build123d topology
name: two_d.py
by: Gumyr
date: January 07, 2025
This module provides classes and methods for two-dimensional geometric entities in the build123d CAD
library, focusing on the `Face` and `Shell` classes. These entities form the building blocks for
creating and manipulating complex 2D surfaces and 3D shells, enabling precise modeling for CAD
Key Features:
- **Mixin2D**:
- Adds shared functionality to `Face` and `Shell` classes, such as splitting, extrusion, and
projection operations.
- **Face Class**:
- Represents a 3D bounded surface with advanced features like trimming, offsetting, and Boolean
- Provides utilities for creating faces from wires, arrays of points, Bézier surfaces, and ruled
- Enables geometry queries like normal vectors, surface centers, and planarity checks.
- **Shell Class**:
- Represents a collection of connected faces forming a closed surface.
- Supports operations like lofting and sweeping profiles along paths.
- **Utilities**:
- Includes methods for sorting wires into buildable faces and creating holes within faces
The module integrates deeply with OpenCascade to leverage its powerful CAD kernel, offering robust
and extensible tools for surface and shell creation, manipulation, and analysis.
Copyright 2025 Gumyr
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import warnings
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
import OCP.TopAbs as ta
from OCP.BRep import BRep_Tool
from OCP.BRepAdaptor import BRepAdaptor_Surface
from OCP.BRepAlgo import BRepAlgo
from OCP.BRepAlgoAPI import BRepAlgoAPI_Common
from OCP.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell
from OCP.BRepClass3d import BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier
from OCP.BRepFill import BRepFill
from OCP.BRepFilletAPI import BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d
from OCP.BRepGProp import BRepGProp, BRepGProp_Face
from OCP.BRepIntCurveSurface import BRepIntCurveSurface_Inter
from OCP.BRepOffsetAPI import BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling, BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell
from OCP.BRepTools import BRepTools, BRepTools_ReShape
from OCP.GProp import GProp_GProps
from OCP.Geom import Geom_BezierSurface, Geom_Surface
from OCP.GeomAPI import GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface, GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf
from OCP.GeomAbs import GeomAbs_C0
from OCP.Precision import Precision
from OCP.ShapeFix import ShapeFix_Solid
from OCP.Standard import (
from OCP.StdFail import StdFail_NotDone
from OCP.TColStd import TColStd_HArray2OfReal
from OCP.TColgp import TColgp_HArray2OfPnt
from OCP.TopExp import TopExp
from OCP.TopTools import TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape
from OCP.TopoDS import TopoDS, TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Shell, TopoDS_Solid
from OCP.gce import gce_MakeLin
from OCP.gp import gp_Pnt, gp_Vec
from build123d.build_enums import CenterOf, GeomType, Keep, SortBy, Transition
from build123d.geometry import (
from typing_extensions import Self
from .one_d import Mixin1D, Edge, Wire
from .shape_core import (
from .utils import (
from .zero_d import Vertex
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from .three_d import Solid # pylint: disable=R0801
from .composite import Compound, Curve, Sketch, Part # pylint: disable=R0801
class Mixin2D(Shape):
"""Additional methods to add to Face and Shell class"""
project_to_viewport = Mixin1D.project_to_viewport
split = Mixin1D.split
vertices = Mixin1D.vertices
vertex = Mixin1D.vertex
edges = Mixin1D.edges
edge = Mixin1D.edge
wires = Mixin1D.wires
# ---- Properties ----
def _dim(self) -> int:
"""Dimension of Faces and Shells"""
return 2
# ---- Class Methods ----
def cast(cls, obj: TopoDS_Shape) -> Vertex | Edge | Wire | Face | Shell:
"Returns the right type of wrapper, given a OCCT object"
# define the shape lookup table for casting
constructor_lut = {
ta.TopAbs_VERTEX: Vertex,
ta.TopAbs_EDGE: Edge,
ta.TopAbs_WIRE: Wire,
ta.TopAbs_FACE: Face,
ta.TopAbs_SHELL: Shell,
shape_type = shapetype(obj)
# NB downcast is needed to handle TopoDS_Shape types
return constructor_lut[shape_type](downcast(obj))
def extrude(
cls, obj: Shape, direction: VectorLike
) -> Edge | Face | Shell | Solid | Compound:
"""Unused - only here because Mixin1D is a subclass of Shape"""
return NotImplemented
# ---- Instance Methods ----
def __neg__(self) -> Self:
"""Reverse normal operator -"""
if self.wrapped is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid Shape")
new_surface = copy.deepcopy(self)
new_surface.wrapped = downcast(self.wrapped.Complemented())
return new_surface
def face(self) -> Face | None:
"""Return the Face"""
return Shape.get_single_shape(self, "Face")
def faces(self) -> ShapeList[Face]:
"""faces - all the faces in this Shape"""
return Shape.get_shape_list(self, "Face")
def find_intersection_points(
self, other: Axis, tolerance: float = TOLERANCE
) -> list[tuple[Vector, Vector]]:
"""Find point and normal at intersection
Return both the point(s) and normal(s) of the intersection of the axis and the shape
axis (Axis): axis defining the intersection line
list[tuple[Vector, Vector]]: Point and normal of intersection
if self.wrapped is None:
return []
intersection_line = gce_MakeLin(other.wrapped).Value()
intersect_maker = BRepIntCurveSurface_Inter()
intersect_maker.Init(self.wrapped, intersection_line, tolerance)
intersections = []
while intersect_maker.More():
inter_pt = intersect_maker.Pnt()
# Calculate distance along axis
distance = other.to_plane().to_local_coords(Vector(inter_pt)).Z
intersect_maker.Face(), # TopoDS_Face
intersections.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
intersecting_faces = [i[0] for i in intersections]
intersecting_points = [i[1] for i in intersections]
intersecting_normals = [
_topods_face_normal_at(f, intersecting_points[i].to_pnt())
for i, f in enumerate(intersecting_faces)
result = []
for pnt, normal in zip(intersecting_points, intersecting_normals):
result.append((pnt, normal))
return result
def offset(self, amount: float) -> Self:
"""Return a copy of self moved along the normal by amount"""
return copy.deepcopy(self).moved(Location(self.normal_at() * amount))
def shell(self) -> Shell | None:
"""Return the Shell"""
return Shape.get_single_shape(self, "Shell")
def shells(self) -> ShapeList[Shell]:
"""shells - all the shells in this Shape"""
return Shape.get_shape_list(self, "Shell")
class Face(Mixin2D, Shape[TopoDS_Face]):
"""A Face in build123d represents a 3D bounded surface within the topological data
structure. It encapsulates geometric information, defining a face of a 3D shape.
These faces are integral components of complex structures, such as solids and
shells. Face enables precise modeling and manipulation of surfaces, supporting
operations like trimming, filleting, and Boolean operations."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
order = 2.0
# ---- Constructor ----
def __init__(
obj: TopoDS_Face,
label: str = "",
color: Color | None = None,
parent: Compound | None = None,
"""Build a Face from an OCCT TopoDS_Shape/TopoDS_Face
obj (TopoDS_Shape, optional): OCCT Face.
label (str, optional): Defaults to ''.
color (Color, optional): Defaults to None.
parent (Compound, optional): assembly parent. Defaults to None.
def __init__(
outer_wire: Wire,
inner_wires: Iterable[Wire] | None = None,
label: str = "",
color: Color | None = None,
parent: Compound | None = None,
"""Build a planar Face from a boundary Wire with optional hole Wires.
outer_wire (Wire): closed perimeter wire
inner_wires (Iterable[Wire], optional): holes. Defaults to None.
label (str, optional): Defaults to ''.
color (Color, optional): Defaults to None.
parent (Compound, optional): assembly parent. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
outer_wire, inner_wires, obj, label, color, parent = (None,) * 6
if args:
l_a = len(args)
if isinstance(args[0], TopoDS_Shape):
obj, label, color, parent = args[:4] + (None,) * (4 - l_a)
elif isinstance(args[0], Wire):
outer_wire, inner_wires, label, color, parent = args[:5] + (None,) * (
5 - l_a
unknown_args = ", ".join(
if unknown_args:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument(s) {unknown_args}")
obj = kwargs.get("obj", obj)
outer_wire = kwargs.get("outer_wire", outer_wire)
inner_wires = kwargs.get("inner_wires", inner_wires)
label = kwargs.get("label", label)
color = kwargs.get("color", color)
parent = kwargs.get("parent", parent)
if outer_wire is not None:
inner_topods_wires = (
[w.wrapped for w in inner_wires] if inner_wires is not None else []
obj = _make_topods_face_from_wires(outer_wire.wrapped, inner_topods_wires)
label="" if label is None else label,
# Faces can optionally record the plane it was created on for later extrusion
self.created_on: Plane | None = None
# ---- Properties ----
def area_without_holes(self) -> float:
Calculate the total surface area of the face, including the areas of any holes.
This property returns the overall area of the face as if the inner boundaries (holes)
were filled in.
float: The total surface area, including the area of holes. Returns 0.0 if
the face is empty.
if self.wrapped is None:
return 0.0
return self.without_holes().area
def axes_of_symmetry(self) -> list[Axis]:
"""Computes and returns the axes of symmetry for a planar face.
The method determines potential symmetry axes by analyzing the face’s
- It first validates that the face is non-empty and planar.
- For faces with inner wires (holes), it computes the centroid of the
holes and the face's overall center (COG).
If the holes' centroid significantly deviates from the COG (beyond
a specified tolerance), the symmetry axis is taken along the line
connecting these points; otherwise, each hole’s center is used to
generate a candidate axis.
- For faces without holes, candidate directions are derived by sampling
midpoints along the outer wire's edges.
If curved edges are present, additional candidate directions are
obtained from an oriented bounding box (OBB) constructed around the
For each candidate direction, the face is split by a plane (defined
using the candidate direction and the face’s normal). The top half of the face
is then mirrored across this plane, and if the area of the intersection between
the mirrored half and the bottom half matches the bottom half’s area within a
small tolerance, the direction is accepted as an axis of symmetry.
list[Axis]: A list of Axis objects, each defined by the face's
center and a direction vector, representing the symmetry axes of
the face.
ValueError: If the face or its underlying representation is empty.
ValueError: If the face is not planar.
if self.wrapped is None:
raise ValueError("Can't determine axes_of_symmetry of empty face")
if not self.is_planar_face:
raise ValueError("axes_of_symmetry only supports for planar faces")
cog = self.center()
normal = self.normal_at()
shape_inner_wires = self.inner_wires()
if shape_inner_wires:
hole_faces = [Face(w) for w in shape_inner_wires]
holes_centroid = Face.combined_center(hole_faces)
# If the holes aren't centered on the cog the axis of symmetry must be
# through the cog and hole centroid
if abs(holes_centroid - cog) > TOLERANCE:
cross_dirs = [(holes_centroid - cog).normalized()]
# There may be an axis of symmetry through the center of the holes
cross_dirs = [(f.center() - cog).normalized() for f in hole_faces]
curved_edges = (
self.outer_wire().edges().filter_by(GeomType.LINE, reverse=True)
shape_edges = self.outer_wire().edges()
if curved_edges:
obb = OrientedBoundBox(self)
corners = obb.corners
obb_edges = ShapeList(
[Edge.make_line(corners[i], corners[(i + 1) % 4]) for i in range(4)]
mid_points = [
e @ p for e in shape_edges + obb_edges for p in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
mid_points = [e @ p for e in shape_edges for p in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]]
cross_dirs = [(mid_point - cog).normalized() for mid_point in mid_points]
symmetry_dirs: set[Vector] = set()
for cross_dir in cross_dirs:
# Split the face by the potential axis and flip the top
split_plane = Plane(
top, bottom = self.split(split_plane, keep=Keep.BOTH)
top_flipped = top.mirror(split_plane)
# Are the top/bottom the same?
if abs(bottom.intersect(top_flipped).area - bottom.area) < TOLERANCE:
# If this axis isn't in the set already add it
if not symmetry_dirs:
opposite = any(
d.dot(cross_dir) < -1 + TOLERANCE for d in symmetry_dirs
if not opposite:
symmetry_axes = [Axis(cog, d) for d in symmetry_dirs]
return symmetry_axes
def center_location(self) -> Location:
"""Location at the center of face"""
origin = self.position_at(0.5, 0.5)
return Plane(origin, z_dir=self.normal_at(origin)).location
def geometry(self) -> None | str:
"""geometry of planar face"""
result = None
if self.is_planar:
flat_face: Face = Plane(self).to_local_coords(self)
flat_face_edges = flat_face.edges()
if all(e.geom_type == GeomType.LINE for e in flat_face_edges):
flat_face_vertices = flat_face.vertices()
result = "POLYGON"
if len(flat_face_edges) == 4:
edge_pairs: list[list[Edge]] = []
for vertex in flat_face_vertices:
[e for e in flat_face_edges if vertex in e.vertices()]
edge_pair_directions = [
[edge.tangent_at(0) for edge in pair] for pair in edge_pairs
if all(
edge_directions[0].get_angle(edge_directions[1]) == 90
for edge_directions in edge_pair_directions
result = "RECTANGLE"
if len(flat_face_edges.group_by(SortBy.LENGTH)) == 1:
result = "SQUARE"
return result
def is_planar(self) -> bool:
"""Is the face planar even though its geom_type may not be PLANE"""
return self.is_planar_face
def length(self) -> None | float:
"""length of planar face"""
result = None
if self.is_planar:
# Reposition on Plane.XY
flat_face = Plane(self).to_local_coords(self)
face_vertices = flat_face.vertices().sort_by(Axis.X)
result = face_vertices[-1].X - face_vertices[0].X
return result
def volume(self) -> float:
"""volume - the volume of this Face, which is always zero"""
return 0.0
def width(self) -> None | float:
"""width of planar face"""
result = None
if self.is_planar:
# Reposition on Plane.XY
flat_face = Plane(self).to_local_coords(self)
face_vertices = flat_face.vertices().sort_by(Axis.Y)
result = face_vertices[-1].Y - face_vertices[0].Y
return result
# ---- Class Methods ----
def extrude(cls, obj: Edge, direction: VectorLike) -> Face:
Extrude an Edge into a Face.
direction (VectorLike): direction and magnitude of extrusion
ValueError: Unsupported class
RuntimeError: Generated invalid result
Face: extruded shape
return Face(TopoDS.Face_s(_extrude_topods_shape(obj.wrapped, direction)))
def make_bezier_surface(
points: list[list[VectorLike]],
weights: list[list[float]] | None = None,
) -> Face:
Construct a Bézier surface from the provided 2d array of points.
points (list[list[VectorLike]]): a 2D list of control points
weights (list[list[float]], optional): control point weights. Defaults to None.
ValueError: Too few control points
ValueError: Too many control points
ValueError: A weight is required for each control point
Face: a potentially non-planar face
if len(points) < 2 or len(points[0]) < 2:
raise ValueError(
"At least two control points must be provided (start, end)"
if len(points) > 25 or len(points[0]) > 25:
raise ValueError("The maximum number of control points is 25")
if weights and (
len(points) != len(weights) or len(points[0]) != len(weights[0])
raise ValueError("A weight must be provided for each control point")
points_ = TColgp_HArray2OfPnt(1, len(points), 1, len(points[0]))
for i, row_points in enumerate(points):
for j, point in enumerate(row_points):
points_.SetValue(i + 1, j + 1, Vector(point).to_pnt())
if weights:
weights_ = TColStd_HArray2OfReal(1, len(weights), 1, len(weights[0]))
for i, row_weights in enumerate(weights):
for j, weight in enumerate(row_weights):
weights_.SetValue(i + 1, j + 1, float(weight))
bezier = Geom_BezierSurface(points_, weights_)
bezier = Geom_BezierSurface(points_)
return cls(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(bezier, Precision.Confusion_s()).Face())
def make_plane(
plane: Plane = Plane.XY,
) -> Face:
"""Create a unlimited size Face aligned with plane"""
pln_shape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane.wrapped).Face()
return cls(pln_shape)
def make_rect(cls, width: float, height: float, plane: Plane = Plane.XY) -> Face:
Make a Rectangle centered on center with the given normal
width (float, optional): width (local x).
height (float, optional): height (local y).
plane (Plane, optional): base plane. Defaults to Plane.XY.
Face: The centered rectangle
pln_shape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(
plane.wrapped, -width * 0.5, width * 0.5, -height * 0.5, height * 0.5
return cls(pln_shape)
def make_surface(
exterior: Wire | Iterable[Edge],
surface_points: Iterable[VectorLike] | None = None,
interior_wires: Iterable[Wire] | None = None,
) -> Face:
"""Create Non-Planar Face
Create a potentially non-planar face bounded by exterior (wire or edges),
optionally refined by surface_points with optional holes defined by
exterior (Union[Wire, list[Edge]]): Perimeter of face
surface_points (list[VectorLike], optional): Points on the surface that
refine the shape. Defaults to None.
interior_wires (list[Wire], optional): Hole(s) in the face. Defaults to None.
RuntimeError: Internal error building face
RuntimeError: Error building non-planar face with provided surface_points
RuntimeError: Error adding interior hole
RuntimeError: Generated face is invalid
Face: Potentially non-planar face
exterior = list(exterior) if isinstance(exterior, Iterable) else exterior
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if surface_points:
surface_point_vectors = [Vector(p) for p in surface_points]
surface_point_vectors = None
# First, create the non-planar surface
surface = BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFilling(
# order of energy criterion to minimize for computing the deformation of the surface
# average number of points for discretisation of the edges
# the maximum distance allowed between the support surface and the constraints
# the maximum distance allowed between the support surface and the constraints
# the maximum angle allowed between the normal of the surface and the constraints
# the maximum difference of curvature allowed between the surface and the constraint
# the highest degree which the polynomial defining the filling surface can have
# the greatest number of segments which the filling surface can have
if isinstance(exterior, Wire):
outside_edges = exterior.edges()
elif isinstance(exterior, Iterable) and all(
isinstance(o, Edge) for o in exterior
outside_edges = ShapeList(exterior)
raise ValueError("exterior must be a Wire or list of Edges")
for edge in outside_edges:
surface.Add(edge.wrapped, GeomAbs_C0)
surface_face = Face(surface.Shape())
except (
) as err:
raise RuntimeError(
"Error building non-planar face with provided exterior"
) from err
if surface_point_vectors:
for point in surface_point_vectors:
surface_face = Face(surface.Shape())
except StdFail_NotDone as err:
raise RuntimeError(
"Error building non-planar face with provided surface_points"
) from err
# Next, add wires that define interior holes - note these wires must be entirely interior
if interior_wires:
makeface_object = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(surface_face.wrapped)
for wire in interior_wires:
surface_face = Face(makeface_object.Face())
except StdFail_NotDone as err:
raise RuntimeError(
"Error adding interior hole in non-planar face with provided interior_wires"
) from err
surface_face = surface_face.fix()
if not surface_face.is_valid():
raise RuntimeError("non planar face is invalid")
return surface_face
def make_surface_from_array_of_points(
points: list[list[VectorLike]],
tol: float = 1e-2,
smoothing: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None,
min_deg: int = 1,
max_deg: int = 3,
) -> Face:
Approximate a spline surface through the provided 2d array of points.
The first dimension correspond to points on the vertical direction in the parameter
space of the face. The second dimension correspond to points on the horizontal
direction in the parameter space of the face. The 2 dimensions are U,V dimensions
of the parameter space of the face.
points (list[list[VectorLike]]): a 2D list of points, first dimension is V
parameters second is U parameters.
tol (float, optional): tolerance of the algorithm. Defaults to 1e-2.
smoothing (Tuple[float, float, float], optional): optional tuple of
3 weights use for variational smoothing. Defaults to None.
min_deg (int, optional): minimum spline degree. Enforced only when
smoothing is None. Defaults to 1.
max_deg (int, optional): maximum spline degree. Defaults to 3.
ValueError: B-spline approximation failed
Face: a potentially non-planar face defined by points
points_ = TColgp_HArray2OfPnt(1, len(points), 1, len(points[0]))
for i, point_row in enumerate(points):
for j, point in enumerate(point_row):
points_.SetValue(i + 1, j + 1, Vector(point).to_pnt())
if smoothing:
spline_builder = GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(
points_, *smoothing, DegMax=max_deg, Tol3D=tol
spline_builder = GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(
points_, DegMin=min_deg, DegMax=max_deg, Tol3D=tol
if not spline_builder.IsDone():
raise ValueError("B-spline approximation failed")
spline_geom = spline_builder.Surface()
return cls(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(spline_geom, Precision.Confusion_s()).Face())
def make_surface_from_curves(
cls, edge1: Edge, edge2: Edge
) -> Face: # pragma: no cover
def make_surface_from_curves(
cls, wire1: Wire, wire2: Wire
) -> Face: # pragma: no cover
def make_surface_from_curves(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Face:
Create a ruled surface out of two edges or two wires. If wires are used then
these must have the same number of edges.
curve1 (Union[Edge,Wire]): side of surface
curve2 (Union[Edge,Wire]): opposite side of surface
Face: potentially non planar surface
curve1, curve2 = None, None
if args:
if len(args) != 2 or type(args[0]) is not type(args[1]):
raise TypeError(
"Both curves must be of the same type (both Edge or both Wire)."
curve1, curve2 = args
curve1 = kwargs.pop("edge1", curve1)
curve2 = kwargs.pop("edge2", curve2)
curve1 = kwargs.pop("wire1", curve1)
curve2 = kwargs.pop("wire2", curve2)
# Handle unexpected kwargs
if kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument(s): {', '.join(kwargs.keys())}")
if not isinstance(curve1, (Edge, Wire)) or not isinstance(curve2, (Edge, Wire)):
raise TypeError(
"Both curves must be of the same type (both Edge or both Wire)."
if isinstance(curve1, Wire):
return_value = cls.cast(BRepFill.Shell_s(curve1.wrapped, curve2.wrapped))
return_value = cls.cast(BRepFill.Face_s(curve1.wrapped, curve2.wrapped))
return return_value
def sew_faces(cls, faces: Iterable[Face]) -> list[ShapeList[Face]]:
"""sew faces
Group contiguous faces and return them in a list of ShapeList
faces (Iterable[Face]): Faces to sew together
RuntimeError: OCCT SewedShape generated unexpected output
list[ShapeList[Face]]: grouped contiguous faces
# Sew the faces
sewed_shape = _sew_topods_faces([f.wrapped for f in faces])
top_level_shapes = get_top_level_topods_shapes(sewed_shape)
sewn_faces: list[ShapeList] = []
# For each of the top level shapes create a ShapeList of Face
for top_level_shape in top_level_shapes:
if isinstance(top_level_shape, TopoDS_Face):
elif isinstance(top_level_shape, TopoDS_Shell):
elif isinstance(top_level_shape, TopoDS_Solid):
Face(f) for f in _topods_entities(top_level_shape, "Face")
raise RuntimeError(
f"SewedShape returned a {type(top_level_shape)} which was unexpected"
return sewn_faces
def sweep(
profile: Curve | Edge | Wire,
path: Curve | Edge | Wire,
) -> Face:
Sweep a 1D profile along a 1D path. Both the profile and path must be composed
of only 1 Edge.
profile (Union[Curve,Edge,Wire]): the object to sweep
path (Union[Curve,Edge,Wire]): the path to follow when sweeping
transition (Transition, optional): handling of profile orientation at C1 path
discontinuities. Defaults to Transition.TRANSFORMED.
ValueError: Only 1 Edge allowed in profile & path
Face: resulting face, may be non-planar
# Note: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe is an option here
# pipe_sweep = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe(path.wrapped, profile.wrapped)
# pipe_sweep.Build()
# return Face(pipe_sweep.Shape())
if len(profile.edges()) != 1 or len(path.edges()) != 1:
raise ValueError("Use Shell.sweep for multi Edge objects")
profile = Wire([profile.edge()])
path = Wire([path.edge()])
builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(path.wrapped)
builder.Add(profile.wrapped, False, False)
result = Face(builder.Shape())
if SkipClean.clean:
result = result.clean()
return result
# ---- Instance Methods ----
def center(self, center_of: CenterOf = CenterOf.GEOMETRY) -> Vector:
"""Center of Face
Return the center based on center_of
center_of (CenterOf, optional): centering option. Defaults to CenterOf.GEOMETRY.
Vector: center
if (center_of == CenterOf.MASS) or (
center_of == CenterOf.GEOMETRY and self.is_planar
properties = GProp_GProps()
BRepGProp.SurfaceProperties_s(self.wrapped, properties)
center_point = properties.CentreOfMass()
elif center_of == CenterOf.BOUNDING_BOX:
center_point = self.bounding_box().center()
elif center_of == CenterOf.GEOMETRY:
u_val0, u_val1, v_val0, v_val1 = self._uv_bounds()
u_val = 0.5 * (u_val0 + u_val1)
v_val = 0.5 * (v_val0 + v_val1)
center_point = gp_Pnt()
normal = gp_Vec()
BRepGProp_Face(self.wrapped).Normal(u_val, v_val, center_point, normal)
return Vector(center_point)
def chamfer_2d(
distance: float,
distance2: float,
vertices: Iterable[Vertex],
edge: Edge | None = None,
) -> Face:
"""Apply 2D chamfer to a face
distance (float): chamfer length
distance2 (float): chamfer length
vertices (Iterable[Vertex]): vertices to chamfer
edge (Edge): identifies the side where length is measured. The vertices must be
part of the edge
ValueError: Cannot chamfer at this location
ValueError: One or more vertices are not part of edge
Face: face with a chamfered corner(s)
reference_edge = edge
chamfer_builder = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d(self.wrapped)
vertex_edge_map = TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape()
self.wrapped, ta.TopAbs_VERTEX, ta.TopAbs_EDGE, vertex_edge_map
for v in vertices:
edge_list = vertex_edge_map.FindFromKey(v.wrapped)
# Index or iterator access to OCP.TopTools.TopTools_ListOfShape is slow on M1 macs
# Using First() and Last() to omit
edges = (Edge(edge_list.First()), Edge(edge_list.Last()))
edge1, edge2 = Wire.order_chamfer_edges(reference_edge, edges)
return self.__class__.cast(chamfer_builder.Shape()).fix()
def fillet_2d(self, radius: float, vertices: Iterable[Vertex]) -> Face:
"""Apply 2D fillet to a face
radius: float:
vertices: Iterable[Vertex]:
fillet_builder = BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d(self.wrapped)
for vertex in vertices:
fillet_builder.AddFillet(vertex.wrapped, radius)
return self.__class__.cast(fillet_builder.Shape())
def geom_adaptor(self) -> Geom_Surface:
"""Return the Geom Surface for this Face"""
return BRep_Tool.Surface_s(self.wrapped)
def inner_wires(self) -> ShapeList[Wire]:
"""Extract the inner or hole wires from this Face"""
outer = self.outer_wire()
return ShapeList([w for w in self.wires() if not w.is_same(outer)])
def is_coplanar(self, plane: Plane) -> bool:
"""Is this planar face coplanar with the provided plane"""
u_val0, _u_val1, v_val0, _v_val1 = self._uv_bounds()
gp_pnt = gp_Pnt()
normal = gp_Vec()
BRepGProp_Face(self.wrapped).Normal(u_val0, v_val0, gp_pnt, normal)
return (
and 1 - abs(plane.z_dir.dot(Vector(normal))) < TOLERANCE
def is_inside(self, point: VectorLike, tolerance: float = 1.0e-6) -> bool:
"""Point inside Face
Returns whether or not the point is inside a Face within the specified tolerance.
Points on the edge of the Face are considered inside.
point(VectorLike): tuple or Vector representing 3D point to be tested
tolerance(float): tolerance for inside determination. Defaults to 1.0e-6.
point: VectorLike:
tolerance: float: (Default value = 1.0e-6)
bool: indicating whether or not point is within Face
solid_classifier = BRepClass3d_SolidClassifier(self.wrapped)
solid_classifier.Perform(gp_Pnt(*Vector(point).to_tuple()), tolerance)
return solid_classifier.IsOnAFace()
# surface = BRep_Tool.Surface_s(self.wrapped)
# projector = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf(Vector(point).to_pnt(), surface)
# return projector.LowerDistance() <= TOLERANCE
def location_at(
self, u: float, v: float, x_dir: VectorLike | None = None
) -> Location:
"""Location at the u/v position of face"""
origin = self.position_at(u, v)
if x_dir is None:
pln = Plane(origin, z_dir=self.normal_at(origin))
pln = Plane(origin, x_dir=Vector(x_dir), z_dir=self.normal_at(origin))
return Location(pln)
def make_holes(self, interior_wires: list[Wire]) -> Face:
"""Make Holes in Face
Create holes in the Face 'self' from interior_wires which must be entirely interior.
Note that making holes in faces is more efficient than using boolean operations
with solid object. Also note that OCCT core may fail unless the orientation of the wire
is correct - use `Wire(forward_wire.wrapped.Reversed())` to reverse a wire.
For example, make a series of slots on the curved walls of a cylinder.
.. image:: slotted_cylinder.png
interior_wires: a list of hole outline wires
interior_wires: list[Wire]:
Face: 'self' with holes
RuntimeError: adding interior hole in non-planar face with provided interior_wires
RuntimeError: resulting face is not valid
# Add wires that define interior holes - note these wires must be entirely interior
makeface_object = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(self.wrapped)
for interior_wire in interior_wires:
surface_face = Face(makeface_object.Face())
except StdFail_NotDone as err:
raise RuntimeError(
"Error adding interior hole in non-planar face with provided interior_wires"
) from err
surface_face = surface_face.fix()
# if not surface_face.is_valid():
# raise RuntimeError("non planar face is invalid")
return surface_face
def normal_at(self, surface_point: VectorLike | None = None) -> Vector:
"""normal_at point on surface
surface_point (VectorLike, optional): a point that lies on the surface where
the normal. Defaults to the center (None).
Vector: surface normal direction
def normal_at(self, u: float, v: float) -> Vector:
"""normal_at u, v values on Face
u (float): the horizontal coordinate in the parameter space of the Face,
between 0.0 and 1.0
v (float): the vertical coordinate in the parameter space of the Face,
between 0.0 and 1.0
Defaults to the center (None/None)
ValueError: Either neither or both u v values must be provided
Vector: surface normal direction
def normal_at(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Vector:
Computes the normal vector at the desired location on the face.
surface_point (VectorLike, optional): a point that lies on the surface where the normal.
Defaults to None.
Vector: surface normal direction
surface_point, u, v = None, -1.0, -1.0
if args:
if isinstance(args[0], Sequence):
surface_point = args[0]
elif isinstance(args[0], (int, float)):
u = args[0]
if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], (int, float)):
v = args[1]
unknown_args = ", ".join(
set(kwargs.keys()).difference(["surface_point", "u", "v"])
if unknown_args:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument(s) {unknown_args}")
surface_point = kwargs.get("surface_point", surface_point)
u = kwargs.get("u", u)
v = kwargs.get("v", v)
if surface_point is None and u < 0 and v < 0:
u, v = 0.5, 0.5
elif surface_point is None and sum(i == -1.0 for i in [u, v]) == 1:
raise ValueError("Both u & v values must be specified")
# get the geometry
surface = self.geom_adaptor()
if surface_point is None:
u_val0, u_val1, v_val0, v_val1 = self._uv_bounds()
u_val = u * (u_val0 + u_val1)
v_val = v * (v_val0 + v_val1)
# project point on surface
projector = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf(
Vector(surface_point).to_pnt(), surface
u_val, v_val = projector.LowerDistanceParameters()
gp_pnt = gp_Pnt()
normal = gp_Vec()
BRepGProp_Face(self.wrapped).Normal(u_val, v_val, gp_pnt, normal)
return Vector(normal).normalized()
def outer_wire(self) -> Wire:
"""Extract the perimeter wire from this Face"""
return Wire(BRepTools.OuterWire_s(self.wrapped))
def position_at(self, u: float, v: float) -> Vector:
Computes a point on the Face given u, v coordinates.
u (float): the horizontal coordinate in the parameter space of the Face,
between 0.0 and 1.0
v (float): the vertical coordinate in the parameter space of the Face,
between 0.0 and 1.0
Vector: point on Face
u_val0, u_val1, v_val0, v_val1 = self._uv_bounds()
u_val = u_val0 + u * (u_val1 - u_val0)
v_val = v_val0 + v * (v_val1 - v_val0)
gp_pnt = gp_Pnt()
normal = gp_Vec()
BRepGProp_Face(self.wrapped).Normal(u_val, v_val, gp_pnt, normal)
return Vector(gp_pnt)
def project_to_shape(
self, target_object: Shape, direction: VectorLike
) -> ShapeList[Face | Shell]:
"""Project Face to target Object
Project a Face onto a Shape generating new Face(s) on the surfaces of the object.
A projection with no taper is illustrated below:
.. image:: flatProjection.png
:alt: flatProjection
Note that an array of faces is returned as the projection might result in faces
on the "front" and "back" of the object (or even more if there are intermediate
surfaces in the projection path). faces "behind" the projection are not
target_object (Shape): Object to project onto
direction (VectorLike): projection direction
ShapeList[Face]: Face(s) projected on target object ordered by distance
max_dimension = find_max_dimension([self, target_object])
extruded_topods_self = _extrude_topods_shape(
self.wrapped, Vector(direction) * max_dimension
intersected_shapes: ShapeList[Face | Shell] = ShapeList()
if isinstance(target_object, Vertex):
raise TypeError("projection to a vertex is not supported")
if isinstance(target_object, Face):
topods_shape = _topods_bool_op(
(extruded_topods_self,), (target_object.wrapped,), BRepAlgoAPI_Common()
if not topods_shape.IsNull():
for target_shell in target_object.shells():
topods_shape = _topods_bool_op(
for topods_shell in get_top_level_topods_shapes(topods_shape):
intersected_shapes = intersected_shapes.sort_by(Axis(self.center(), direction))
projected_shapes: ShapeList[Face | Shell] = ShapeList()
for shape in intersected_shapes:
if len(shape.faces()) == 1:
shape_face = shape.face()
if shape_face is not None:
return projected_shapes
def to_arcs(self, tolerance: float = 1e-3) -> Face:
Approximate planar face with arcs and straight line segments.
tolerance (float, optional): Approximation tolerance. Defaults to 1e-3.
Face: approximated face
if self.wrapped is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot approximate an empty shape")
return self.__class__.cast(BRepAlgo.ConvertFace_s(self.wrapped, tolerance))
def without_holes(self) -> Face:
Remove all of the holes from this face.
Face: A new Face instance identical to the original but without any holes.
if self.wrapped is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot remove holes from an empty face")
if not (inner_wires := self.inner_wires()):
return self
holeless = copy.deepcopy(self)
reshaper = BRepTools_ReShape()
for hole_wire in inner_wires:
modified_shape = downcast(reshaper.Apply(self.wrapped))
holeless.wrapped = modified_shape
return holeless
def wire(self) -> Wire:
"""Return the outerwire, generate a warning if inner_wires present"""
if self.inner_wires():
"Found holes, returning outer_wire",
return self.outer_wire()
def _uv_bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
"""Return the u min, u max, v min, v max values"""
return BRepTools.UVBounds_s(self.wrapped)
class Shell(Mixin2D, Shape[TopoDS_Shell]):
"""A Shell is a fundamental component in build123d's topological data structure
representing a connected set of faces forming a closed surface in 3D space. As
part of a geometric model, it defines a watertight enclosure, commonly encountered
in solid modeling. Shells group faces in a coherent manner, playing a crucial role
in representing complex shapes with voids and surfaces. This hierarchical structure
allows for efficient handling of surfaces within a model, supporting various
operations and analyses."""
order = 2.5
# ---- Constructor ----
def __init__(
obj: TopoDS_Shell | Face | Iterable[Face] | None = None,
label: str = "",
color: Color | None = None,
parent: Compound | None = None,
"""Build a shell from an OCCT TopoDS_Shape/TopoDS_Shell
obj (TopoDS_Shape | Face | Iterable[Face], optional): OCCT Shell, Face or Faces.
label (str, optional): Defaults to ''.
color (Color, optional): Defaults to None.
parent (Compound, optional): assembly parent. Defaults to None.
obj = list(obj) if isinstance(obj, Iterable) else obj
if isinstance(obj, Iterable) and len(obj_list := list(obj)) == 1:
obj = obj_list[0]
if isinstance(obj, Face):
builder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell(
obj = builder.Shape()
elif isinstance(obj, Iterable):
obj = _sew_topods_faces([f.wrapped for f in obj])
# ---- Properties ----
def volume(self) -> float:
"""volume - the volume of this Shell if manifold, otherwise zero"""
if self.is_manifold:
solid_shell = ShapeFix_Solid().SolidFromShell(self.wrapped)
properties = GProp_GProps()
calc_function = Shape.shape_properties_LUT[shapetype(solid_shell)]
calc_function(solid_shell, properties)
return properties.Mass()
return 0.0
# ---- Class Methods ----
def extrude(cls, obj: Wire, direction: VectorLike) -> Shell:
Extrude a Wire into a Shell.
direction (VectorLike): direction and magnitude of extrusion
ValueError: Unsupported class
RuntimeError: Generated invalid result
Edge: extruded shape
return Shell(TopoDS.Shell_s(_extrude_topods_shape(obj.wrapped, direction)))
def make_loft(cls, objs: Iterable[Vertex | Wire], ruled: bool = False) -> Shell:
"""make loft
Makes a loft from a list of wires and vertices. Vertices can appear only at the
beginning or end of the list, but cannot appear consecutively within the list nor
between wires. Wires may be closed or opened.
objs (list[Vertex, Wire]): wire perimeters or vertices
ruled (bool, optional): stepped or smooth. Defaults to False (smooth).
ValueError: Too few wires
Shell: Lofted object
return cls(_make_loft(objs, False, ruled))
def sweep(
profile: Curve | Edge | Wire,
path: Curve | Edge | Wire,
) -> Shell:
Sweep a 1D profile along a 1D path
profile (Union[Curve, Edge, Wire]): the object to sweep
path (Union[Curve, Edge, Wire]): the path to follow when sweeping
transition (Transition, optional): handling of profile orientation at C1 path
discontinuities. Defaults to Transition.TRANSFORMED.
Shell: resulting Shell, may be non-planar
profile = Wire(profile.edges())
path = Wire(Wire(path.edges()).order_edges())
builder = BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(path.wrapped)
builder.Add(profile.wrapped, False, False)
result = Shell(builder.Shape())
if SkipClean.clean:
result = result.clean()
return result
# ---- Instance Methods ----
def center(self) -> Vector:
"""Center of mass of the shell"""
properties = GProp_GProps()
BRepGProp.LinearProperties_s(self.wrapped, properties)
return Vector(properties.CentreOfMass())
def sort_wires_by_build_order(wire_list: list[Wire]) -> list[list[Wire]]:
"""Tries to determine how wires should be combined into faces.
The wires make up one or more faces, which could have 'holes'
Outer wires are listed ahead of inner wires
there are no wires inside wires inside wires
( IE, islands -- we can deal with that later on )
none of the wires are construction wires
one or more sets of wires, with the outer wire listed first, and inner
Returns, list of lists.
wire_list: list[Wire]:
# check if we have something to sort at all
if len(wire_list) < 2:
return [
# make a Face, NB: this might return a compound of faces
faces = Face(wire_list[0], wire_list[1:])
return_value = []
for face in faces.faces():
+ face.inner_wires()
return return_value