Source code for topology.three_d

build123d topology

by:   Gumyr
date: January 07, 2025


This module defines the `Solid` class and associated methods for creating, manipulating, and
querying three-dimensional solid geometries in the build123d CAD system. It provides powerful tools
for constructing complex 3D models, including operations such as extrusion, sweeping, filleting,
chamfering, and Boolean operations. The module integrates with OpenCascade to leverage its robust
geometric kernel for precise 3D modeling.

Key Features:
- **Solid Class**:
  - Represents closed, bounded 3D shapes with methods for volume calculation, bounding box
    computation, and validity checks.
  - Includes constructors for primitive solids (e.g., box, cylinder, cone, torus) and advanced
    operations like lofting, revolving, and sweeping profiles along paths.

- **Mixin3D**:
  - Adds shared methods for operations like filleting, chamfering, splitting, and hollowing solids.
  - Supports advanced workflows such as finding maximum fillet radii and extruding with rotation or

- **Boolean Operations**:
  - Provides utilities for union, subtraction, and intersection of solids.

- **Thickening and Offsetting**:
  - Allows transformation of faces or shells into solids through thickening.

This module is essential for generating and manipulating complex 3D geometries in the build123d
library, offering a comprehensive API for CAD modeling.


    Copyright 2025 Gumyr

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


from __future__ import annotations

import platform
import warnings
from math import radians, cos, tan
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from import Iterable

import OCP.TopAbs as ta
from OCP.BRepAlgoAPI import BRepAlgoAPI_Cut
from OCP.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid
from OCP.BRepClass3d import BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier
from OCP.BRepFeat import BRepFeat_MakeDPrism
from OCP.BRepFilletAPI import BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer, BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet
from OCP.BRepOffset import BRepOffset_MakeOffset, BRepOffset_Skin
from OCP.BRepOffsetAPI import BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell, BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid
from OCP.BRepPrimAPI import (
from OCP.GProp import GProp_GProps
from OCP.GeomAbs import GeomAbs_Intersection, GeomAbs_JoinType
from OCP.LocOpe import LocOpe_DPrism
from OCP.ShapeFix import ShapeFix_Solid
from OCP.Standard import Standard_Failure
from OCP.StdFail import StdFail_NotDone
from OCP.TopExp import TopExp
from OCP.TopTools import TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape, TopTools_ListOfShape
from OCP.TopoDS import TopoDS, TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Solid, TopoDS_Wire
from import gp_Ax2, gp_Pnt
from build123d.build_enums import CenterOf, Kind, Transition, Until
from build123d.geometry import (
from typing_extensions import Self

from .one_d import Edge, Wire, Mixin1D
from .shape_core import Shape, ShapeList, Joint, downcast, shapetype
from .two_d import sort_wires_by_build_order, Mixin2D, Face, Shell
from .utils import (
from .zero_d import Vertex

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .composite import Compound, Curve, Sketch, Part  # pylint: disable=R0801

[docs] class Mixin3D(Shape): """Additional methods to add to 3D Shape classes""" project_to_viewport = Mixin1D.project_to_viewport split = Mixin1D.split find_intersection_points = Mixin2D.find_intersection_points vertices = Mixin1D.vertices vertex = Mixin1D.vertex edges = Mixin1D.edges edge = Mixin1D.edge wires = Mixin1D.wires wire = Mixin1D.wire faces = Mixin2D.faces face = Mixin2D.face shells = Mixin2D.shells shell = # ---- Properties ---- @property def _dim(self) -> int | None: """Dimension of Solids""" return 3 # ---- Class Methods ----
[docs] @classmethod def cast(cls, obj: TopoDS_Shape) -> Self: "Returns the right type of wrapper, given a OCCT object" # define the shape lookup table for casting constructor_lut = { ta.TopAbs_VERTEX: Vertex, ta.TopAbs_EDGE: Edge, ta.TopAbs_WIRE: Wire, ta.TopAbs_FACE: Face, ta.TopAbs_SHELL: Shell, ta.TopAbs_SOLID: Solid, } shape_type = shapetype(obj) # NB downcast is needed to handle TopoDS_Shape types return constructor_lut[shape_type](downcast(obj))
[docs] @classmethod def extrude( cls, obj: Shape, direction: VectorLike ) -> Edge | Face | Shell | Solid | Compound: """Unused - only here because Mixin1D is a subclass of Shape""" return NotImplemented
# ---- Instance Methods ----
[docs] def center(self, center_of: CenterOf = CenterOf.MASS) -> Vector: """Return center of object Find center of object Args: center_of (CenterOf, optional): center option. Defaults to CenterOf.MASS. Raises: ValueError: Center of GEOMETRY is not supported for this object NotImplementedError: Unable to calculate center of mass of this object Returns: Vector: center """ if center_of == CenterOf.GEOMETRY: raise ValueError("Center of GEOMETRY is not supported for this object") if center_of == CenterOf.MASS: properties = GProp_GProps() calc_function = Shape.shape_properties_LUT[shapetype(self.wrapped)] calc_function(self.wrapped, properties) middle = Vector(properties.CentreOfMass()) elif center_of == CenterOf.BOUNDING_BOX: middle = self.bounding_box().center() return middle
[docs] def chamfer( self, length: float, length2: float | None, edge_list: Iterable[Edge], face: Face | None = None, ) -> Self: """Chamfer Chamfers the specified edges of this solid. Args: length (float): length > 0, the length (length) of the chamfer length2 (Optional[float]): length2 > 0, optional parameter for asymmetrical chamfer. Should be `None` if not required. edge_list (Iterable[Edge]): a list of Edge objects, which must belong to this solid face (Face, optional): identifies the side where length is measured. The edge(s) must be part of the face Returns: Self: Chamfered solid """ edge_list = list(edge_list) if face: if any(edge for edge in edge_list if edge not in face.edges()): raise ValueError("Some edges are not part of the face") native_edges = [e.wrapped for e in edge_list] # make a edge --> faces mapping edge_face_map = TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape() TopExp.MapShapesAndAncestors_s( self.wrapped, ta.TopAbs_EDGE, ta.TopAbs_FACE, edge_face_map ) # note: we prefer 'length' word to 'radius' as opposed to FreeCAD's API chamfer_builder = BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer(self.wrapped) if length2: distance1 = length distance2 = length2 else: distance1 = length distance2 = length for native_edge in native_edges: if face: topo_face = face.wrapped else: topo_face = edge_face_map.FindFromKey(native_edge).First() chamfer_builder.Add( distance1, distance2, native_edge, TopoDS.Face_s(topo_face) ) # NB: edge_face_map return a generic TopoDS_Shape try: new_shape = self.__class__(chamfer_builder.Shape()) if not new_shape.is_valid(): raise Standard_Failure except (StdFail_NotDone, Standard_Failure) as err: raise ValueError( "Failed creating a chamfer, try a smaller length value(s)" ) from err return new_shape
[docs] def dprism( self, basis: Face | None, bounds: list[Face | Wire], depth: float | None = None, taper: float = 0, up_to_face: Face | None = None, thru_all: bool = True, additive: bool = True, ) -> Solid: """dprism Make a prismatic feature (additive or subtractive) Args: basis (Optional[Face]): face to perform the operation on bounds (list[Union[Face,Wire]]): list of profiles depth (float, optional): depth of the cut or extrusion. Defaults to None. taper (float, optional): in degrees. Defaults to 0. up_to_face (Face, optional): a face to extrude until. Defaults to None. thru_all (bool, optional): cut thru_all. Defaults to True. additive (bool, optional): Defaults to True. Returns: Solid: prismatic feature """ if isinstance(bounds[0], Wire): sorted_profiles = sort_wires_by_build_order(bounds) faces = [Face(p[0], p[1:]) for p in sorted_profiles] else: faces = bounds shape: TopoDS_Shape | TopoDS_Solid = self.wrapped for face in faces: feat = BRepFeat_MakeDPrism( shape, face.wrapped, basis.wrapped if basis else TopoDS_Face(), taper * DEG2RAD, additive, False, ) if up_to_face is not None: feat.Perform(up_to_face.wrapped) elif thru_all or depth is None: feat.PerformThruAll() else: feat.Perform(depth) shape = feat.Shape() return self.__class__(shape)
[docs] def fillet(self, radius: float, edge_list: Iterable[Edge]) -> Self: """Fillet Fillets the specified edges of this solid. Args: radius (float): float > 0, the radius of the fillet edge_list (Iterable[Edge]): a list of Edge objects, which must belong to this solid Returns: Any: Filleted solid """ native_edges = [e.wrapped for e in edge_list] fillet_builder = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(self.wrapped) for native_edge in native_edges: fillet_builder.Add(radius, native_edge) try: new_shape = self.__class__(fillet_builder.Shape()) if not new_shape.is_valid(): raise Standard_Failure except (StdFail_NotDone, Standard_Failure) as err: raise ValueError( f"Failed creating a fillet with radius of {radius}, try a smaller value" f" or use max_fillet() to find the largest valid fillet radius" ) from err return new_shape
[docs] def hollow( self, faces: Iterable[Face] | None, thickness: float, tolerance: float = 0.0001, kind: Kind = Kind.ARC, ) -> Solid: """Hollow Return the outer shelled solid of self. Args: faces (Optional[Iterable[Face]]): faces to be removed, which must be part of the solid. Can be an empty list. thickness (float): shell thickness - positive shells outwards, negative shells inwards. tolerance (float, optional): modelling tolerance of the method. Defaults to 0.0001. kind (Kind, optional): intersection type. Defaults to Kind.ARC. Raises: ValueError: Kind.TANGENT not supported Returns: Solid: A hollow solid. """ faces = list(faces) if faces else [] if kind == Kind.TANGENT: raise ValueError("Kind.TANGENT not supported") kind_dict = { Kind.ARC: GeomAbs_JoinType.GeomAbs_Arc, Kind.INTERSECTION: GeomAbs_JoinType.GeomAbs_Intersection, } occ_faces_list = TopTools_ListOfShape() for face in faces: occ_faces_list.Append(face.wrapped) shell_builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid() shell_builder.MakeThickSolidByJoin( self.wrapped, occ_faces_list, thickness, tolerance, Intersection=True, Join=kind_dict[kind], ) shell_builder.Build() if faces: return_value = self.__class__.cast(shell_builder.Shape()) else: # if no faces provided a watertight solid will be constructed shell1 = self.__class__.cast(shell_builder.Shape()).shells()[0].wrapped shell2 = self.shells()[0].wrapped # s1 can be outer or inner shell depending on the thickness sign if thickness > 0: sol = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid(shell1, shell2) else: sol = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid(shell2, shell1) # fix needed for the orientations return_value = self.__class__.cast(sol.Shape()).fix() return return_value
[docs] def is_inside(self, point: VectorLike, tolerance: float = 1.0e-6) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the point is inside a solid or compound object within the specified tolerance. Args: point: tuple or Vector representing 3D point to be tested tolerance: tolerance for inside determination, default=1.0e-6 point: VectorLike: tolerance: float: (Default value = 1.0e-6) Returns: bool indicating whether or not point is within solid """ solid_classifier = BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier(self.wrapped) solid_classifier.Perform(gp_Pnt(*Vector(point).to_tuple()), tolerance) return solid_classifier.State() == ta.TopAbs_IN or solid_classifier.IsOnAFace()
[docs] def max_fillet( self, edge_list: Iterable[Edge], tolerance=0.1, max_iterations: int = 10, ) -> float: """Find Maximum Fillet Size Find the largest fillet radius for the given Shape and edges with a recursive binary search. Example: max_fillet_radius = my_shape.max_fillet(shape_edges) max_fillet_radius = my_shape.max_fillet(shape_edges, tolerance=0.5, max_iterations=8) Args: edge_list (Iterable[Edge]): a sequence of Edge objects, which must belong to this solid tolerance (float, optional): maximum error from actual value. Defaults to 0.1. max_iterations (int, optional): maximum number of recursive iterations. Defaults to 10. Raises: RuntimeError: failed to find the max value ValueError: the provided Shape is invalid Returns: float: maximum fillet radius """ def __max_fillet(window_min: float, window_max: float, current_iteration: int): window_mid = (window_min + window_max) / 2 if current_iteration == max_iterations: raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to find the max value within {tolerance} in {max_iterations}" ) fillet_builder = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet(self.wrapped) for native_edge in native_edges: fillet_builder.Add(window_mid, native_edge) # Do these numbers work? - if not try with the smaller window try: new_shape = self.__class__(fillet_builder.Shape()) if not new_shape.is_valid(): raise fillet_exception except fillet_exception: return __max_fillet(window_min, window_mid, current_iteration + 1) # These numbers work, are they close enough? - if not try larger window if window_mid - window_min <= tolerance: return_value = window_mid else: return_value = __max_fillet( window_mid, window_max, current_iteration + 1 ) return return_value if not self.is_valid(): raise ValueError("Invalid Shape") native_edges = [e.wrapped for e in edge_list] # Unfortunately, MacOS doesn't support the StdFail_NotDone exception so platform # specific exceptions are required. if platform.system() == "Darwin": fillet_exception = Standard_Failure else: fillet_exception = StdFail_NotDone max_radius = __max_fillet(0.0, 2 * self.bounding_box().diagonal, 0) return max_radius
[docs] def offset_3d( self, openings: Iterable[Face] | None, thickness: float, tolerance: float = 0.0001, kind: Kind = Kind.ARC, ) -> Solid: """Shell Make an offset solid of self. Args: openings (Optional[Iterable[Face]]): faces to be removed, which must be part of the solid. Can be an empty list. thickness (float): offset amount - positive offset outwards, negative inwards tolerance (float, optional): modelling tolerance of the method. Defaults to 0.0001. kind (Kind, optional): intersection type. Defaults to Kind.ARC. Raises: ValueError: Kind.TANGENT not supported Returns: Solid: A shelled solid. """ openings = list(openings) if openings else [] if kind == Kind.TANGENT: raise ValueError("Kind.TANGENT not supported") kind_dict = { Kind.ARC: GeomAbs_JoinType.GeomAbs_Arc, Kind.INTERSECTION: GeomAbs_JoinType.GeomAbs_Intersection, Kind.TANGENT: GeomAbs_JoinType.GeomAbs_Tangent, } occ_faces_list = TopTools_ListOfShape() for face in openings: occ_faces_list.Append(face.wrapped) offset_builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid() offset_builder.MakeThickSolidByJoin( self.wrapped, occ_faces_list, thickness, tolerance, Intersection=True, RemoveIntEdges=True, Join=kind_dict[kind], ) offset_builder.Build() try: offset_occt_solid = offset_builder.Shape() except (StdFail_NotDone, Standard_Failure) as err: raise RuntimeError( "offset Error, an alternative kind may resolve this error" ) from err offset_solid = self.__class__.cast(offset_occt_solid) assert offset_solid.wrapped is not None # The Solid can be inverted, if so reverse if offset_solid.volume < 0: offset_solid.wrapped.Reverse() return offset_solid
[docs] def solid(self) -> Solid | None: """Return the Solid""" return Shape.get_single_shape(self, "Solid")
[docs] def solids(self) -> ShapeList[Solid]: """solids - all the solids in this Shape""" return Shape.get_shape_list(self, "Solid")
[docs] class Solid(Mixin3D, Shape[TopoDS_Solid]): """A Solid in build123d represents a three-dimensional solid geometry in a topological structure. A solid is a closed and bounded volume, enclosing a region in 3D space. It comprises faces, edges, and vertices connected in a well-defined manner. Solid modeling operations, such as Boolean operations (union, intersection, and difference), are often performed on Solid objects to create or modify complex geometries.""" order = 3.0 # ---- Constructor ---- def __init__( self, obj: TopoDS_Solid | Shell | None = None, label: str = "", color: Color | None = None, material: str = "", joints: dict[str, Joint] | None = None, parent: Compound | None = None, ): """Build a solid from an OCCT TopoDS_Shape/TopoDS_Solid Args: obj (TopoDS_Shape | Shell, optional): OCCT Solid or Shell. label (str, optional): Defaults to ''. color (Color, optional): Defaults to None. material (str, optional): tag for external tools. Defaults to ''. joints (dict[str, Joint], optional): names joints. Defaults to None. parent (Compound, optional): assembly parent. Defaults to None. """ if isinstance(obj, Shell): obj = Solid._make_solid(obj) super().__init__( obj=obj, # label="" if label is None else label, label=label, color=color, parent=parent, ) self.material = "" if material is None else material self.joints = {} if joints is None else joints # ---- Properties ---- @property def volume(self) -> float: """volume - the volume of this Solid""" # when density == 1, mass == volume return Shape.compute_mass(self) # ---- Class Methods ---- @classmethod def _make_solid(cls, shell: Shell) -> TopoDS_Solid: """Create a Solid object from the surface shell""" return ShapeFix_Solid().SolidFromShell(shell.wrapped) @classmethod def _set_sweep_mode( cls, builder: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell, path: Wire | Edge, binormal: Vector | Wire | Edge, ) -> bool: rotate = False if isinstance(binormal, Vector): coordinate_system = gp_Ax2() coordinate_system.SetLocation(path.start_point().to_pnt()) coordinate_system.SetDirection(binormal.to_dir()) builder.SetMode(coordinate_system) rotate = True elif isinstance(binormal, (Wire, Edge)): builder.SetMode(binormal.to_wire().wrapped, True) return rotate
[docs] @classmethod def extrude(cls, obj: Face, direction: VectorLike) -> Solid: """extrude Extrude a Face into a Solid. Args: direction (VectorLike): direction and magnitude of extrusion Raises: ValueError: Unsupported class RuntimeError: Generated invalid result Returns: Edge: extruded shape """ return Solid(TopoDS.Solid_s(_extrude_topods_shape(obj.wrapped, direction)))
[docs] @classmethod def extrude_linear_with_rotation( cls, section: Face | Wire, center: VectorLike, normal: VectorLike, angle: float, inner_wires: list[Wire] | None = None, ) -> Solid: """Extrude with Rotation Creates a 'twisted prism' by extruding, while simultaneously rotating around the extrusion vector. Args: section (Union[Face,Wire]): cross section vec_center (VectorLike): the center point about which to rotate vec_normal (VectorLike): a vector along which to extrude the wires angle (float): the angle to rotate through while extruding inner_wires (list[Wire], optional): holes - only used if section is of type Wire. Defaults to None. Returns: Solid: extruded object """ # Though the signature may appear to be similar enough to extrude to merit # combining them, the construction methods used here are different enough that they # should be separate. # At a high level, the steps followed are: # (1) accept a set of wires # (2) create another set of wires like this one, but which are transformed and rotated # (3) create a ruledSurface between the sets of wires # (4) create a shell and compute the resulting object inner_wires = inner_wires if inner_wires else [] center = Vector(center) normal = Vector(normal) def extrude_aux_spine( wire: TopoDS_Wire, spine: TopoDS_Wire, aux_spine: TopoDS_Wire ) -> TopoDS_Shape: """Helper function""" extrude_builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(spine) extrude_builder.SetMode(aux_spine, False) # auxiliary spine extrude_builder.Add(wire) extrude_builder.Build() extrude_builder.MakeSolid() return extrude_builder.Shape() if isinstance(section, Face): outer_wire = section.outer_wire() inner_wires = section.inner_wires() else: outer_wire = section # make straight spine straight_spine_e = Edge.make_line(center, center.add(normal)) straight_spine_w = Wire.combine([straight_spine_e])[0].wrapped # make an auxiliary spine pitch = 360.0 / angle * normal.length aux_spine_w = Wire( [Edge.make_helix(pitch, normal.length, 1, center=center, normal=normal)] ).wrapped # extrude the outer wire outer_solid = extrude_aux_spine( outer_wire.wrapped, straight_spine_w, aux_spine_w ) # extrude inner wires inner_solids = [ extrude_aux_spine(w.wrapped, straight_spine_w, aux_spine_w) for w in inner_wires ] # combine the inner solids into compound inner_comp = _make_topods_compound_from_shapes(inner_solids) # subtract from the outer solid return Solid(BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(outer_solid, inner_comp).Shape())
[docs] @classmethod def extrude_taper( cls, profile: Face, direction: VectorLike, taper: float, flip_inner: bool = True ) -> Solid: """Extrude a cross section with a taper Extrude a cross section into a prismatic solid in the provided direction. Note that two difference algorithms are used. If direction aligns with the profile normal (which must be positive), the taper is positive and the profile contains no holes the OCP LocOpe_DPrism algorithm is used as it generates the most accurate results. Otherwise, a loft is created between the profile and the profile with a 2D offset set at the appropriate direction. Args: section (Face]): cross section normal (VectorLike): a vector along which to extrude the wires. The length of the vector controls the length of the extrusion. taper (float): taper angle in degrees. flip_inner (bool, optional): outer and inner geometry have opposite tapers to allow for part extraction when injection molding. Returns: Solid: extruded cross section """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals direction = Vector(direction) if ( direction.normalized() == profile.normal_at() and Plane(profile).z_dir.Z > 0 and taper > 0 and not profile.inner_wires() ): prism_builder = LocOpe_DPrism( profile.wrapped, direction.length / cos(radians(taper)), radians(taper), ) new_solid = Solid(prism_builder.Shape()) else: # Determine the offset to get the taper offset_amt = -direction.length * tan(radians(taper)) outer = profile.outer_wire() local_outer: Wire = Plane(profile).to_local_coords(outer) local_taper_outer = local_outer.offset_2d( offset_amt, kind=Kind.INTERSECTION ) taper_outer = Plane(profile).from_local_coords(local_taper_outer) taper_outer.move(Location(direction)) profile_wires = [profile.outer_wire()] + profile.inner_wires() taper_wires = [] for i, wire in enumerate(profile_wires): flip = -1 if i > 0 and flip_inner else 1 local: Wire = Plane(profile).to_local_coords(wire) local_taper = local.offset_2d(flip * offset_amt, kind=Kind.INTERSECTION) taper_wire: Wire = Plane(profile).from_local_coords(local_taper) taper_wire.move(Location(direction)) taper_wires.append(taper_wire) solids = [ Solid.make_loft([p, t]) for p, t in zip(profile_wires, taper_wires) ] if len(solids) > 1: complex_solid = solids[0].cut(*solids[1:]) assert isinstance(complex_solid, Solid) # Can't be a list new_solid = complex_solid else: new_solid = solids[0] return new_solid
[docs] @classmethod def extrude_until( cls, section: Face, target_object: Compound | Solid, direction: VectorLike, until: Until = Until.NEXT, ) -> Compound | Solid: """extrude_until Extrude section in provided direction until it encounters either the NEXT or LAST surface of target_object. Note that the bounding surface must be larger than the extruded face where they contact. Args: section (Face): Face to extrude target_object (Union[Compound, Solid]): object to limit extrusion direction (VectorLike): extrusion direction until (Until, optional): surface to limit extrusion. Defaults to Until.NEXT. Raises: ValueError: provided face does not intersect target_object Returns: Union[Compound, Solid]: extruded Face """ direction = Vector(direction) if until in [Until.PREVIOUS, Until.FIRST]: direction *= -1 until = Until.NEXT if until == Until.PREVIOUS else Until.LAST max_dimension = find_max_dimension([section, target_object]) clipping_direction = ( direction * max_dimension if until == Until.NEXT else -direction * max_dimension ) direction_axis = Axis(, clipping_direction) # Create a linear extrusion to start extrusion = Solid.extrude(section, direction * max_dimension) # Project section onto the shape to generate faces that will clip the extrusion # and exclude the planar faces normal to the direction of extrusion and these # will have no volume when extruded faces = [] for face in section.project_to_shape(target_object, direction): if isinstance(face, Face): faces.append(face) else: faces += face.faces() clip_faces = [ f for f in faces if not (f.is_planar and f.normal_at().dot(direction) == 0.0) ] if not clip_faces: raise ValueError("provided face does not intersect target_object") # Create the objects that will clip the linear extrusion clipping_objects = [ Solid.extrude(f, clipping_direction).fix() for f in clip_faces ] clipping_objects = [o for o in clipping_objects if o.volume > 1e-9] if until == Until.NEXT: trimmed_extrusion = extrusion.cut(target_object) if isinstance(trimmed_extrusion, ShapeList): closest_extrusion = trimmed_extrusion.sort_by(direction_axis)[0] else: closest_extrusion = trimmed_extrusion for clipping_object in clipping_objects: # It's possible for clipping faces to self intersect when they are extruded # thus they could be non manifold which results failed boolean operations # - so skip these objects try: extrusion_shapes = closest_extrusion.cut(clipping_object) except Exception: warnings.warn( "clipping error - extrusion may be incorrect", stacklevel=2, ) else: base_part = extrusion.intersect(target_object) if isinstance(base_part, ShapeList): extrusion_parts = base_part elif base_part is None: extrusion_parts = ShapeList() else: extrusion_parts = ShapeList([base_part]) for clipping_object in clipping_objects: try: clipped_extrusion = extrusion.intersect(clipping_object) if clipped_extrusion is not None: extrusion_parts.append( clipped_extrusion.solids().sort_by(direction_axis)[0] ) except Exception: warnings.warn( "clipping error - extrusion may be incorrect", stacklevel=2, ) extrusion_shapes = Solid.fuse(*extrusion_parts) result = extrusion_shapes.solids().sort_by(direction_axis)[0] return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_bounding_box(cls, bbox: BoundBox | OrientedBoundBox) -> Solid: """A box of the same dimensions and location""" if isinstance(bbox, BoundBox): return Solid.make_box(*bbox.size).locate(Location(bbox.min)) else: moved_plane: Plane = Plane(Location(-bbox.size / 2)).move(bbox.location) return Solid.make_box( bbox.size.X, bbox.size.Y, bbox.size.Z, plane=moved_plane )
[docs] @classmethod def make_box( cls, length: float, width: float, height: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY ) -> Solid: """make box Make a box at the origin of plane extending in positive direction of each axis. Args: length (float): width (float): height (float): plane (Plane, optional): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. Returns: Solid: Box """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox( plane.to_gp_ax2(), length, width, height, ).Shape() )
[docs] @classmethod def make_cone( cls, base_radius: float, top_radius: float, height: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY, angle: float = 360, ) -> Solid: """make cone Make a cone with given radii and height Args: base_radius (float): top_radius (float): height (float): plane (Plane): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. angle (float, optional): arc size. Defaults to 360. Returns: Solid: Full or partial cone """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone( plane.to_gp_ax2(), base_radius, top_radius, height, angle * DEG2RAD, ).Shape() )
[docs] @classmethod def make_cylinder( cls, radius: float, height: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY, angle: float = 360, ) -> Solid: """make cylinder Make a cylinder with a given radius and height with the base center on plane origin. Args: radius (float): height (float): plane (Plane): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. angle (float, optional): arc size. Defaults to 360. Returns: Solid: Full or partial cylinder """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder( plane.to_gp_ax2(), radius, height, angle * DEG2RAD, ).Shape() )
[docs] @classmethod def make_loft(cls, objs: Iterable[Vertex | Wire], ruled: bool = False) -> Solid: """make loft Makes a loft from a list of wires and vertices. Vertices can appear only at the beginning or end of the list, but cannot appear consecutively within the list nor between wires. Args: objs (list[Vertex, Wire]): wire perimeters or vertices ruled (bool, optional): stepped or smooth. Defaults to False (smooth). Raises: ValueError: Too few wires Returns: Solid: Lofted object """ return cls(_make_loft(objs, True, ruled))
[docs] @classmethod def make_sphere( cls, radius: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY, angle1: float = -90, angle2: float = 90, angle3: float = 360, ) -> Solid: """Sphere Make a full or partial sphere - with a given radius center on the origin or plane. Args: radius (float): plane (Plane): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. angle1 (float, optional): Defaults to -90. angle2 (float, optional): Defaults to 90. angle3 (float, optional): Defaults to 360. Returns: Solid: sphere """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere( plane.to_gp_ax2(), radius, angle1 * DEG2RAD, angle2 * DEG2RAD, angle3 * DEG2RAD, ).Shape() )
[docs] @classmethod def make_torus( cls, major_radius: float, minor_radius: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY, start_angle: float = 0, end_angle: float = 360, major_angle: float = 360, ) -> Solid: """make torus Make a torus with a given radii and angles Args: major_radius (float): minor_radius (float): plane (Plane): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. start_angle (float, optional): start major arc. Defaults to 0. end_angle (float, optional): end major arc. Defaults to 360. Returns: Solid: Full or partial torus """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeTorus( plane.to_gp_ax2(), major_radius, minor_radius, start_angle * DEG2RAD, end_angle * DEG2RAD, major_angle * DEG2RAD, ).Shape() )
[docs] @classmethod def make_wedge( cls, delta_x: float, delta_y: float, delta_z: float, min_x: float, min_z: float, max_x: float, max_z: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY, ) -> Solid: """Make a wedge Args: delta_x (float): delta_y (float): delta_z (float): min_x (float): min_z (float): max_x (float): max_z (float): plane (Plane): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY. Returns: Solid: wedge """ return cls( BRepPrimAPI_MakeWedge( plane.to_gp_ax2(), delta_x, delta_y, delta_z, min_x, min_z, max_x, max_z, ).Solid() )
[docs] @classmethod def revolve( cls, section: Face | Wire, angle: float, axis: Axis, inner_wires: list[Wire] | None = None, ) -> Solid: """Revolve Revolve a cross section about the given Axis by the given angle. Args: section (Union[Face,Wire]): cross section angle (float): the angle to revolve through axis (Axis): rotation Axis inner_wires (list[Wire], optional): holes - only used if section is of type Wire. Defaults to []. Returns: Solid: the revolved cross section """ inner_wires = inner_wires if inner_wires else [] if isinstance(section, Wire): section_face = Face(section, inner_wires) else: section_face = section revol_builder = BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol( section_face.wrapped, axis.wrapped, angle * DEG2RAD, True, ) return cls(revol_builder.Shape())
[docs] @classmethod def sweep( cls, section: Face | Wire, path: Wire | Edge, inner_wires: list[Wire] | None = None, make_solid: bool = True, is_frenet: bool = False, mode: Vector | Wire | Edge | None = None, transition: Transition = Transition.TRANSFORMED, ) -> Solid: """Sweep Sweep the given cross section into a prismatic solid along the provided path Args: section (Union[Face, Wire]): cross section to sweep path (Union[Wire, Edge]): sweep path inner_wires (list[Wire]): holes - only used if section is a wire make_solid (bool, optional): return Solid or Shell. Defaults to True. is_frenet (bool, optional): Frenet mode. Defaults to False. mode (Union[Vector, Wire, Edge, None], optional): additional sweep mode parameters. Defaults to None. transition (Transition, optional): handling of profile orientation at C1 path discontinuities. Defaults to Transition.TRANSFORMED. Returns: Solid: the swept cross section """ if isinstance(section, Face): outer_wire = section.outer_wire() inner_wires = section.inner_wires() else: outer_wire = section inner_wires = inner_wires if inner_wires else [] shapes = [] for wire in [outer_wire] + inner_wires: builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(path.to_wire().wrapped) rotate = False # handle sweep mode if mode: rotate = Solid._set_sweep_mode(builder, path, mode) else: builder.SetMode(is_frenet) builder.SetTransitionMode(Shape._transModeDict[transition]) builder.Add(wire.wrapped, False, rotate) builder.Build() if make_solid: builder.MakeSolid() shapes.append(Mixin3D.cast(builder.Shape())) outer_shape, inner_shapes = shapes[0], shapes[1:] if inner_shapes: hollow_outer_shape = outer_shape.cut(*inner_shapes) assert isinstance(hollow_outer_shape, Solid) return hollow_outer_shape return outer_shape
[docs] @classmethod def sweep_multi( cls, profiles: Iterable[Wire | Face], path: Wire | Edge, make_solid: bool = True, is_frenet: bool = False, binormal: Vector | Wire | Edge | None = None, ) -> Solid: """Multi section sweep Sweep through a sequence of profiles following a path. Args: profiles (Iterable[Union[Wire, Face]]): list of profiles path (Union[Wire, Edge]): The wire to sweep the face resulting from the wires over make_solid (bool, optional): Solid or Shell. Defaults to True. is_frenet (bool, optional): Select frenet mode. Defaults to False. binormal (Union[Vector, Wire, Edge, None], optional): additional sweep mode parameters. Defaults to None. Returns: Solid: swept object """ path_as_wire = path.to_wire().wrapped builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(path_as_wire) translate = False rotate = False if binormal: rotate = cls._set_sweep_mode(builder, path, binormal) else: builder.SetMode(is_frenet) for profile in profiles: path_as_wire = ( profile.wrapped if isinstance(profile, Wire) else profile.outer_wire().wrapped ) builder.Add(path_as_wire, translate, rotate) builder.Build() if make_solid: builder.MakeSolid() return cls(builder.Shape())
[docs] @classmethod def thicken( cls, surface: Face | Shell, depth: float, normal_override: VectorLike | None = None, ) -> Solid: """Thicken Face or Shell Create a solid from a potentially non planar face or shell by thickening along the normals. .. image:: thickenFace.png Non-planar faces are thickened both towards and away from the center of the sphere. Args: depth (float): Amount to thicken face(s), can be positive or negative. normal_override (Vector, optional): Face only. The normal_override vector can be used to indicate which way is 'up', potentially flipping the face normal direction such that many faces with different normals all go in the same direction (direction need only be +/- 90 degrees from the face normal). Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: Opencascade internal failures Returns: Solid: The resulting Solid object """ # Check to see if the normal needs to be flipped adjusted_depth = depth if isinstance(surface, Face) and normal_override is not None: surface_center = surface_normal = surface.normal_at(surface_center).normalized() if < 0: adjusted_depth = -depth offset_builder = BRepOffset_MakeOffset() offset_builder.Initialize( surface.wrapped, Offset=adjusted_depth, Tol=1.0e-5, Mode=BRepOffset_Skin, # BRepOffset_RectoVerso - which describes the offset of a given surface shell along both # sides of the surface but doesn't seem to work Intersection=True, SelfInter=False, Join=GeomAbs_Intersection, # Could be GeomAbs_Arc,GeomAbs_Tangent,GeomAbs_Intersection Thickening=True, RemoveIntEdges=True, ) offset_builder.MakeOffsetShape() try: result = Solid(offset_builder.Shape()) except StdFail_NotDone as err: raise RuntimeError("Error applying thicken to given surface") from err return result