation: float = 0,
        align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        with BuildSketch() as spade:
            with BuildLine():
                b0 = Bezier((0, 198), (6, 190), (41, 127), (112, 61))
                b1 = Bezier(b0 @ 1, (242, -72), (114, -168), (11, -105))
                b2 = Bezier(b1 @ 1, (31, -174), (42, -179), (53, -198))
                l0 = Line(b2 @ 1, (0, -198))
            scale(by=height / spade.sketch.bounding_box().size.Y)
        super().__init__(obj=spade.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

class Heart(BaseSketchObject):
    def __init__(
        height: float,
        rotation: float = 0,
        align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        with BuildSketch() as heart:
            with BuildLine():
                b1 = Bezier((0, 146), (20, 169), (67, 198), (97, 198))
                b2 = Bezier(b1 @ 1, (125, 198), (151, 186), (168, 167))
                b3 = Bezier(b2 @ 1, (197, 133), (194, 88), (158, 31))
                b4 = Bezier(b3 @ 1, (126, -13), (94, -48), (62, -95))
                b5 = Bezier(b4 @ 1, (40, -128), (0, -198))
            scale(by=height / heart.sketch.bounding_box().size.Y)
        super().__init__(obj=heart.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

class Diamond(BaseSketchObject):
    def __init__(
        height: float,
        rotation: float = 0,
        align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        with BuildSketch() as diamond:
            with BuildLine():
                Bezier((135, 0), (94, 69), (47, 134), (0, 198))
            scale(by=height / diamond.sketch.bounding_box().size.Y)
        super().__init__(obj=diamond.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

card_width = 2.5 * IN
card_length = 3.5 * IN
deck = 0.5 * IN
wall = 4 * MM
gap = 0.5 * MM

with BuildPart() as box_builder:
    with BuildSketch() as plan:
        Rectangle(card_width + 2 * wall, card_length + 2 * wall)
        fillet(plan.vertices(), radius=card_width / 15)
    extrude(amount=wall / 2)
    with BuildSketch(box_builder.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]) as walls:
        offset(plan.sketch, amount=-wall, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=deck / 2)
    with BuildSketch(box_builder.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]) as inset_walls:
        offset(plan.sketch, amount=-(wall + gap) / 2, mode=Mode.ADD)
        offset(plan.sketch, amount=-wall, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=deck / 2)

with BuildPart() as lid_builder:
    with BuildSketch() as outset_walls:
        offset(plan.sketch, amount=-(wall - gap) / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    extrude(amount=deck / 2)
    with BuildSketch(lid_builder.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]) as top:
    extrude(amount=wall / 2)
    with BuildSketch(lid_builder.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]):
        holes = GridLocations(
            3 * card_width / 5, 3 * card_length / 5, 2, 2
        for i, hole in enumerate(holes):
            with Locations(hole) as hole_loc:
                if i == 0:
                    Heart(card_length / 5)
                elif i == 1:
                    Diamond(card_length / 5)
                elif i == 2:
                    Spade(card_length / 5)
                elif i == 3:
                    Club(card_length / 5)
    extrude(amount=-wall, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

box = Compound(
    [box_builder.part, lid_builder.part.moved(Location((0, 0, (wall + deck) / 2)))]
visible, hidden = box.project_to_viewport((70, -50, 120))
max_dimension = max(*Compound(children=visible + hidden).bounding_box().size)
exporter = ExportSVG(scale=100 / max_dimension)
exporter.add_layer("Hidden", line_color=(99, 99, 99), line_type=LineType.ISO_DOT)
exporter.add_shape(visible, layer="Visible")
exporter.add_shape(hidden, layer="Hidden")
# exporter.write(f"assets/card_box.svg")

class PlayingCard(BaseSketchObject):

    A standard playing card modelled as a Face.

        rank (Literal['A', '2' .. '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K']): card rank
        suit (Literal['Clubs', 'Spades', 'Hearts', 'Diamonds']): card suit

    width = 2.5 * IN
    height = 3.5 * IN
    suits = {"Clubs": Club, "Spades": Spade, "Hearts": Heart, "Diamonds": Diamond}
    ranks = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]

    def __init__(
        rank: Literal["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"],
        suit: Literal["Clubs", "Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds"],
        rotation: float = 0,
        align: tuple[Align, Align] = (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER),
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        with BuildSketch() as playing_card:
                PlayingCard.width, PlayingCard.height, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN)
            fillet(playing_card.vertices(), radius=PlayingCard.width / 15)
            with Locations(
                    PlayingCard.width / 7,
                    8 * PlayingCard.height / 9,
                    font_size=PlayingCard.width / 7,
            with Locations(
                    PlayingCard.width / 7,
                    7 * PlayingCard.height / 9,
                    height=PlayingCard.width / 12, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT
            with Locations(
                    6 * PlayingCard.width / 7,
                    1 * PlayingCard.height / 9,
                    font_size=PlayingCard.width / 7,
            with Locations(
                    6 * PlayingCard.width / 7,
                    2 * PlayingCard.height / 9,
                    height=PlayingCard.width / 12, rotation=180, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT
            rank_int = PlayingCard.ranks.index(rank) + 1
            rank_int = rank_int if rank_int < 10 else 1
            with Locations((PlayingCard.width / 2, PlayingCard.height / 2)):
                center_radius = 0 if rank_int == 1 else PlayingCard.width / 3.5
                suit_rotation = 0 if rank_int == 1 else -90
                suit_height = (
                    0.00159 * rank_int**2 - 0.0380 * rank_int + 0.37
                ) * PlayingCard.width
                with PolarLocations(
                    start_angle=90 if rank_int > 1 else 0,
            obj=playing_card.sketch, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode

ace_spades = PlayingCard(rank="A", suit="Spades", align=Align.MIN)
ace_spades.color = Color("white")
king_hearts = PlayingCard(rank="K", suit="Hearts", align=Align.MIN)
king_hearts.color = Color("white")
queen_clubs = PlayingCard(rank="Q", suit="Clubs", align=Align.MIN)
queen_clubs.color = Color("white")
jack_diamonds = PlayingCard(rank="J", suit="Diamonds", align=Align.MIN)
jack_diamonds.color = Color("white")
ten_spades = PlayingCard(rank="10", suit="Spades", align=Align.MIN)
ten_spades.color = Color("white")

hand = Compound(
        Rot(0, 0, -20) * Pos(0, 0, 0) * ace_spades,
        Rot(0, 0, -10) * Pos(0, 0, -1) * king_hearts,
        Rot(0, 0, 0) * Pos(0, 0, -2) * queen_clubs,
        Rot(0, 0, 10) * Pos(0, 0, -3) * jack_diamonds,
        Rot(0, 0, 20) * Pos(0, 0, -4) * ten_spades,

show_object(Pos(-20, 40) * hand)
show_object(box_builder.part, "box_builder")
    Pos(0, 0, (wall + deck) / 2) * lid_builder.part,
    options={"alpha": 0.7},

Stud Wall


This example demonstrates creatings custom Part objects and putting them into assemblies. The custom object is a Stud used in the building industry while the assembly is a StudWall created from copies of Stud objects for efficiency. Both the Stud and StudWall objects use RigidJoints to define snap points which are used to position all of objects.

✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)
class Stud(BasePartObject):
    """Part Object: Stud

    Create a dimensional framing stud.

        length (float): stud size
        width (float): stud size
        thickness (float): stud size
        rotation (RotationLike, optional): angles to rotate about axes. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
        align (Union[Align, tuple[Align, Align, Align]], optional): align min, center,
            or max of object. Defaults to (Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.MIN).
        mode (Mode, optional): combine mode. Defaults to Mode.ADD.

    _applies_to = [BuildPart._tag]

    def __init__(
        length: float = 8 * FT,
        width: float = 3.5 * IN,
        thickness: float = 1.5 * IN,
        rotation: RotationLike = (0, 0, 0),
        align: Union[None, Align, tuple[Align, Align, Align]] = (
        mode: Mode = Mode.ADD,
        self.length = length
        self.width = width
        self.thickness = thickness

        # Create the basic shape
        with BuildPart() as stud:
            with BuildSketch():
                RectangleRounded(thickness, width, 0.25 * IN)

        # Create a Part object with appropriate alignment and rotation
        super().__init__(part=stud.part, rotation=rotation, align=align, mode=mode)

        # Add joints to the ends of the stud
        RigidJoint("end0", self, Location())
        RigidJoint("end1", self, Location((0, 0, length), (1, 0, 0), 180))

class StudWall(Compound):

    A simple stud wall assembly with top and sole plates.

        length (float): wall length
        depth (float, optional): stud width. Defaults to 3.5*IN.
        height (float, optional): wall height. Defaults to 8*FT.
        stud_spacing (float, optional): center-to-center. Defaults to 16*IN.
        stud_thickness (float, optional): Defaults to 1.5*IN.

    def __init__(
        length: float,
        depth: float = 3.5 * IN,
        height: float = 8 * FT,
        stud_spacing: float = 16 * IN,
        stud_thickness: float = 1.5 * IN,
        # Create the object that will be used for top and sole plates
        plate = Stud(
            rotation=(0, -90, 0),
            align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER, Align.MAX),
        # Define where studs will go on the plates
        stud_locations = Pos(stud_thickness / 2, 0, stud_thickness) * GridLocations(
            stud_spacing, 0, int(length / stud_spacing) + 1, 1, align=Align.MIN
        stud_locations.append(Pos(length - stud_thickness / 2, 0, stud_thickness))

        # Create a single stud that will be copied for efficiency
        stud = Stud(height - 2 * stud_thickness, depth, stud_thickness)

        # For efficiency studs in the walls are copies with their own position
        studs = []
        for i, loc in enumerate(stud_locations):
            stud_joint = RigidJoint(f"stud{i}", plate, loc)
            stud_copy = copy.copy(stud)
        top_plate = copy.copy(plate)
        sole_plate = copy.copy(plate)

        # Position the top plate relative to the top of the first stud

        # Build the assembly of parts
        super().__init__(children=[top_plate, sole_plate] + studs)

        # Add joints to the wall
        RigidJoint("inside0", self, Location((depth / 2, depth / 2, 0), (0, 0, 1), 90))
        RigidJoint("end0", self, Location())

x_wall = StudWall(13 * FT)
y_wall = StudWall(9 * FT)

show(x_wall, y_wall, render_joints=False)

Tea Cup

🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

wall_thickness = 3 * MM
fillet_radius = wall_thickness * 0.49

with BuildPart() as tea_cup:
    # Create the bowl of the cup as a revolved cross section
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as bowl_section:
        with BuildLine():
            # Start & end points with control tangents
            s = Spline(
                (30 * MM, 10 * MM),
                (69 * MM, 105 * MM),
                tangents=((1, 0.5), (0.7, 1)),
                tangent_scalars=(1.75, 1),
            # Lines to finish creating ½ the bowl shape
            Polyline(s @ 0, s @ 0 + (10 * MM, -10 * MM), (0, 0), (0, (s @ 1).Y), s @ 1)
        make_face()  # Create a filled 2D shape
    # Hollow out the bowl with openings on the top and bottom
    offset(amount=-wall_thickness, openings=tea_cup.faces().filter_by(GeomType.PLANE))
    # Add a bottom to the bowl
    with Locations((0, 0, (s @ 0).Y)):
        Cylinder(radius=(s @ 0).X, height=wall_thickness)
    # Smooth out all the edges
    fillet(tea_cup.edges(), radius=fillet_radius)

    # Determine where the handle contacts the bowl
    handle_intersections = [
            Axis(origin=(0, 0, vertical_offset), direction=(1, 0, 0))
        for vertical_offset in [35 * MM, 80 * MM]
    # Create a path for handle creation
    with BuildLine(Plane.XZ) as handle_path:
            handle_intersections[0] - (wall_thickness / 2, 0),
            handle_intersections[0] + (35 * MM, 30 * MM),
            handle_intersections[0] + (40 * MM, 60 * MM),
            handle_intersections[1] - (wall_thickness / 2, 0),
            tangents=((1, 1.25), (-0.2, -1)),
    # Align the cross section to the beginning of the path
    with BuildSketch(handle_path.line ^ 0) as handle_cross_section:
        RectangleRounded(wall_thickness, 8 * MM, fillet_radius)
    sweep()  # Sweep handle cross section along path

assert abs(tea_cup.part.volume - 130326) < 1

show(tea_cup, names=["tea cup"])
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

wall_thickness = 3 * MM
fillet_radius = wall_thickness * 0.49

# Create the bowl of the cup as a revolved cross section

# Start & end points with control tangents
s = Spline(
    (30 * MM, 10 * MM),
    (69 * MM, 105 * MM),
    tangents=((1, 0.5), (0.7, 1)),
    tangent_scalars=(1.75, 1),
# Lines to finish creating ½ the bowl shape
s += Polyline(s @ 0, s @ 0 + (10 * MM, -10 * MM), (0, 0), (0, (s @ 1).Y), s @ 1)
bowl_section = Plane.XZ * make_face(s)  # Create a filled 2D shape
tea_cup = revolve(bowl_section, axis=Axis.Z)

# Hollow out the bowl with openings on the top and bottom
tea_cup = offset(
    tea_cup, -wall_thickness, openings=tea_cup.faces().filter_by(GeomType.PLANE)

# Add a bottom to the bowl
tea_cup += Pos(0, 0, (s @ 0).Y) * Cylinder(radius=(s @ 0).X, height=wall_thickness)

# Smooth out all the edges
tea_cup = fillet(tea_cup.edges(), radius=fillet_radius)

# Determine where the handle contacts the bowl
handle_intersections = [
        Axis(origin=(0, 0, vertical_offset), direction=(1, 0, 0))
    for vertical_offset in [35 * MM, 80 * MM]

# Create a path for handle creation
path_spline = Spline(
    handle_intersections[0] - (wall_thickness / 2, 0, 0),
    handle_intersections[0] + (35 * MM, 0, 30 * MM),
    handle_intersections[0] + (40 * MM, 0, 60 * MM),
    handle_intersections[1] - (wall_thickness / 2, 0, 0),
    tangents=((1, 0, 1.25), (-0.2, 0, -1)),

# Align the cross section to the beginning of the path
location = path_spline ^ 0
handle_cross_section = location * RectangleRounded(wall_thickness, 8 * MM, fillet_radius)

# Sweep handle cross section along path
tea_cup += sweep(handle_cross_section, path=path_spline)

# assert abs(tea_cup.part.volume - 130326.77052487945) < 1e-3

show(tea_cup, names=["tea cup"])

This example demonstrates the creation a tea cup, which serves as an example of constructing complex, non-flat geometrical shapes programmatically.

The tea cup model involves several CAD techniques, such as:

  • Revolve Operations: There is 1 occurrence of a revolve operation. This is used to create the main body of the tea cup by revolving a profile around an axis, a common technique for generating symmetrical objects like cups.

  • Sweep Operations: There are 2 occurrences of sweep operations. The handle are created by sweeping a profile along a path to generate non-planar surfaces.

  • Offset/Shell Operations: the bowl of the cup is hollowed out with the offset operation leaving the top open.

  • Fillet Operations: There is 1 occurrence of a fillet operation which is used to round the edges for aesthetic improvement and to mimic real-world objects more closely.


🔨 Reference Implementation (Builder Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show_object

with BuildPart() as vase:
    with BuildSketch() as profile:
        with BuildLine() as outline:
            l1 = Line((0, 0), (12, 0))
            l2 = RadiusArc(l1 @ 1, (15, 20), 50)
            l3 = Spline(l2 @ 1, (22, 40), (20, 50), tangents=(l2 % 1, (-0.75, 1)))
            l4 = RadiusArc(l3 @ 1, l3 @ 1 + Vector(0, 5), 5)
            l5 = Spline(
                l4 @ 1,
                l4 @ 1 + Vector(2.5, 2.5),
                l4 @ 1 + Vector(0, 5),
                tangents=(l4 % 1, (-1, 0)),
                l5 @ 1,
                l5 @ 1 + Vector(0, 1),
                (0, (l5 @ 1).Y + 1),
                l1 @ 0,
    offset(openings=vase.faces().filter_by(Axis.Y)[-1], amount=-1)
    top_edges = (
        vase.edges().filter_by_position(Axis.Y, 60, 62).filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE)
    fillet(top_edges, radius=0.25)
    fillet(vase.edges().sort_by(Axis.Y)[0], radius=0.5)

show_object(Rot(90, 0, 0) * vase.part, name="vase")
✏️ Reference Implementation (Algebra Mode)

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show_object

l1 = Line((0, 0), (12, 0))
l2 = RadiusArc(l1 @ 1, (15, 20), 50)
l3 = Spline(l2 @ 1, (22, 40), (20, 50), tangents=(l2 % 1, (-0.75, 1)))
l4 = RadiusArc(l3 @ 1, l3 @ 1 + Vector(0, 5), 5)
l5 = Spline(
    l4 @ 1,
    l4 @ 1 + Vector(2.5, 2.5),
    l4 @ 1 + Vector(0, 5),
    tangents=(l4 % 1, (-1, 0)),
outline = l1 + l2 + l3 + l4 + l5
outline += Polyline(
    l5 @ 1,
    l5 @ 1 + Vector(0, 1),
    (0, (l5 @ 1).Y + 1),
    l1 @ 0,
profile = make_face(outline.edges())
vase = revolve(profile, Axis.Y)
vase = offset(vase, openings=vase.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y).last, amount=-1)

top_edges = vase.edges().filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE).filter_by_position(Axis.Y, 60, 62)
vase = fillet(top_edges, radius=0.25)

vase = fillet(vase.edges().sort_by(Axis.Y).first, radius=0.5)

show_object(Rot(90, 0, 0) * vase, name="vase")

This example demonstrates the build123d techniques involving the creation of a vase. Specifically, it showcases the processes of revolving a sketch, shelling (creating a hollow object by removing material from its interior), and selecting edges by position range and type for the application of fillets (rounding off the edges).

  • Sketching: Drawing a 2D profile or outline that represents the side view of the vase.

  • Revolving: Rotating the sketch around an axis to create a 3D object. This step transforms the 2D profile into a 3D vase shape.

  • Offset/Shelling: Removing material from the interior of the solid vase to create a hollow space, making it resemble a real vase more closely.

  • Edge Filleting: Selecting specific edges of the vase for filleting, which involves rounding those edges. The edges are selected based on their position and type.