Too Tall Toby (TTT) Tutorials


To enhance users’ proficiency with Build123D, this section offers a series of challenges. In these challenges, users are presented with a CAD drawing and tasked with designing the part. Their goal is to match the part’s mass to a specified target.

These drawings were skillfully crafted and generously provided to Build123D by Too Tall Toby, a renowned figure in the realm of 3D CAD. Too Tall Toby is the host of the World Championship of 3D CAD Speedmodeling. For additional 3D CAD challenges and content, be sure to visit Toby’s youtube channel.

Feel free to click on the parts below to embark on these engaging challenges.

Party Pack 01-01 Bearing Bracket
Party Pack 01-01 Bearing Bracket
Party Pack 01-02 Post Cap
Party Pack 01-02 Post Cap
Party Pack 01-03 C Clamp Base
Party Pack 01-03 C Clamp Base
Party Pack 01-04 Angle Bracket
Party Pack 01-04 Angle Bracket
Party Pack 01-05 Paste Sleeve
Party Pack 01-05 Paste Sleeve
Party Pack 01-06 Bearing Jig
Party Pack 01-06 Bearing Jig
Party Pack 01-07 Flanged Hub
Party Pack 01-07 Flanged Hub
Party Pack 01-08 Tie Plate
Party Pack 01-08 Tie Plate
Party Pack 01-09 Corner Tie
Party Pack 01-09 Corner Tie
Party Pack 01-10 Light Cap
Party Pack 01-10 Light Cap
23-02-02 SM Hanger
23-02-02 SM Hanger
23-T-24 Curved Support
23-T-24 Curved Support
24-SPO-06 Buffer Stand
24-SPO-06 Buffer Stand

Party Pack 01-01 Bearing Bracket

Object Mass

797.15 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-01 Bearing Bracket

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
        Rectangle(115, 50)
        with Locations((5 / 2, 0)):
            SlotOverall(90, 12, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ.offset(50 / 2)) as s3:
        with Locations((-115 / 2 + 26, 15)):
            SlotOverall(42 + 2 * 26 + 12, 2 * 26, rotation=90)
    zz = extrude(amount=-12)
    edgs = p.part.edges().filter_by(Axis.Y).group_by(Axis.X)[-2]
    fillet(edgs, 9)

    with Locations(zz.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y)[0]):
        with Locations((42 / 2 + 6, 0)):
            CounterBoreHole(24 / 2, 34 / 2, 4)

    with BuildSketch() as s4:
        RectangleRounded(115, 50, 6)
    extrude(amount=80, mode=Mode.INTERSECT)
    # fillet does not work right, mode intersect is safer

    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as s4:
        with BuildLine() as bl:
            l1 = Line((0, 0), (18 / 2, 0))
            l2 = PolarLine(l1 @ 1, 8, 60, length_mode=LengthMode.VERTICAL)
            l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, (0, 8))
    extrude(amount=115/2, both=True, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densa:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-02 Post Cap

Object Mass

43.09 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-02 Post Cap

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

# TTT Party Pack 01: PPP0102, mass(abs) = 43.09g
with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as sk1:
        Rectangle(49, 48 - 8, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        Rectangle(9, 48, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        with Locations((9 / 2, 40)):
            Ellipse(20, 8)

    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ.offset(-15)) as xc1:
        with Locations((0, 40 / 2 - 17)):
            Ellipse(10 / 2, 4 / 2)
        with BuildLine(Plane.XZ) as l1:
            CenterArc((-15, 40 / 2), 17, 90, 180)

    fillet(p.edges().filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE, reverse=True).group_by(Axis.X)[0], 1)

    with BuildLine(mode=Mode.PRIVATE) as lc1:
            (42 / 2, 0), 37, 94, length_mode=LengthMode.VERTICAL
        )  # construction line

    pts = [
        (0, 0),
        (42 / 2, 0),
        ((lc1.line @ 1).X, (lc1.line @ 1).Y),
        (0, (lc1.line @ 1).Y),
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as sk2:
        Polygon(*pts, align=None)
        fillet(sk2.vertices().group_by(Axis.X)[1], 3)
    revolve(axis=Axis.Z, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densa:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-03 C Clamp Base

Object Mass

96.13 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-03 C Clamp Base

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as ppp0103:
    with BuildSketch() as sk1:
        RectangleRounded(34 * 2, 95, 18)
        with Locations((0, -2)):
            RectangleRounded((34 - 16) * 2, 95 - 18 - 14, 7, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        with Locations((-34 / 2, 0)):
            Rectangle(34, 95, 0, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ.offset(-95 / 2)) as cyl1:
        with Locations((0, 16 / 2)):
            Circle(16 / 2)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ.offset(95 / 2 - 14)) as cyl2:
        with Locations((0, 16 / 2)):
            Circle(16 / 2)
    with Locations(Plane.XZ.offset(95 / 2 + 9)):
        with Locations((0, 16 / 2)):
            CounterSinkHole(5.5 / 2, 11.2 / 2, None, 90)

print(f"\npart mass = {ppp0103.part.volume*densb:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-04 Angle Bracket

Object Mass

310.00 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-04 Angle Bracket

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

d1, d2, d3 = 38, 26, 16
h1, h2, h3, h4 = 20, 8, 7, 23
w1, w2, w3 = 80, 10, 5
f1, f2, f3 = 4, 10, 5
sloth1, sloth2 = 18, 12
slotw1, slotw2 = 17, 14

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
        Circle(d1 / 2)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(h1)) as s2:
        Circle(d2 / 2)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as s3:
        Rectangle(d1 + 15, h3, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
    extrude(amount=w1 - d1 / 2)
    # fillet workaround \/
    ped = p.part.edges().group_by(Axis.Z)[2].filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE)
    fillet(ped, f1)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as s3a:
        Rectangle(d1 + 15, 15, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        Rectangle(d1, 15, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
    extrude(amount=w1 - d1 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    # end fillet workaround /\
    with BuildSketch() as s4:
        Circle(d3 / 2)
    extrude(amount=h1 + h2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with BuildSketch() as s5:
        with Locations((w1 - d1 / 2 - w2 / 2, 0)):
            Rectangle(w2, d1)
    fillet(p.part.edges().group_by(Axis.X)[-1].sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1], f2)
    fillet(p.part.edges().group_by(Axis.X)[-4].sort_by(Axis.Z)[-2], f3)
    pln = Plane.YZ.offset(w1 - d1 / 2)
    with BuildSketch(pln) as s6:
        with Locations((0, -h4)):
            SlotOverall(slotw1 * 2, sloth1, 90)
    extrude(amount=-w3, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with BuildSketch(pln) as s6b:
        with Locations((0, -h4)):
            SlotOverall(slotw2 * 2, sloth2, 90)
    extrude(amount=-w2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densa:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-05 Paste Sleeve

Object Mass

57.08 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-05 Paste Sleeve

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
        SlotOverall(45, 38)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(133 - 30)) as s2:
        SlotOverall(60, 4)

    with BuildSketch() as s3:
        SlotOverall(45, 38)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(133 - 30)) as s4:
        SlotOverall(60, 4)

    extrude(p.part.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[0], amount=30)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densc:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-06 Bearing Jig

Object Mass

328.02 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-06 Bearing Jig

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = 30 / 2, 13 / 2, 12 / 2, 10, 6  # radii used
x1 = 44  # lengths used
y1, y2, y3, y4, y_tot = 36, 36 - 22 / 2, 22 / 2, 42, 69  # widths used

with BuildSketch(Location((0, -r1, y3))) as sk_body:
    with BuildLine() as l:
        c1 = Line((r1, 0), (r1, y_tot), mode=Mode.PRIVATE)  # construction line
        m1 = Line((0, y_tot), (x1 / 2, y_tot))
        m2 = JernArc(m1 @ 1, m1 % 1, r4, -90 - 45)
        m3 = IntersectingLine(m2 @ 1, m2 % 1, c1)
        m4 = Line(m3 @ 1, (r1, r1))
        m5 = JernArc(m4 @ 1, m4 % 1, r1, -90)
        m6 = Line(m5 @ 1, m1 @ 0)
    mirror(make_face(l.line), Plane.YZ)
    fillet(sk_body.vertices().group_by(Axis.Y)[1], 12)
    with Locations((x1 / 2, y_tot - 10), (-x1 / 2, y_tot - 10)):
        Circle(r2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    # Keyway
    with Locations((0, r1)):
        Circle(r3, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        Rectangle(4, 3 + 6, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN), mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

with BuildPart() as p:
    Box(200, 200, 22)  # Oversized plate
    # Cylinder underneath
    Cylinder(r1, y2, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.CENTER, Align.MAX))
    fillet(p.edges(Select.NEW), r5)  # Weld together
    extrude(sk_body.sketch, amount=-y1, mode=Mode.INTERSECT)  # Cut to shape
    # Remove slot
    with Locations((0, y_tot - r1 - y4, 0)):
            align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN, Align.CENTER),

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densa:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-07 Flanged Hub

Object Mass

372.99 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-07 Flanged Hub

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s:
        Circle(130 / 2)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(8)) as s2:
        Circle(84 / 2)
    extrude(amount=25 - 8)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(25)) as s3:
        Circle(35 / 2)
    extrude(amount=52 - 25)
    with BuildSketch() as s4:
        Circle(73 / 2)
    extrude(amount=18, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    pln2 = p.part.faces().sort_by(Axis.Z)[5]
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(52)) as s5:
        Circle(20 / 2)
    extrude(amount=-52, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    pln = Plane(pln2)
    pln.origin = pln.origin + Vector(20 / 2, 0, 0)
    pln = pln.rotated((0, 45, 0))
    pln = pln.offset(-25 + 3 + 0.10)
    with BuildSketch(pln) as s6:
        Rectangle((73 - 35) / 2 * 1.414 + 5, 3)
    zz = extrude(amount=15, taper=-20 / 2, mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
    zz2 = split(zz, bisect_by=Plane.XY.offset(25), mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
    zz3 = split(zz2, bisect_by=Plane.YZ.offset(35 / 2 - 1), mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
    with PolarLocations(0, 3):
    with Locations(Plane.XY.offset(8)):
        with PolarLocations(107.95 / 2, 6):
            CounterBoreHole(6 / 2, 13 / 2, 4)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densb:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-08 Tie Plate

Object Mass

3387.06 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-08 Tie Plate

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as s1:
        Rectangle(188 / 2 - 33, 162, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER))
        with Locations((188 / 2 - 33, 0)):
            SlotOverall(190, 33 * 2, rotation=90)
        with GridLocations(188 - 2 * 33, 190 - 2 * 33, 2, 2):
            Circle(29 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        Circle(84 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

    with BuildPart() as p2:
        with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as s2:
            with BuildLine() as l1:
                l1 = Polyline(
                    (222 / 2 + 14 - 40 - 40, 0),
                    (222 / 2 + 14 - 40, -35 + 16),
                    (222 / 2 + 14, -35 + 16),
                    (222 / 2 + 14, -35 + 16 + 30),
                    (222 / 2 + 14 - 40 - 40, -35 + 16 + 30),
            with Locations((222 / 2, -35 + 16 + 14)):
                Circle(11 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        extrude(amount=20 / 2, both=True)
        with BuildSketch() as s3:
            with Locations(l1 @ 0):
                Rectangle(40 + 40, 8, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER))
                with Locations((40, 0)):
                    Rectangle(40, 20, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER))
        extrude(amount=30, both=True, mode=Mode.INTERSECT)

print(f"\npart mass = {p.part.volume*densa:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-09 Corner Tie

Object Mass

307.23 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-09 Corner Tie

from math import sqrt
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as ppp109:
    with BuildSketch() as one:
        Rectangle(69, 75, align=(Align.MAX, Align.CENTER))
        fillet(one.vertices().group_by(Axis.X)[0], 17)
    centers = [
        for arc in ppp109.edges().filter_by(GeomType.CIRCLE).group_by(Axis.Z)[-1]
    with Locations(*centers):
        CounterBoreHole(radius=8 / 2, counter_bore_radius=15 / 2, counter_bore_depth=4)

    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as two:
        with Locations((0, 45)):
        with BuildLine() as bl:
            c = Line((75 / 2, 0), (75 / 2, 60), mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
            u = two.edge().find_tangent(75 / 2 + 90)[0]  # where is the slope 75/2?
            l1 = IntersectingLine(
                two.edge().position_at(u), -two.edge().tangent_at(u), other=c
            Line(l1 @ 0, (0, 45))
            Polyline((0, 0), c @ 0, l1 @ 1)
        with Locations((0, 45)):
            Circle(12 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

    with BuildSketch(Plane((0, 0, 0), x_dir=(1, 0, 0), z_dir=(1, 0, 1))) as three:
        Rectangle(45 * 2 / sqrt(2) - 37.5, 75, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER))
        with Locations(three.edges().sort_by(Axis.X)[-1].center()):
            Circle(33 / 2, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    f = ppp109.faces().filter_by(Axis((0, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 1)))[0]
    # extrude(f, until=Until.NEXT) # throws a warning
    extrude(f, amount=10)
    fillet(ppp109.edge(Select.NEW), 16)

print(f"\npart mass = {ppp109.part.volume*densb:0.2f}")

Party Pack 01-10 Light Cap

Object Mass

211.30 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby Party Pack 01-10 Light Cap

from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

densa = 7800 / 1e6  # carbon steel density g/mm^3
densb = 2700 / 1e6  # aluminum alloy
densc = 1020 / 1e6  # ABS

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ.rotated((90, 0, 0))) as s:
        with BuildLine() as l:
            n2 = JernArc((0, 46), (1, 0), 40, -90)
            n3 = Line(n2 @ 1, n2 @ 0)

        with BuildLine() as l2:
            m1 = Line((0, 0), (42, 0))
            m2 = Line((0, 0.01), (42, 0.01))
            m3 = Line(m1 @ 0, m2 @ 0)
            m4 = Line(m1 @ 1, m2 @ 1)
    extrude(amount=100 / 2)
    revolve(s.sketch, axis=Axis.Y.reverse(), revolution_arc=-90)

with BuildPart() as p2:

with BuildPart() as pzzz:
    split(bisect_by=Plane.XZ.offset(46 - 16), keep=Keep.BOTTOM)
    fillet(pzzz.part.faces().filter_by(Axis.Y).sort_by(Axis.Y)[0].edges(), 12)

with BuildPart() as p3:
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ) as s2:
    loft([p2.part.faces().sort_by(Axis.Y)[-5], s2.sketch.faces()[0]])

with BuildPart() as ppp0110:
    add(pzzz.part, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    add(p3.part, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

print(f"\npart mass = {ppp0110.part.volume*densc:0.2f}")

23-02-02 SM Hanger

Object Mass

1028g +/- 10g

Reference Implementation
Creation of a complex sheet metal part

by:   Gumyr
date: July 17, 2023

    This example implements the sheet metal part described in Too Tall Toby's
    sm_hanger CAD challenge.

    Notably, a BuildLine/Curve object is filleted by providing all the vertices
    and allowing the fillet operation filter out the end vertices. The 
    make_brake_formed operation is used both in Algebra and Builder mode to
    create a sheet metal part from just an outline and some dimensions.

    Copyright 2023 Gumyr

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *

sheet_thickness = 4 * MM

# Create the main body from a side profile
with BuildPart() as side:
    d = Vector(1, 0, 0).rotate(Axis.Y, 60)
    with BuildLine(Plane.XZ) as side_line:
        l1 = Line((0, 65), (170 / 2, 65))
        l2 = PolarLine(l1 @ 1, length=65, direction=d, length_mode=LengthMode.VERTICAL)
        l3 = Line(l2 @ 1, (170 / 2, 0))
        fillet(side_line.vertices(), 7)
        station_widths=[40, 40, 40, 112.52 / 2, 112.52 / 2, 112.52 / 2],
    fe = side.edges().filter_by(Axis.Z).group_by(Axis.Z)[0].sort_by(Axis.Y)[-1]
    fillet(fe, radius=7)

# Create the "wings" at the top
with BuildPart() as wing:
    with BuildLine(Plane.YZ) as wing_line:
        l1 = Line((0, 65), (80 / 2 + 1.526 * sheet_thickness, 65))
        PolarLine(l1 @ 1, 20.371288916, direction=Vector(0, 1, 0).rotate(Axis.X, -75))
        fillet(wing_line.vertices(), 7)
        station_widths=110 / 2,
    bottom_edge = wing.edges().group_by(Axis.X)[-1].sort_by(Axis.Z)[0]
    fillet(bottom_edge, radius=7)

# Create the tab at the top in Algebra mode
tab_line = Plane.XZ * Polyline(
    (20, 65 - sheet_thickness), (56 / 2, 65 - sheet_thickness), (56 / 2, 88)
tab_line = fillet(tab_line.vertices(), 7)
tab = make_brake_formed(sheet_thickness, 8, tab_line, Side.RIGHT)
tab = fillet(tab.edges().filter_by(Axis.X).group_by(Axis.Z)[-1].sort_by(Axis.Y)[-1], 5)
tab -= Pos((0, 0, 80)) * Rot(0, 90, 0) * Hole(5, 100)

# Combine the parts together
with BuildPart() as sm_hanger:
    add([side.part, wing.part])
    with BuildSketch(Plane.XY.offset(65)) as h1:
        with Locations((20, 0)):
            Rectangle(30, 30, align=(Align.MIN, Align.CENTER))
            fillet(h1.vertices().group_by(Axis.X)[-1], 7)
        SlotCenterPoint((154, 0), (154 / 2, 0), 20)
    extrude(amount=-40, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
    with BuildSketch() as h2:
        SlotCenterPoint((206, 0), (206 / 2, 0), 20)
    extrude(amount=40, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)

print(f"Mass: {sm_hanger.part.volume*7800*1e-6:0.1f} g")


23-T-24 Curved Support

Object Mass

1294 g

Reference Implementation
Too Tall Toby challenge 23-T-24 CURVED SUPPORT

from math import sin, cos, tan, radians
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import *
import sympy

# This problem uses the sympy symbolic math solver

# Define the symbols for the unknowns
# - the center of the radius 30 arc (x30, y30)
# - the center of the radius 66 arc (x66, y66)
# - end of the 8° line (l8x, l8y)
# - the point with the radius 30 and 66 arc meet i30_66
# - the start of the horizontal line lh
y30, x66, xl8, yl8 = sympy.symbols("y30 x66 xl8 yl8")
x30 = 77 - 55 / 2
y66 = 66 + 32

# There are 4 unknowns so we need 4 equations
equations = [
    (x66 - x30) ** 2 + (y66 - y30) ** 2 - (66 + 30) ** 2,  # distance between centers
    xl8 - (x30 + 30 * sin(radians(8))),  # 8 degree slope
    yl8 - (y30 + 30 * cos(radians(8))),  # 8 degree slope
    (yl8 - 50) / (55 / 2 - xl8) - tan(radians(8)),  # 8 degree slope
# There are two solutions but we want the 2nd one
solution = sympy.solve(equations, dict=True)[1]

# Create the critical points
c30 = Vector(x30, solution[y30])
c66 = Vector(solution[x66], y66)
l8 = Vector(solution[xl8], solution[yl8])
i30_66 = Line(c30, c66) @ (30 / (30 + 66))
lh = Vector(c66.X, 32)

with BuildLine() as profile:
    l1 = Line((55 / 2, 50), l8)
    l2 = RadiusArc(l1 @ 1, i30_66, 30)
    l3 = RadiusArc(l2 @ 1, lh, -66)
    l4 = Polyline(l3 @ 1, (125, 32), (125, 0), (0, 0), (0, (l1 @ 0).Y), l1 @ 0)

with BuildPart() as curved_support:
    with BuildSketch() as base_plan:
        c_8_degrees = Circle(55 / 2)
        with Locations((0, 125)):
            Circle(30 / 2)
        base_hull = make_hull(mode=Mode.PRIVATE)
    extrude(c_8_degrees, amount=60)
    extrude(base_hull, amount=11)
    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as bridge:
    extrude(amount=11 / 2, both=True)
    Hole(35 / 2)
    with Locations((0, 125)):
        Hole(20 / 2)

print(curved_support.part.volume * 7800e-6)

24-SPO-06 Buffer Stand

Object Mass

3.92 lbs

Reference Implementation
from build123d import *
from ocp_vscode import show

with BuildPart() as p:
    with BuildSketch() as xy:
        with BuildLine():
            l1 = ThreePointArc((5 / 2, -1.25), (5.5 / 2, 0), (5 / 2, 1.25))
            Polyline(l1 @ 0, (0, -1.25), (0, 1.25), l1 @ 1)

    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as yz:
        Trapezoid(2.5, 4, 90 - 6, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        _, arc_center, arc_radius = full_round(yz.edges().sort_by(SortBy.LENGTH)[0])
    extrude(amount=10, mode=Mode.INTERSECT)

    # To avoid OCCT problems, don't attempt to extend the top arc, remove instead
    with BuildPart(mode=Mode.SUBTRACT) as internals:
        y = p.edges().filter_by(Axis.X).sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1].center().Z

        with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ.offset(4.25 / 2)) as yz:
            Trapezoid(2.5, y, 90 - 6, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
            with Locations(arc_center):
                Circle(arc_radius, mode=Mode.SUBTRACT)
        extrude(amount=-(4.25 - 3.5) / 2)

        with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ.offset(3.5 / 2)) as yz:
            Trapezoid(2.5, 4, 90 - 6, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
        extrude(amount=-3.5 / 2)

        with BuildSketch(Plane.XZ.offset(-2)) as xz:
            with Locations((0, 4)):
                RectangleRounded(4.25, 7.5, 0.5)
        extrude(amount=4, mode=Mode.INTERSECT)

    with Locations(p.faces(Select.LAST).filter_by(GeomType.PLANE).sort_by(Axis.Z)[-1]):
        CounterBoreHole(0.625 / 2, 1.25 / 2, 0.5)

    with BuildSketch(Plane.YZ) as rib:
        with Locations((0, 0.25)):
            Trapezoid(0.5, 1, 90 - 8, align=(Align.CENTER, Align.MIN))
    extrude(amount=4.25 / 2)


part = scale(p.part, IN)
print(f"\npart weight = {part.volume*7800e-6/LB:0.2f} lbs")
